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Elon officially moving SpaceX (and Twitter) the fuck out of California to Texas. Discuss.
I thought they were already based in Texas
At this stage, is there any way out from the Californian descent into a low tech dystopia?
Twitter will still be cancer.

I'd say it's terminal decline. Will only get better once it gets really really bad. They're still privileged in having a beautiful attractive natural state, and having Asian-facing ports. That's part of the problem, they have a lot of resources to cash in before they're scraping the bottom like Kansas or something.
Tesla moved its headquarters to Texas during the pandemic but his other companies stayed behind in California.
The Boring Company moved to Texas last year, likely because the mainly provide services to Tesla. Neuralink appears to be staying in California but it's too small to really matter.
Probably but some types of cancer are worse than others. The part of SF that Twitter had been pulling its employees from might as well have been a party meeting during the height of the Soviet Union. Austin is leftist but nothing like the worse of San Fran.

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