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File: Haloperidol.png (2 KB, 280x180)
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Hey everyone, I recently came off my Haloperidol 30mg dosage 1 month and 11 days ago after leaving the psychiatric hospital and I still don't feel stimulation from stimulants like caffeine. This probably means that the Haloperidol that I had accumulated in my brain for the last 6 months as it stabilized as a function of excretion and the last dosage, is still probably in my brain.

Does anyone know how long I will have to wait until the Haloperidol is out of my brain so I can start taking stimulants again?

For further context, I did this in 2022 after leaving the psychiatric hospital staying there for 1 year. I was on 20mg of Aripiprazole and 20mg of Haloperidol taken daily for 1 year and then I went cold turkey on September 6th, 2022 after I left the hospital.
I took stimulants (Caffeine and nicotine) and felt their effects 36 days later on October 12th 2022.

I ended up back in the hospital again and took antipsychotics (20mg daily of Haloperidol) from December 12th of 2022 until July 5th of 2023. I tried taking stimulants 36 days after I left the hospital (caffeine and flmodafinil) but noticed that they didn't work.

Since I didn't want to waste the limited flmodafinil that I had, I waited until September 26th and tried caffeine again and felt the stimulation. The next day I took flmodafinil.

I ended up in the hospital for 6 months from October 24th 2023 until June 5th, 2024. I stopped taking Haloperidol 30mg daily on June 5th.

How long will it take until I can feel stimulation again from stimulants?

Thank you.

Also, slightly unrelated, but you can find out more information about me on my website at


I have written research (400+pages) on a possible cure for schizophrenia, vasodilation physiology, smart drug compounds and exponentially faster pharmacological upregulation. I've also written 6 books, 5 science fiction and 1 philosophy book.

I also, back in 2021, when I was studying calculus and statistics, came up with an 89-99% accurate stock market prediction algorithm for day traders.

I weigh 375 pounds and I am 6 foot 3. Thanks.
I've got bad information for you, Haloperidol info I have:

It permanently inactivates sigma-1 receptor.
It's metabolite HPP+ doesn't cross blood brain barrier for brain therefore it cannot metabolize in liver.

It acts on mTor thing, making your cells fatter and have smaller connectonome.

If you can cook own meth from non efedrine, you should. Then try in smaller doses.

I'm telling you from personal experience, that meth improved my focus after long trials of haloperidol, now I don't do meth, I don't have such psychometry score as I used, but I can focus enough so I can work.

I think you should rethink stimulants and try noopt atleast or such.

If you have trouble with working memory and that is your schiz, look for modern solution: GTS-21, it's available on grey market, it helps with schiz and also boosts working memory, it works.

If you want more info feel free to ask here, I know some stuff about this.

Also on your "schizophrenia cure": Does it accounts for that schiz can arise from many brain defects and different cause need a different solution?

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