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I suspect that most zoomers will fail the Sally-Anne test. Have there been any studies on this?
Nothing to do with age, just IQ and awareness.
ezpz sally will look in to the box
Change Anne's name to Laquaisha.
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What the fuck is her problem?
this isn't one of those happy merchant memes is it?
well, a "happy merchant" invented the test. But his methodology wasn't sound as people and especially kids could literally misunderstand the question. The question in the initial study posed wasn't "Where will Sally look for the marble?". The question was: "Where will SHE look for the marble?"
>Panel has only Sally in it
>”Where will she look for the marble?”
>Retards: That wasn’t clear enough
Why is this a test? Why would Sally not search her basket first?
>12 of the 14 children with Down Syndrome (86%) answered the Belief Question correctly. However, only four of the 20 children with Autism (20%) answered correctly
tfw literal retards outperform autists
>Retards: That wasn’t clear enough
Yes, and now you can think how the very influential idea of mind blindness in autism rests on our merchant testing kids with an IQ of 30. It's garbage. The results were clear already before the tests were even conducted.
>tfw literal retards outperform autists
14 year-old Downies vs. 8-year-old severely intellectually disabled autistics who couldn't use language. At some point, you're simply functioning lower than a Downie. Nothing about some mind blindness module.
Can someone unironically explain why sally wouldn't search the box first, since that's where the marble is in?
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>but i did have breakfast this morning
>Can someone unironically explain why sally wouldn't search the box first, since that's where the marble is in?
Unironically Sally would search the box first. She doesn't need to search the basket at all because she can already see it's empty.
>Can someone unironically explain why sally wouldn't search the box first, since that's where the marble is in?
The idea is that the test would measure someone's ability to read the mind of others. A kid is supposed to answer with "in the basket", because Sally wouldn't know that Anne put the marble in the box. The average kid is expected to draw that conclusion by the age of 4 or 5 or so.

Problem is that this test has actually nothing to do with mind-reading. It is a mere test of contextual comprehension. And if you take a bunch of kids who are already slow to begin with and have enormous difficulties with comprehending language, then you're bound to have a bunch of kids who point to the right box, but don't understand the context of the test. It's not that hard to see. Someone repeated the exact same test with cameras instead of people, and apparently, as soon as you switched dolls with cameras, 90 % or so of the "autistics" got the test right.
There’s a blanket covering the basket, she would look in the last place she put it.
Sally and Anne are clearly acquainted, so Sally knows Anne is hopelessly envious, thievish and shamelessly greedy.
the n word is racist
Both are wrong, Sally has recorded the whole incident on cctv, she will use this eidence to finally have the known ball thief Anne tried and convicted.
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This is like the end of that oil movie.
most people in general would fail this
yeah when i was doing this i thought to myself the obvious answer would be the basket but kids have theory of mind so it would actually be the box because sally knew that she left anne alone with her (sally's) marble, and anne would more likely than not do something
anybody who believes that there is a right or wrong answer has failed the test. anybody who believes there is a test has failed the test. anybody who believes that questions correspond to answers has failed the test. anybody who believes has failed the test. anybody who fails the test has passed the test. anybody who has passed the test has failed the test.
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>Sally has a particle
>Sally measures position
>Sally goes for a walk
>Anne measures momentum
>Sally comes back
>Where will she expect to find her particle?
Boxfags BTFO
Anne is a based and boxpilled marblemaxxer. Basketcels keep seething.
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exactly, why would Anna do that, and what's with this stupid "puzzle" attempting to instill distrust and paranoia?
Whoever came up with that needs to get their head checked, much trauma they harbor in them.
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>sally knew that she left anne alone with her (sally's) marble, and anne would more likely than not do something
Poor Sally, many such cases.
>anne looks Jewish
>Sally being the smart White supremacist she is would instinctively understand that the jew would try to jew her out of her possessions
ergo Sally would immediately look into the box with zero immediate logical causes except prejudice. And she would be right and her prejudice justified.
Well, in terms of little kids, if you would watch Dora the Explorer for example and the show would ask you where should Sally look for marble than the question will be asked from the perspective of your knowledge as a viewer, not from the perspective of Sally's knowledge. Kids are more used to this kind of interactions with media, therefore they will most likely misunderstand the question. If you are an adult and you fail the test then you are either autistic or severely retarded.
Interesting theory, did they do a study to see if watching Dora the Explorer or similar shows will lower success rates at this task?
She'll look in the basket. She doesn't know it was moved.

I agree as well. Zoomers have brain damage and lack a theory of mind. I'm a solipsist and even I see this.
If you have a functioning theory of mind, then yes, Sally would search where she last knew the marble to be. If you don't, then you'll assume Sally knows what you and Anne know, and that she would immedaitely go to the box.
Sally would also realize that Anne would take her marble due to the confusion created by watching the local tribe mohel perform genital mutilation, if Sally were intelligent. Unfortunately Sally is not, because she's white, and not Jewish. And everyone knows that Jews can think like whites, but not the other way around.
But the marble is in the box. Why would she look for it where it isn't?
Interesting. Every MSNBC / CNN / NPR cable TV cultist would fail this test for exactly the same reason. The test is more useful than I originally thought.
>the question will be asked from the perspective of your knowledge as a viewer
That makes no sense. Assuming the kid knows what the word “she” means, there’s no way they can misunderstand what’s being asked.
I don’t think zoomers will necessarily fail this test specifically, but on some level they do.
Ie, they’ll just start talking about some niche topic in a distinct situation, assuming the other person already knows what they’re talking about.
Maybe it is due to the fact that they were born after modern internet was a thing, so they think that any news about Taylor Swift is known worldwide by all 8 billion people in the World. They don’t understand that the algorithm they see on their social media is not the same for everyone else.
Sally will search the box because she read a certain diary and thus knows that anyone called Anne is a lying bitch.
They understand, they just don't care.
>Turbo autists think they are smart for failing an incredibly simple Theory of Mind test

You need le evil ABA
ABA is our civilization's savior
The folds of the cloth which the basket was covered with looked slightly different when she left it, it looks unnatural for wind so she should know someone at least looked into the basket
you likely wont notice at first
reading too much into it between the lines inventing ideas that do not exist in the scenario
>soon as you switched dolls with cameras, 90 % or so of the "autistics" got the test right.
autists are inherently technology-minded? paranoid? maybr cameras signal visual knowledge or informatiom to them better?
Stronger autism in that case than asperger's, I have it and didn't have to think twice
Cut flower politics is exactly that.

Womp womp, literal PhDs failing this.

Thats also exactly what happened after Jesus, about 40 years (when all the knowers are out of society are replaced with people that see no value in the thing keeping society coherent).

Temple fell. For further research on this topic the Bret Weinstein and Heather Hayens discusses this a fair amount.

Womp womp again because WOMP FUCKING WOMP.
>reading too much into it
i'm pretty sure that's the point of the experiment

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