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Does this correct for age?
>Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed
in 2024... let it go, anon, let it go
>nothing to see here goyim! move along
Right on cue. As soon as President Mandate drops out of the US race for president, all around the world data starts to leak out about the damage caused by President Warp Speed's vaccines.
Sorry but there's about to be several hundred million dollars spent on demonizing the Warp Speed vaccine. You will be here a week from now with new programming, screaming about how you were tricked into getting the injections and that issues around the vaccine's approval by President Warp Speed are the most important issues in the history of humanity.
I will let it go when they do a single double blind study on the vaccine
we both know this will never happen
>President Warp Speed
Bro, this is from the UK. And this data isn't new, it's released periodically. OP is just a faggot, there's nothing wrong with the vaccine and Operation Warp Speed was a great success that Biden tried taking credit for.
And the leak in Germany? Globalists use tools across the globe to get their way. That's part of what makes them Globalists. Data from anywhere, including the UK, will be amplified instead of buried, in service of the Globalist agenda.
You might not have noticed but Biden is no longer running for president. His mistakes can now be dumped on him since he's no longer the primary block against President Warp Speed getting power again. Old white men were the face of the pandemic response and will be who receive all the blame as part of the effort to keep President Warp Speed out of office.
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Two of the german big critics died of cancer.

But can it still be endemic covid, given all the data showing correlations with vaccine uptake in the vaccinated?

Apparently Steve Kirsch was vaccinated in before mid 2021 with moderna, just like Robert Malone.


They both said it on the Weinstein podcast. So given all data, this is more likely to be another vax injury.
Why do you want to molest the data, you degenerate piece of shit?
Oooo young data, so erotic.
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mfw dead vaxxxies
The pandemic isn't over until Pfizer pays refunds.
is this a bot thread to slide real threads?
Oh so now that it turned out to be a big ol' nothing happened virus we need to let it go but when it started you literally wanted to put us in concentration camps for not obeing your retarded orders and freedom restriction.
Fuck you.
520 pages of /pol/ was always right.
Are you a bot to slide real threads?
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