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Does anyone know what paper he is referring to?
who cares?
You have to be seriously low IQ to "trust" heckin papers instead of reality you can literally see with your own eyes.
French Faggots deserve annihilation for being low IQ
so you're trying to say you have no idea what paper is being referred to
Why don't you ask him?
There are fascists in wikipedia.
They should be ashamed.
every people post the invention of penicillin need to be able to access contraceptives and then move out of jungles

if those two things happen there would be none of these issues because these acts in those respective cultures wouldn't be considered worth penalizing
nobody knows. you'd think someone on the science board would recognize references to famous science papers, but that seems not to be the case.
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>science proves accidentally the that great replacement theory is real
Never trust any statistics about immigrant crime rates in Europe. They are always greater than what they tell you. For example in France there are a lot of blacks, muslims and gypsies (Romani people) with french citizenship and passports whose crimes are attributed to the french people.
>Never trust any statistics about immigrant crime rates in Europe.
Its not just in Europe, same is true in North American, Australia and NZ. In America arabs are considered white by the FBI and in many cases the FBI also lumps hispanic immigrant crimes in with whites in order to create false impressions. It even happens in Japan where nearly all crimes committed by US military members stationed in Okinawa are done by negroes and hispanics, but are vaguely blamed in the Japanese press on "Americans"
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yeah I read that paper, good paper
Yes, thats a more succinct way of saying what I meant to convey, thanks.

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