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Imagine being the most intelligent person, the best at mathematics, doing university level calculus before the age of 10, now if you were this person, what would be your number 1 goal in life, your number one dream, the thing that you found the most mesmerizing, the most important, especially being the greatest mathematican ever?
The thing that you would find to be the most important in life is whether or not there are infinitely many 3s and 5s.

This is clearly the question of our time, and definitley not a waste of intelligence, talent, time, and priorities.
Actually it's the Collatz conjecture which is Tao's number one goal, he just hides it.
not that this is any of your business, anyway.
Yea, definitley doesn't make you a retard to think that this is the #1 most important thing to be focused on mathematically
I'd spend the rest of my life trying to write an authentic proof that there are arbitrarily long prime APs.
Yea, imagine being on your deathbed, and you spent your whole life trying to figure out whether or not there are an infinite amount of 3 and 5s, I guess if pridefully wasting your whole life, talent, and intelligence, on something so trivial, and pointless, if that's what makes you happy, so be it
Watch Memento and ask yourself who put 3s and 5s in your crosshairs.
I mean, whatever gets you into the history books right? Hell I'd get rejected from artschool and invade Poland if it meant people would remember my name forever.
It would be easier to just change your name to be the same as a famous person.
I'm sure the person who solves the 3, 5 conjecture, will certainly have the same nortoriety as the person who invades poland. Because just like how 99+% of people know about the poland invasion, I'm sure 99+% also know about the 3, 5 problem, the problem of our time of course
No of course, but even better the smartest people in the world will know you solved the 3-5 conjecture, and from there you can gloat over the people who gloat over brainlets, which would be extremely satisfying.
That is true, but you can gloat over them over the fact that they genuinely think the 3,5 problem is an important thing to waste so much time and effort on whilst being so retarded by thinking that it's actually important and that you're not just wasting all of your god-given intelligence and talent
True, but it's not so much that the 3-5 problem is important, but that only a small subset of the planet can genuinely understand it and how difficult the problem it. It's the exclusivity that leads to the superiority, because nobody cares what stupid people think.
Imagine being the most retarded person, the best at writing nonsense, doing university level mental gymnastics before the age of 10, now if you were this person, what would be your number 1 goal in life, your number one dream, the thing that you found the most mesmerizing, the most important, especially being the greatest retard ever?
The thing that you would find to be the most important in life is making a thread about Terence Tao in /sci/.
This is clearly the question of our time, and definitley not a waste of intelligence, talent, time, and priorities.
The fact that he hasn't solved it already proves he's just a midwit after all. Anyway it's obviously true.
So much time and effort, for something so pointless, because it's "difficult", and it satfisies your vain desire for ego satiation, which winds up being the entire value of the problem. At least musicians for example, will make fantastic music, that is extremely challenging to make, but it is timeless, people with massive egos sure, and that might be their drive, but they literally create timeless masterpieces. Here, we have something hard, like if there are infinitely many 3 and 5s, but let's be real, nobody will know and care about anyone who solves it, not because they're just dumb, mindless sheep who just can't understand the sheer galaxy-brain brilliance of people like Terence Tao, it's because all of that galaxy brain for infinite 3 and 5s? It's about as valuable as somebody playing a video game really fast, it's not like Einstein theory of relativity, or hell, at least Ed Witten utilize mathematics for his violin theory, criticize string theory all you want, much more interesting than infinitely many 3 and 5s, which is why everyone has heard of String Theory, but nobody has heard of the 3 and 5 problem, but it's literally pointless, and this whole notion of I'm a super brilliant and talented mathematician, so I'm going to be focusing on 3 and 5 problem for my whole life, and never solve it and die, really shows the waste of brilliant mathematicians, no wonder all of these fields in the formal and natural sciences have stagnated for decades, it's not merely because of all of the low-hanging fruit copium narrative that retards keep spreading, it's because all of you have the wrong priorities, and anyone who is a detached, neutral, third-person observer, will look at you all and be like, wow your priorities make all of you really fucking retarded. This is why I have to take up the role of revolutionizing all of these fields singlehandedly
If I was as smart as him, my number one goal is to spread my genes. This world needs more intelligent life forms.
We all get caught up in local competitions, not all of which matter. Why do you try to excel at your job? How much do you think it matters if you did?
He's a mummy professor boy, a good kiddo, albeit a little bit socially stunted, a bucko who can solve math problems because his father made him do so since he was 3 or 4.
Picking mushrooms, undisturbed.
Maybe he just spends his time in the moment, appreciating the little things, like the nice weather or the view.
Zeke certainly wished he did so.
Maybe leave the big problems to the other human-beings.
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>doing university level calculus before the age of 10

>By age eight, von Neumann was familiar with differential and integral calculus, and by twelve he had read Borel's La Théorie des Fonctions.

Out-geniused by Johnny
>best at mathematics
Which famous unsolved problem did he solve? Even literal-who Yitang Zhang has produced more impressive output in the last 15 years.
Why don't we encourage every child to work towards being familiar with differential calculus by that age? I'm just talking about self-study Khan Academy level of familiarity really. Just about everything taught in HS Calc BC (So Calc1 and part of Calc2) is intuitive and with the abundance of learning technology, any gaps that come up (like anything trig related) can be filled in fairly quickly, even relative to a child's slower pace. It would allow the basics of things like physics to be taught rigorously from a much earlier age. People are "filtered" by what comes immediately after that typically, so everyone should be as prepared as possible for things like series to move forward in math.
>Just about everything taught in HS Calc BC (So Calc1 and part of Calc2) is intuitive and with the abundance of learning technology, any gaps that come up (like anything trig related) can be filled in fairly quickly, even relative to a child's slower pace.
You have clearly never dealt with the learning disabled. And you don't realize that most children learn at a pace not much faster or better than the ones who are learning disabled.
Most children will struggle with even writing letters correctly until they're 8 or 9. Most children at the age of 8 can't meaningfully add or substract numbers and when they do, it's often because they simply memorized the table.
Anon plz, is just the teaching methods

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