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SpaceX moving to Starbase edition

previous >>16281941
Reminder that Europa Clipper might be delayed for a year because a contractor sold NASA faulty transistors.
Now that Dragonfly's chief flight systems engineer has been replaced with a diversity hire how can we expect Dragonfly to reliably land.
Tesla, Elon, X, and SpaceX.

Muskrat containment thread
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is he brining retarded commiefagia politics also with the outfits?
>Tower Module 3 [ of 9 ] has been moved to the Launch Complex.
Maybe mid august isn't such a pipe dream
Tower stacking has zero impact on when the launch will happen.
The massive investment and genuine forced hustle culture by the world's best engineers and tradesmen speaks volumes. This "git-r-done" mentality, is both Texas-style retarded and pure genius at the same time. You have to admit, it gets results far better than any other methods, given reality as such. It takes a madman to lead that charge forward, abject stupidity must be stamped out by any means necessary, which is why its easy to draw parallels and a synergy between Musk and Trump.
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>AGI is due
>grey tribe

We just call them Jews. What is this gay normie safe speak referring to?
Is there a counter anywhere for how long the starliner crew have been up there?
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It really is, the compute is there, stupid meatoids are just trying to figure out how to make it work. Look at the progress over the last two years, dissolving fractal nightmare images to perfect waifu coom material. And that's using 1970s transformer architecture. AI luddites are the dumbest motherfuckers out there, y'all still talking about fucking HANDS.
Musk/thiel/a16z aren't jews
Jews do control the government though
i have no idea, probably some new meme
perhaps it refers to some apolitical business people faction that don't really care about politics too much generally other than if it affects their business
which jobs will AGI eliminate?
I'm so fucking ready bros
Ah yes, the hand coper emerges. You probably work a job a job that involves shuffling data around computer systems don't you? My condolences.
Thiel is crypto jew as fuck man.
Why are AI fags so delusional? The ability to make pretty pictures improving 100x doesn't mean your computer is about to come alive
Elon is an AI fag, so I guess you are the sneeding coper.
which jobs are future proof
Trade jobs will last a while until they figure out a genuine affordable humanoid tier robot, which is probably at least 5-10 years out. Pencils pushers (forma de computer wagie) will be gone long before that. Only long prospects for making money outside of your ubi gibs, if they don't just decide to holocaust the useless eater class, is going to be provably human created art works. From paintings to pottery, whatever.
Yeah, your job of moving numbers around excel spreadsheets and sending emails is totally safe


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And he's delusional. He mistook the an S curve for a linear at peak acceleration, which is why his FSD prediction is off by years now. I don't care about Tesla or AI, I just like the rockets
>muh curve

Thanks for your opinion midwit
Lol I own a company in a physical and decentralized industry. It's mostly mechanized, but the parts you need a human for are so complicated that I'm not expecting robots to compete in my lifetime.
>I own a company
>investor hype buzzword babble

Should probably be posting this on some reddit AI seethe forum honestly
>AI fag is a redditor
what can I do to protect myself from AI?
But that's you???
You mean at zero acceleration in your pic
I did not read the y axis
>I should post on reddit
>but you're the redditor
I don't know, a month ago I would've said don't make a career in concept art, but after buying and learning midjourney trying to make some images for a personal technical project I realized it can't actually make anything that isn't a collage of stock images. I'm lined up to purchase work from a concept artist despite all the progress in AI image generation. I mean in a world where fake email jobs exist, you aren't going to find yourself unemployed just because a computer is suddenly able to pretend to be alive
What are the steps between right now and AGI?
but computing power is growing exponentially.
Yep, malding artcel detected. Sorry about your furry porn commissions drying up. Maybe time to get a job at walmart?
Did I piss off a bot or something?
By "I don't know" I meant "I don't know that you have to". You'd have put that together if you read the whole post and are a human
I'm not convinced that's the limiting factor
If you were a human and could remember anything two posts back you'd recollect that I own a company in an actual industry. I used the example because I began the personal project expecting the image generation to be as good as everyone says, but its only good on things there are 100,000 pictures of
>recollect that I own a company in an actual industry.
It's not that he can't recollect, it's that he doesn't believe you. Words are cheap, I'm elon musk and I say you're an idiot.
>I own a company in an actual industry
>posting walls of texts on 4chins malding about the artificial intelligence

Yeah, doubt
Most of my customers are small businesses so I can confidently say the competence threshold for self employment is extraordinarily low. I only have three employees, I'm not pretending to be a millionaire here. But yeah given my experience and the volumes of money I see moved around where AI has absolutely nothing to add, I'm just not convinced. You've also been seething instead of convincing me so I'm probably right
No one cares about your fake and gay larp
Kek whatever. This interaction has me completely convinced that AI fags are just losers hoping that people with real jobs will be brought down to their level
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So true oomfie
Why is he fat, though? Pence looked much better.
stop making me look up zoomer words
I'm an electrical engineer, and I can also say that there are a lot of stuff where automation won't replace all the human elements (for a long time), simply because a lot of stuff requires certified personnel to give the go ahead and thus be liable if something goes wrong (instead of the company). Especially here in the EU where there are a ton of regulations that require human oversight in some capacity.
Robots have been building vehicles for decades now. You are coping.
>humans will be employed forever because regulations
lol thats damning with faint praise.
>This interaction has me completely convinced that AI fags are just losers hoping that people with real jobs will be brought down to their level
hits home
>simply because a lot of stuff requires certified personnel to give the go ahead and thus be liable if something goes wrong
They willl certify robots and the company will be liable if something goes wrong.
Yeah, our factories are filled with them. But they are also filled with technicians and engineers etc. to maintain, oversee and carry on other tasks.

Yeah, I wasn't exactly praising either side, EU bureaucracy can be hell.

>and the company will be liable if something goes wrong.
And this is exactly what they (the companies) don't want. Instead of just firing an incompetent person who took the blame, you will be directly responsible for all damages and compensation.
>there are a ton of regulations that require human oversight in some capacity.
>robotics start replacing human labour with some human oversight for legal purposes
>increase robotic labour until it's basically a human rubber stamping skynet production

See;history of the industrial revolution until modern day
Quite possible, but that might fail due to humans eventually being too dumb/unknowledgeable to maintain everything they have, like in idiocracy(/some former african colonies where everything technical simply rusted away).
>But they are also filled with technicians and engineers etc. to maintain, oversee and carry on other tasks.

I wonder how the overseer rate has reduced over the years and will continue to do so.
If the anti AI argument is idiocracy then cool I understand that. But if we aren't going the idiocracy route then there are going to be less and less humans employed for all kinds of work year by year.

China clone of Superheavy booster catch
How come I was born at just the right time to witness the coming of AGI? What are the probabilities?
Their shameless IP disregarding is dope, just need them to be able to transfer that to actual hardware. They've been getting better at it and now they are up to good quality cars. Rocket engines a different story but I guess we will see, they do have quite a few smart bugmen.
Has cosmo leap made a rocket yet? Are they just trying to go straight for a starship clone?
Thanks for the reply. I can't imagine an AI/robot that can work on the electrical at my shop. The previous owner was an unqualified redneck an now I have one leg burned out and another peaking every 30s but I can't imagine a robot assessing and repairing it. Also, I just don't see it laying conduit and pulling wires through.
Machines are good at repetitive tasks and numbers. Humans are good at assessing the real world and making decisions. Machines need a lot of work before they're competitive in that regard.
Musk doesn't patent any of his stuff so the chinese are completely in their right to copy him. It's what he wants after all (maybe not the chinese specifically)
Kek you're either a lying retard or such a small operation as to be artisanal if you can't immediately think of at least three areas in your business that could massively benefit from AI.
as if China is able to build a function rocket. They couldn't make make ball point pens until 2017.
Spacerace 2 enjoyers keep winning
I think you'll find china builds many functional rockets and has done so for decades if you care to look.
What happened to the chinese company trying to catch rockets with a net? I know it sounds kinda dumb but the mockups actually made it look like a sensible alternative to the chopsticks.
Not an IP.
Kek yeah there's a custom aspect. There's really no point in the line from customer acquisition to delivery where I need a computer to think though. I have to assume that's most of American industry
You know what's a sensible alternative to chopsticks? Two tower with adjustable cables running between them. Then the cables just catch the rocket.
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>They couldn't make make ball point pens until 2017

Glownigger talking point. There are few enough countries who can manufacture true ball point pens, not just assembling imported parts, that they an be counted on one hand. And yes, China does actually have quite a few all domestic rockets that they launch regularly. Go back to /pol/k/ whatever shithole you came from
I assume you're paying for accounting? Those are getting some pretty high quality AI services that are invisible to the customer. I only found out the firm I use is one of them when the subject came up and they're pretty small.
i could see chopsticks being used to widen the gap between the cables and then narrow them again to catch, but would cable be more likely to start flopping around from exhaust, or drag along the rocket as it descends and they narrow?

it will be interesting to see how the chopsticks work out.
That's basically what this chinese net was, it was 2 pairs of 2 wires perpendicular to each other.
>They couldn't make make ball point pens until 2017.

A list of countries that can make ball point pen heads

i saw a video about chinese stealing the other day and they basically boiled it down to being so competitive in china that if you dont steal then you dont eat. so you either be a fucking rat and survive or you try and be innovative and you get your organs harvested.
cool. Do you have a link?
Why bother innovating when westoids put in the work and let your guys in to copy it through race based employment policies?

Serious question
because innovation will win the war between china and the west. it'll be ww2 japan vs america all over again with xi shitting his guts out as he's strung up to hang in the hot sun.
Why would they go to war?
the beef gots to get cooked some day
>innovation will win the war between china and the West

Lol lmao China wins the war by doing nothing while America brings in unlimited low iq immigrants and is destroyed through Jewish social policies. America has tik tok showing questionable aged girls twerking and black queens lambasting whitoids, meanwhile Chinese tik tok is full of educational videos. Collapse of an empire stuff.
>America has tik tok showing questionable aged girls twerking and black queens lambasting whitoids, meanwhile Chinese tik tok is full of educational videos.
got an actual source for this or just unfounded anecdotal speculation?
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I keep reading "The Boring Company" as "The Boeing Company".
either company does nothing
The first ones obvious if you've ever been to tiktok. The second however isn't true, chinese tiktok is hard to describe. Theres occasionally threads on /wsg/ if you wanna go looking but I wouldn't call chinese tiktok educational.
I like how that's what you latched onto and not the tens of millions of imported squatemalans and destructive Jewish social policies
Boring company actually been doing a lot of good stuff. You just don't hear about it here because it's not tesla/xeeter drama or exploding spaceships.
okay but hypothetically if America is destroyed by China as you say how does that benefit the Jews?
yeah, but coding isn't exponentially better
Pajeet and Anastasia (formerly known as Bill) are wasting all computing the power on basic tasks with poor practices
its still very much in its basic dev stage as a company going through iterations of the hardware
might be a number of years before they land on a design for the boring machine (and operations in general) that is good enough to start scaling
Plant the texas flag on the Moon it would be so kino
Pence was big on space, but Vance is big on technology/innovation generally. Pence pussied out and betrayed Trump when the going got tough, he had his chance and blew it
They have been bleeding America dry but in their orgy high of money printing and nepotism have failed to secure their new host like they usually do. They should have been breeding chink mischlings with party members decades ago but were too high on printed USD.
dude looks dodgy af but this is a good sign for spaceflight
the probably figured it's not as easy in boring as it is in rocketry. Unlike rockets the highly competitive tunneling market(which is dominated by Germans) has converged on the optimum boring machine design.
>politician says space thing

how new
Strong Chinese technology really is decades ahead of American pig-nology
Who was their previous host? Britain?
The fact that most boring machines are still using diesel shit with miles of extractor fan machinery indicates that the free market has barely even bothered innovating. Much like the pre SpaceX launch industry, the tunnelling industry is comprised of gorillion dollar state sponsored projects with politicians choosing their "preferred contractors" (see; who bribes the best)
That was my thought, but anything like that will be handled by Intuit and I won't notice a thing. Legal language is basically a programming language so it doesn't surprise me
Not only is it based, but redpilled too
I don't know about that, they are starting to iterate rapidly now
they are doing a bunch of "obvious" things like continuous mining, starting from the surface (porpoising) to eliminate the need to dig a ditch and lower the machine there when starting and ending and zero people in tunnel (ZPIT)
There's no way you can get the torque required for drilling without the shittiest diesel imaginable
Electric motors are the king of torque. What the fuck are you on about.
not sure what you mean by this but you can use any kind of engine and with the right gear reduction any kind of torque can be reached. Also I will use this opportunity to call out faggots that think car torque matter in comparison to horsepower.
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C*lifornia is so shit it's unreal. Should just drop a couple hundred fusion weapons on the place and start over.
Whats the purpose of the thing on the left?
haters gonna hate.
To enrich the local politicians favourite contractor and get kickbacks from them
I mean yeah but whats the thinly veiled excuse to do that?
Don't you have some human waste and needles to be stepping in subhuman?
I live in a gated neighborhood
Nice, South Africa tier
people complained about a lack of shelter from the elements at some bus stops in los angeles so the city council added those things and called it a day. its supposed to protect you from sunlight.
Can't make this shit up KEK
looks kinda comfy though
and didn't it cost like 500k? lmao
I think there was also some bureucratic problem why they couldn't install normal benches or a bus shelter
While its in "dev stage" its not basic. They've already created their factory for mass production. They're already doing contractual obligations and building tunnels. There's a 40+ mile extension on Vegas loop they're tunneling atm.. They got Tesla tunnel down at Tesla factory in Austin.
Prob cause drug addict hobo rapists would set up camp there
i was talking about the FAA docs where spacex said they'd be done with the 2nd tower stacking by August 15
and how do you get that much power way down, deep beneath the earth?
He is explicitly fleeing the streetpoop, crime, and kidtrooning government of California. It's not just tax sniping.
>California fags being proud of living in a mini prison protected from their shithole states inhabitants

Can't make this stuff up
Looks retarded.
Well you see there are these things called batteries, you send in empty carts to collect the spoils and it turns out you can put batteries on them instead of being empty! Crazy idea I know!
You run a diesel generator
Off-idle peak torque sure. Under sustained load not so much.
basic is perhaps the wrong word, but I think this is basically still perhaps early F9 stage if even that
i.e. not reusable, not scaled, launching like once a year or something
lol batteries for that application ok.

>lol batteries for that application ok

Take it up with the boring company then master engineer if you think you know better
They just run cables from the grid to the boring machine. Since the machine moves so slowly it's not a problem.
>just plug it in like in my video games
Fuck off retard
so do they haul the giant 5MW battery pack to the surface two times a day to charge it or do they run a cable down to the boring machine to charge it.
everyone seems very mad today
My first reaction was also to imagine that sufficiently capable AI would make humans obsolete, but it would have been natural to apply the same argument to human labor during the Industrial Revolution. What actually happened was that the productive output of any given person increased dramatically along with both the demand for labor and the standard of living in industrialized nations (eventually).

On the other hand, the use of internal combustion engines took horses from being useful and ubiquitous tools (literally workhorses) to being pets for a few people with too much money.

I don't see how you could determine at this time which analogy is correct.
reminder that cars have the same power as about 80 actual horses. This is how obsolete horses are.
I wonder where the kistler guys are now? I would like to hear the full kistler story as they are an important part of rocket history.
Hullo is seething about the move from California
this is going to cause housing prices in brownsville and s. padre to skyrocket. so much south padre being a hidden gem. the good news is they'll price the mexicans out and push them further inland
if AI actually makes human labor totally obsolete in the near term then that means returns to capital are gonna go exponential at the same time, and a few thousand bucks' of well-placed capital investment is gonna mean you can live like a king
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where do I place my capital?
>here in the EU
You will be safe from technological change and economic growth in the EU because you'll stay centuries behind the rest of the world. If anything, we should expect the state of affairs to regress in Europe for the obvious reasons.
It's a telling sign of autists with no life experience that they think electoral mechanics are the sole reason for government inefficiency
It's mostly a "both sides are le bad" cope to avoid making an unpopular decision in public.
i'm not some /biz/ whiz with some complicated scheme, index funds and real estate are undefeated in the long run
He was always seething about Musk when he purchased twitter and claimed Musk would destroy it in 2 weeks or so. Its just a kneejerk tribal response. Rather than an actual fully thought out response that you see from his longer videos. I dont fault him for it personally cause tribalism is a natural reaction for most people. Particularly it is for those that dont understand what they're saying
How does HIV benefit from killing faggots? It doesn't. That's just an unintended consequence.
High voltage cables.
If we can run them through a hundred miles of desert we can run them through three miles of tunnel.
It's certainly a contributing factor.
id really like to see some specifics of how its supposed to function, thats all i saying.
>What actually happened was that the productive output of any given person increased dramatically along with both the demand for labor and the standard of living in industrialized nations

Except if you look at the rise of the information age and computing, the productivity of workers skyrocketed while wages stagnated and the rich pocketed the benefits
sure, cables are doable if you can start the dig close to a suitable connecting point. there are safety concerns about having large high voltage cables in a tunnel that will have activity happening in it all the time, but its the battery power thing im not seeing at the moment, and cant find any info on.
It's Psyche all over again

If MSR wasn't dead before the budget drain this will have is going to smother it
there's no reason to think so. the will of the people is ill-defined (the liberal paradox) and even if it were there's no basis for believing that adhering to it more closely would result in better outcomes (arrow's impossibility theorem). it's just a grass-is-greener thing for guys like hullo who fantasize that any third party in american politics would be one they agree with. it's at least as likely that any third parties which became viable would be even more retarded than the current ones.
yeah but real estate won't grow with AI. Shouldn't I be investing in Google and similar.
>Oh you need electricity? I know where that comes from! Wires!
>real estate won't grow with AI
you sure about that? what if you can suddenly make 50-story fully-automated fusion-powered factories in the middle of the desert? (and yes, that's pie-in-the-sky, but not as pie-in-the-sky as assuming AI's made all human labor totally obsolete).
I don't care about 3rd parties but you have to admit that situations where the guy who got less votes wins is retarded.
It’s true, if you plug a long enough strand of copper into your machine the magic torque juice will come out and you will dig. The lab boys tell me it has something to do with what’s on the other end of that copper strand but I’ve never looked into it.

Yeah you can get this thing called electricity transmitted through wires, crazy stuff.
The tunnels need electricity to light up. They're simultaneously powering the tunnel and the boring machine.
>free speech fundamentalism
but only when it's not against them lmao
imagine wanting to power a TBM with batteries. You know you're gonna need wires for batteries too?
Oh man where are we going to get all these wires and electrons it's over bros

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