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File: Silica-Dust-1-scaled.jpg (391 KB, 2560x1821)
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I had to grind back some old concrete. Wore a mask but obviously not the correct one because dust was behind it and I had breathed some in. It was outdoors but I was exposed for about 2-3 hours. Can you develop Silicosis after one time exposure?
Someone with chatgpt help this man
yes, you will now get lung cancer
>Chronic silicosis: This usually happens when you’ve been exposed to breathable dust for more than 10 years.
>Subacute silicosis: This type, also called accelerated silicosis, happens over a shorter period of time, like two to five years. Even though the time is shorter, your exposure is heavier.
>Acute silicosis: You can get this type by having intense exposure to particles made up of a large percentage of silica over a period of time that is as short as several months.
>This is a progressive disease that normally takes 10–30 years after first exposure to develop.
You’ll be fine, but in the future make sure you understand your safety equipment better.
You'll be fine, I did concrete foundation repairs without a mask for like 2 years and had concrete boogers every single day

I run a sub 3 hour marathon

That said, I did quit that shit because I thought I was pushing my luck. Why no mask? Rednecks are bad people. That's why.

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