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File: Haloperidol.png (2 KB, 280x180)
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Hey everyone, I recently came off my Haloperidol 30mg dosage 1 month and 11 days ago after leaving the psychiatric hospital and I still don't feel stimulation from stimulants like caffeine. This probably means that the Haloperidol that I had accumulated in my brain for the last 6 months as it stabilized as a function of excretion and the last dosage, is still probably in my brain.

Does anyone know how long I will have to wait until the Haloperidol is out of my brain so I can start taking stimulants again?

For further context, I did this in 2022 after leaving the psychiatric hospital staying there for 1 year. I was on 20mg of Aripiprazole and 20mg of Haloperidol taken daily for 1 year and then I went cold turkey on September 6th, 2022 after I left the hospital.
I took stimulants (Caffeine and nicotine) and felt their effects 36 days later on October 12th 2022.

I ended up back in the hospital again and took antipsychotics (20mg daily of Haloperidol) from December 12th of 2022 until July 5th of 2023. I tried taking stimulants 36 days after I left the hospital (caffeine and flmodafinil) but noticed that they didn't work.

Since I didn't want to waste the limited flmodafinil that I had, I waited until September 26th and tried caffeine again and felt the stimulation. The next day I took flmodafinil.

I ended up in the hospital for 6 months from October 24th 2023 until June 5th, 2024. I stopped taking Haloperidol 30mg daily on June 5th.

How long will it take until I can feel stimulation again from stimulants?

Thank you.

Also, slightly unrelated, but you can find out more information about me on my website at


I have written research (400+pages) on a possible cure for schizophrenia, vasodilation physiology, smart drug compounds and exponentially faster pharmacological upregulation. I've also written 6 books, 5 science fiction and 1 philosophy book.

I also, back in 2021, when I was studying calculus and statistics, came up with an 89-99% accurate stock market prediction algorithm for day traders.

I weigh 375 pounds and I am 6 foot 3. Thanks.

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