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How come astrology was able to predict this and the rest of the sciences were incapable of doing so?
Math also predicted it, 21/7 = 3
You can't replicate coincidences. Once you can they are no longer coincidences and it's a science.
>when astrology is correct its just a coincidence, but when other branches of science are correct thats because they have predictive capability
why does the fact that astrology has predictive capability upset you so badly?
Programming in childhood. Retarded identity and self preservation instincts.
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that's not a prediction, it's called being deductive and lucky.
The odds weren't that bad: not only there were a small number of days left until the DNC, and Biden had to decide before then, it was also was almost sure he would drop out very soon from all the pressure , the polls, and his mental decay, so...
Last week, I too predicted Biden would drop out within a week, and I didn't ask the stars. I didn't bother to guess specific dates like she did, but maybe I too would have gotten lucky, my odds being 1/7.

The fact is that, over many decades of scientific testing and analysis of data, astrology fails over, and over, and over again at predicting things, with sporadic lucky guesses which "believers" biasedly cherry-pick out of a huge set of failures to exemplify "predictions".
It's a coincidence if it's not repeatable. If it's not repeatable, it's not science.

Let the girl in OP attempt, say, 1000 day predictions for similar events, compare with a control group of 1000 predictions done by someone who doesn't give a shit about astrology, compile results and write a paper on it.
>If it's not repeatable, it's not science.
how come abiogenesis is considered science
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All hypothetical, which is one of the very first steps in the scientific method, right after observation. Hypotheses are tested through experiments, which are then repeated. In the case of abiogenesis, we simply lack the means of testing its validity, so we stopped at hypothesising. On the other hand, we have all the means to confirm the hypothesis that astrology is bullshit, which has been done and repeated so many times it became a commonly agreed upon theory. This is all pretty basic.
>which has been done and repeated so many time
no it hasn't, theres a myriad of scientific reasons that demonstrate the validity of astrology
>theres a myriad of scientific reasons that demonstrate the validity of astrology
see >>16293226
>Let the girl in OP attempt, say, 1000 day predictions for similar events, compare with a control group of 1000 predictions done by someone who doesn't give a shit about astrology, compile results and write a paper on it.
This isn't a good comparison. I would want them to be compared against somebody who is using some other personality profiling system for consulting and perhaps success of clients. Astrology theoretically stands miles above others in this regard. If it fails here, then the more nuanced points can be discarded in turn.
In case you have ever pondered why astrology is actually useful, consider that it exhaustively ties human traits, to mythical and memorable legends, that exist in spatial relationships. This means that is profiles people in an easy to remember system that can account for the most variation possible - as even angles and and distances are accounted, this allows for limitless consideration of relationships. Why is this important?
So if some celestial alignment indicates to be wary of greed, well it doesn't really matter if the rise of greed is actually a problem. If it can inform someone to think about how a greedy person might harm them, then it might help in a given circumstance.
This is the concept of ars combinatoria, where knowledge of orientation of simple elements lends to behaviors of complex systems.
Funny thing about astrology, the star signs aren't aligned anymore. They used to be, but changes in earth's rotation compounded over the years shifted the dates, and no astroretard has ever thought to check.
That's how you know it's bullshit.
>and no astroretard has ever thought to check
everyone in professional astronomy knows about that, snowflake, so does everyone in professional astrology
claiming that astrology isn't a real science is akin to claiming that developmental psychology isn't a real science
Astrology is just pattern recognition, its not different than any other science

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