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How come scientists favor China over all other nations?
I know a lot of doctors and engineers they can have
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>1,800 chinese academics relocated to China
superior economic system for scientific progress.
>How come CHINESE scientists favor China over all other nations?
Maybe they're racist.
what scientific progress? name any substantial or significant breakthrough thats occurred in china during the modern era
Progress towards fusion.

Progress towards a Luna base.
academic funding. Any researchers with good publication history and high h-index is pretty much guaranteed a job in the hive. Especially now that the US and China are entering great power competition, it's a great time for anyone who put in a modicum of effort.
Anti China sentiment
Growth in China
Economic benefit (more opportunities)
Threats from China (hostage family)
Poorly titled article. You are retarded for reading it. I hope someone in your life finds a reason to hurt you for posting it here.
Quantum computing and sensing
Probably the most important one..

Father of hybrid rice yuan longping.
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>endless shitty 3d mockups that never get realized
>more research money
>cool apartments
>cheap food
greed, scientists are extremely greedy people
because they're communists

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