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Is this true about Oppenheimer?
That's pretty much every second successful scientist. Completely normal.
>he was from a very powerful family
This describes most scientists. Even Tesla didn't exactly come from poverty, though he did end up there.
>bad at experimental physics
>he cared about worldly affairs
Newton was a member of Parliament
>he was a deranged schizo who tried to kill his colleagues and professor
I'll at least agree that he was fucked up.
Alright, I'm currently studying particle physics, but it seems like a bunch of bullshit to me. How the fuck do we know quarks exist? All these particles, then claiming the sun does fusion for energy, etc.

At least Heaviside's EM makes sense to me, you can easily do experiments to confirm things. Classical mechanics, thermo, all clear. But particle phyiscs seems like a big sham with half-truths mixed in. And this field was on the forefront of people like in OP; Einstein, Feynman, etc.

I haven't come across more "this result was empirically derived as an approximation" statements than in particle physics, with extremely mutable results and theories.
have you considered looking up the actual experiments? or are you just relying on everything your textbook tells you
trying to individually deboonk the contributions of every single jew is a flat earth tier sideshow for bored boomers
This is poor form
The argument is presented in a very tactless way, showing the writer's bias against Oppenheimer.
To any reader who might like Oppenheimer, they are now encouraged to disregard any points made that aren't backed by strong and obvious facts.
The writer shoots himself in the foot with this writing style. He would have been smarter if he had worded the whole thing as if he were a fan of Oppenheimer, and then present his opinions as if they were facts.
>attacking the source because you can't contest the substance of the information being presented
so you're admitting that everything in OP is accurate and that you only dislike the information because it upsets you emotionally
>flat earth
oh you just gave yourself away
I have, and upon further inquiry, it seems I'm not the only one who shares this opinion. Have you critically looked into it?
>Is this true about Oppenheimer?
Yes, and much more. He was a terrible person and a worse leader. The Manhattan Project was completed in spite of him, not because of him.
The US felt a need to justify all the Jews it had taken out of Europe, so it assigned any Jewish scientists it thought it could get away with to Alamogordo. They partied all night every night. They did basically no work. The goy scientists had to take up all the slack.
Oppenheimer himself leaked nuclear secrets to the Russian communist Jews because he wanted them to crush the White race. While he was "working for America," he was constantly undermining it from day one.
>While he was "working for America," he was constantly undermining it from day one.
thats stereotypical jewish behavior
this, there is actually experimental evidence
yes, its all attested to in his wikipedia page. he was part of the oppenheimer banking family https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oppenheim_family
which is how and why he was able to spend his life posing as an important and famous physicist without ever learning math or producing any worthwhile or meaningful work in the field
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Who knows. People like Neumann prove that education mills pumping out slaves produce exactly nothing more than just waiting for a genius to figure it out.
>What is bjorken scaling
Oppenheimer's "I'm bad at lab work" claim was really an "I'm too lazy and entitled to do lab work because I come from a super wealthy banking family" claim
He also wanted to kill half a million german civilians with strontium 90.
avoiding lab work that has tangible results allows one to delve into pure pilpul without being limited by having to make your pilpul dovetail with your lab results. einstein and feynmann used the same trick in their careers. thats why they were constantly able to produce grandiose claims without ever having to back them up with useful results

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