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Science deemed inconsequential by educational aptitude experts
Science section is a meme anyways
Redesign standardized tests so they correlate with IQ again
>Science section is a meme anyways
sour grapes, classic coping mechanism
The science section of the ACT was just interpreting graphs and coming to conclusions based on data. Unlike the rest of the test, I bet the results are 1 to 1 with IQ. No prizes for guessing why it's going away
One of the main things an occupying force does to hinder their enemy is to limit their education. For example, the Nazis killed as much of the intelligentsia and archivists as they could in Poland, whilst limiting education to primary school only (and a 4th grade level at that).
that was literally the only part that was based. now your college score is based entirely on math problems and how you interpret leftist short stories?
It's interesting that it was science and not math becoming optional.
Been years since I took it, but wasn't that one basically retard tier? It's just looking at graphs and making obvious observations
Math is racist created by white supremacists
Science is optional
The short stories are also created by white supremacists. It all needs to be done away with in favor of purely raced-base admissions by another name.
Not race-based. Thats racism. We need to do it by personality. We grade people by their personality based upon their uhh names
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>purely raced-base admissions
what about preferences based on gender and sexuality? and what about physical and mental handicaps?
academia has been particularly bad about excluding people with mental handicaps
This is part of the general push to get rid of standardized testing. Without these tests, the only metrics for college admission will be GPA and extra-curriculars. GPA is meaningless due to grade-inflation and inconsistency between schools. Evaluating based on extra-curriculars is super subjective and dependent on the resources of the school/family. If you are a normal white kid you'll get fucked while jews and niggers flood in.
>Without these tests, the only metrics for college admission will be race, gender and sexual orientation
I took that shit and got a 36 on the science section without even reading a lot of the question prompts. Mostly just looked at the answers and noticed they were generally off-topic and made no sense except for one.
Removing standardized graduate exams has been absolutely devastating to universities - they've been flooded with substandard grad students who end up dragging research and undergraduate classes they TA down

Just imagine what removing it for undergraduate degrees will do.
I know people hate standardized tests since they can be so stressful, what if they just had more smaller ones like once a month or so and then average the results
And that's a good thing!
If I remember correctly, there wasn't even any science knowledge on it. It was all about reading graphs and charts.
They want to remove objective standards. Then they can deny white males and let in all the niggers without getting sued since the white male will never be able to make an objective case.
Having a black woman TA in a Chemistry class was one of my first awakenings to the nigger problem. We would all go to TA office hours to work on the homework together. She literally didn't know how to solve a single problem. We were basically teaching the class to her.
>ACT scores drop for 6 years straight
>Make it easier
Yeah that's America, for sure
>Just imagine what removing it for undergraduate degrees will do.
we had a jeet ta in my physics course last spring and trying to get any help from him was like every bad customer service experience i'd ever had rolled into one.
They did the same thing for pilots' licenses a couple years ago, changed the test and lowered the standard for passing all in order to promote a political policy that is only going to reduce safety standards
im still proud of my 28 on the ACT
why should people who fly on private jets care about the safety standards of commercial cattle car aviation?
You have never even needed a license for ultra lightweight aircraft.
I would think it’s the other way around. Being able to do math quickly and analyze written language are hallmarks of high IQ. Aptitude in science is based in IQ but is also dependent on memorization of facts, which can be achieved by an average person given enough time.
governments created education systems for indoctrination purposes not actuall education
us is just dropping the act with their indoctrination/demoralisation plants
29. I did it to spite you and you alone. I hate you personally, and I hope it rains piss in your area. Promptly followed by a record breaking heat wave.
you're low iq
Nice, 31 here. Lowest was a 27 in science and 2 decades later I'm an unemployed alcoholic with 2 engineering degrees one financial downfall away from dying. I got a 36 in english and reading, those clearly indicate success in life.
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

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