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Is there a scientific consensus on whether people find Green or Blue to be the more calming color?
blue is objectively more calming and this isn't even a debate, bait thread
also green is the color of poison, farts, bad religions (like islam), and disease
Blue objectively keeps us awake, i dont know why this is even a question when turning off blue light is the no.1 recommendation for sleep
True, it's said that Red light is (ironically) the color that disrupt our sleep the least.
Very paradoxical for the same color that inspire passion, wouldn't you think?
Blue is literally the color of Israel and the Star of David.
>when turning off blue light is the no.1 recommendation for sleep
Except blue light doesn't do anything to our eyes and no study has ever conclusively proven blue light reduction improves sleep or that blue light exposure makes it worse.
have you ever tried looking at a blue lamp with the same shade as the one in op's pic? it literally harm your vision
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Cyan is God's favorite color

>have you ever shifted the goalpost? THEN what you said would be incorrect!
green is the color of life, like leafs that grow anew. Or an oasis in the middle of a desert. I concur that blue is more calming though.
oh you ignorant retard, do you know why plants are green to begin with? because they hate the color and want none of it, that's why they reflect green, they don't like it at all
nature itself is overrated in general, animals tear each other for survival each day, that's not beautiful
>Muh shufting goalposts
Nta, but debates are for stupid people. Having an antagonistic discussion where shifting the goalposts to further the conversation is perfectly valid is for smart people.
>antagonistic discussion
compassion and understanding are significantly better values than whatever code you hold
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Cyan master race checking in
Cyan and Magenta are just different variants of Blue (one for green and one for red)
artificial blue lights are aids, they emit too much ultra violet shit
I wouldnt like either of these shining in my room, I prefer seeing them in each others contrast in nature
>falling for an obvious troll
Anyways, deep blue light harm the eyes, the color is only good when used in pigments and textures instead of light
>Cum passion
This is a sfw board
I understand. You don't.
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>Dumb meme ad homenin
Does that further the discussion?
no less than your reply had
Incorrect. I stayed on topic by pointing out that this is a blue board. You're just posting hippy nonsense and memes.
0/10 bait
>4 replies and a reaction image
Only weaklings choose colors from green up to blue, strong souls will choose any color from red, to purple, to yellow
Danke Herr.. Doktor??
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Why not both?
shoo shoo glowie
Stygian blue
Cyan/aquamarine/turquoise gigachads enjoying the colour of tropical water on a summer island, common W
Not that green since its too unnatural and close to the toxic waste slime green shades.
The 4 replies were all to tell you that you were retarded and your posts were all 0/10, its not something to brag about.
If plants were and fire wasn't red, would red be calming?
That's indigo. See the indigo bird and indigo dye.
blue is the color of the sky, a symbol of mans infinite potential. Green is the color of life, plants surrounding us, which means it has potential for good but also for bad.

chad blue vs virgin green, like god vs emptiness
>blue is the color of the sky
No, the sky can be every color imaginable, its most commonly black, though.
maybe God has not blessed you with abundant time under a blue summer sky but He has bestowed these upon me in spades. Inshallah he lets you see true spring and summer beauty
I didn't say it couldn't be or never was blue, I said it wasn't the excursive color as you claimed and the sky is more often black than any other color, you illiterate retard.
Neither of those colors are calming to me, I only ever want to see orange.
Orange you glad to see banana?
>3 days later he comes back seething with a response after getting BTFO
How was he BTFO by 3 other people agreeing with him and you taking it as a win just because a bunch of people took the time to tell you how stupid you are and you don't care about the content only that you are lonely and someone is replying?
Not those shades for sure, they make my eyes hurt. Personally, it's blue that is more calm.
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Thanks doc
Heh, figure it out
Ecotoplasm is suppose to be a physical thing, though, back before videography was easy, all the mediums supposedly leaked or spewed it when they interacted with spirits.
Im more interested in why we came to associate Yellow with happiness when there is little in the world that is yellow and bring happiness at the same time.
>Bees and Wasps are yellow, and they sting
>The Sun is white, and not yellow
>The color of piss tend to be yellow
>Fire, magma and other dangerous things can also be yellow
Yet we came to associate it with happiness somehow.
Based. Orange-red to orange-yellow aee the colours of sand dunes, deserts, sunsets, fire, lava, magma, volcanoes, beaches, sunrises, red giants, hnggjfjdhdh
Fag. Fag. Fag. Fag. Fag. Fag.
its called bubblegum pink
>once they could falsify it, it stopped happening
both stimulate the brain
objectively red or black are more calming
>le pseudoscience peddler
have sex
blue light != blue
this is entirely cultural and/or psychological
from an objective point of view, Red is the most calming color to your eyes because it has the least amount of photon energy and disrupt your eyes less than any other color
This is why Red light is sometimes used for sleep at night
I'm more interested in preference for color pairings than individual color. The pairing gray and dark red is preferable to gray and dark green or gray and dark blue.
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Not me, fren. Have another.

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