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How does audio forensics work? Does every individual gun really have an "audio fingerprint"?
How come guns of the same make & model don't have the same audio fingerprint? Does the choice of ammo change the audio fingerprint?
Terrain and distance from the microphone shape the noise the microphone picks up. Guns in different positions in the environment and different distances from the microphone will have unique sound characteristics, even if they are all the same kind of gun.
On Twitter, "fired at Trump rally" is being transformed into "fired at Trump." Chuddies gonna chud. The actual analysis includes the weapons used to kill the would-be assassin, i.e., away from Trump.
If so, why does this article exist? I think common sense would dictate that the shooter plus at least 2 snipers used their weapons during an assassination attempt.
It means you're suffering from brain rot.
holy shit, imagine letting that troon post break your mind
get help, anon
nobody on /sci/ is smart enough to understand how audio forensics works.
this is the same group of people who rant endlessly about how they understand how the entire universe works, but they can't even figure out this one little topic
it's all snake oil. there are tons of these fads in forensics, they just exist to provide scientific rubberstamps for cases where the only real evidence is viewed as unlikely to convince a jury.
theoretically, each individual weapon (considering none of them moved large distances in between shots) would all have a relative frequency response that’s dictated by their proximity to the recorder. further away, duller sound due to shorter wavelengths .
>further away, duller sound due to shorter wavelengths.
why do wavelengths shorten as distance increases? shouldn't the hubble expansion cause the opposite effect?
>as many as three
if audio forensics worked then it wouldn't be so indecisive
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>1. look for spectrogram peak
>2. estimate bullet velocity and distance
>3. check to see if a second spectrogram peak appears roughly however many milliseconds it should take bullet to travel from NEETO to Cheeto Bandito
>4. ????
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Oh yeah,
, you might need it,
how do 3 gunmans all miss?
I mean i'm sure it was an inside job, but the inside job ended at secret service giving a clear path for the shooter.
The shooter was a 20 yo virgin loser that cant take the easiest shot of his life.

Unless the other 2 shooters where DEI hires LOL
>The shooter was a 20 yo virgin loser that cant take the easiest shot of his life.
he was already known to be a bad shot before this incident

I read foreskins, the way foreskins work is, if you have them, you do, else you wait until you have them
>bullet travel faster than sound
>sound has measurable speed
>measure difference in time between sound of bullet firing and sound of the bullet going by to calculate distance the shot was taken from
>when measurements between shots have different values then either shots are being taken at different distances or shooter is teleporting instantaneously between firing locations
>use brain to determine which situation is more likely
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>the way foreskins work is, if you have them, you do, else you wish you had them instead of having a useless cripplecock or a bleeding vagina
The SS snipers who were told to take out the ZOG patsy assassin didn't miss, they did the same job Jack Rubenstein did for the JFK assassination perfectly. The most important witness to the conspiracy was eliminated before he could talk.
Fire a gun 20x and record it. Now fire a different gun. Does it sound different?

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