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The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death. Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings.
>covid hasn't been a thing for 2 years
>he's still schizoposting about the vax
this is why you're still a virgin
It wont be done until nuremburg 2.0 happens.

You think anyone is getting hired in a big pharma c suite if they dont have a plan to pull a heist like this again?
imagine being this upset over people posting scientific papers to the science board. just go somewhere else if seeing science upsets you that badly
kek they're gonna be mad at this post
>you're le upset because I'm posting science!!
it's bad science. Trash papers on a thing that isn't a problem anymore. Focus on real sciene instead
>Further urgent investigation is required for the purpose of clarifying our findings
Oh so it's a nothingburger
Pretty sure OP is a russian bot
You're only attacking the paper because it's content upsets you emotionally , not because you have any rational reason to dispute it.
>Peter A. McCullough
There's that name again
This. Antivaxxers have consistently failed to prove a valid "disease pathway" in the case of autistic symptomatology.
Antivaxxers fail at properly defining autism and largely get confused over the concept, hence why they have kept spinning in circles for the last twenty years.
Antivaxxers have failed, consistently so, to bring up a chain of valid research that would strengthen their antivax point.
Antivaxxers, to this day, still want you to believe that ordinary vaccines contain thimerosole.
Antivaxxers rely on research carried out by institutions that they regard to be utterly compromised (such as the CDC, FDA, NHI etc.) and corrupt in order to prove their points.
Antivaxxers are publicly represented by figures all closely connected to Wallstreet such as RFK Jr., Peter Thiel, Steven Kirsch etc.
Antivaxxers do not understand that, for their heavy metal or vaccine hypothesis to be valid, they have to rely on medical and not behaviorally defined categories. This again relates to the issue that they are in general confused about very basic medical concepts.

Again, I would like to know where this autism-vaccine shit is coming from.

Simple: Controlled opposition, manufactured controversy. Brought to you by your financial sector.
All meaningless talking points. The charge is the pharmaceutical industry is using the term vaccine to push experimental medicines on to children. They do this because their regulatory cronies have permitted such drugs to be released without rigorous safety testing. They pretend placebos can have other ingredients from their poison shots and that somehow makes them placebos.
The individual argumentation splitting from this branch is irrelevant. The pharmaceutical industry is heavily paid by this structure and your attempt to deflect that to a handful of representatives pushing back against government corruption is laughable. All of these drugs are deployed in the same wanton manner, where the test subject isn't at risk for the supposed disease. The scheduled list grows and grows because they found an exploitable loophole and retards like you think you can argue your way out of it.
The only way we can continue this conversation is if you post all safety trials for all experimental drugs you wish to defend. Until such a time, I will accept your concession.
Another stupid thread. Another fag academic scientist
Lol, lmao even. Give it a rest, no one gives a fuck about COVID anymore. Shit nigga, most I know barely have a fuck about it at the time.
>All meaningless talking points
Not really. I'm not the guy who made the post you're responding to, but the plausibility of a theory isn't improved by people screeching all over the place over how covid vaccines contain 5g nanobots that turn you into a sheeple. That's where the "controlled opposition" part comes from. If you can't rigorously disprove a "conspiracy theory", because the theory is technically true, then you send in "agents" in the hope of arriving, at least within public discourse, at a reductio ad absurdum.
>The charge is the pharmaceutical industry is using the term vaccine to push experimental medicines on to children
I know that. Except it's not limited to vaccines. Pretty much any pharma-produced psychotropic substance (anti-psychotics, stimulants, SSRIs etc.) is poison with unknown long-term effects (because these simply aren't studied). I am sympathetic to the anti-vax movement for the sole reason that doctors, primarily psychiatrists, put people on addictive drugs whose withdrawal symptoms mimic one-to-one the condition that they acclaimedly suffer from. Either way, this is how you create long-term customers. It seems true then that the pharma industry operates by harming people in order to sell them the "cure". So the idea that vaccines are also meant to harm a carefully calculated portion of the population isn't that far-stretched.
>The only way we can continue this conversation is if you post all safety trials for all experimental drugs you wish to defend.
Who's supposed to do that? You see how again, we arrive at a reductio ad absurdum. Your discussion now calls for an answer that no one can realistically come up with.
>The pharmaceutical industry is heavily paid by this structure and your attempt to deflect that to a handful of representatives pushing back against government corruption is laughable
The financial sector? Well, I have bad news for you. You're dealing with what amounts to a totalitarian cluster of interest groups who couldn't give a fuck about your life even if their own life was at stake. Maybe, think again. Why was it that the only Covid 19 "vaccines" available in the west were all mRNA? Why didn't we have conventional vector-based vaccines?
>All of these drugs are deployed in the same wanton manner, where the test subject isn't at risk for the supposed disease
Sure, but look how a shit ton of people are kicking in the doors to put themselves on Ozempic. There's no safety studies done on it, from what I've read it's a pharmaceutical product meant for people with advanced diabetes, you have to stay indefinitely on it if you don't want to regain 50 pounds etc. People don't care about that. They only care about the direct financial impact such drugs have on their life. That's the whole point of the vaccine-controversy. They knew perfectly well, when they set up the vaccine-autism manufactured controversy, that people would primarily care about the financial aspect. If autism was exploitable, no one would have cared about the association, so it's all about exploitation and profitability.
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Expect vaccine news to suddenly become plentiful, with the negative outcomes emphasized going forward.
Vaccines are big money, always have been. And big pharma has always been a racket. It should be concerning that the same federal agency which regulates food also regulates drugs. The socialists think the problem magically goes away if you ensure their funding with taxes, but it just makes things worse.

Didn't read, but the vaccine-autism and vaccine-SIDS link has been proven for years. You're either a braindead golem parroting what you're told to parrot by pharma-funded media or a paid shill who doesn't care that you're a liar and shill for medical products that kill people.
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>It should be concerning that the same federal agency which regulates food also regulates drugs
Hay goys, eat HFCS its good for you
Also take these drugs, they're just as healthy as HFCS

Life expectancy in America peaked in 2014 and has been declining ever since, all thanks to science. Trust the experts, trust the scientists
You did have "conventional" vector vaccines.. that was AstraZeneca and J&J and it was dogshit. I think you mean recombinant sub-unit. But all the data from Taiwan or Australia just confirmed they were just as bad with less efficacy because you were still using the spike protein to model your vaccine. Maybe innactivated like Valneva would have been safer for younger people but we'll never known since there's never going to be enough data for it.
amazing how science was completely incapable of producing even one effective covid vaccine, why do you think that is?
Covid never existed, it was as real as the Martians in "War of the Worlds"
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