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Is it possible to use math to accurately estimate the initial number of holocaust survivors if you know how many were left 80 years after the holocaust? Would you need to use actuarial tables to do something like this or could there be a simpler method?
>is it possible to estimate something without any actual data to back up your claims
Sure, just claim something and call everyone an antisemite when they ask for proof
Using this actuarial graph from the US https://www.cdc. gov/nchs/data/lifetables/life39-41_acturial .pdf for people born 1941-45, we get a survival rate of around 0.11 for 85 year old whites (the median age of a Holocaust survivor).
250,000/0.11 = 2.3 million estimated survivors. This isn’t 6 million, but this might because we are using average American mortality rates. I would assume the mortality rates of holocaust survivors would be lower, as starvation can’t help your longevity, and this could explain the under-estimate.
>estimate the initial number of holocaust survivors
don't we actually know the number? Why estimate?
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There were initially around -1300000 survivors.
And in 2010 there were no survivors.
Fucking kek, the Nobel committee will be in touch.
True and real.
>survival rate of around 0.11 for 85 year old whites
Were thy all interned at the age of 0?
what's really enlightening is using math to compare the number of jews living in europe in 1935 and the number of jews that emigrated out of europe between 1935 and 1945.
Some people live up to 120 so year 2065 is when my patience runs out
>is using math to compare the number of jews living in europe in 1935 and the number of jews that emigrated out of europe between 1935 and 1945.
You cant use math to know these things. Its impossible to define what a jew even is and nobody kept a real census of jew populations in eastern europe or russia. INB4, keep your almanac records, as if they had any valid source for anything
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Note that the official claim is
>by the end of the war in Europe in May 1945, about 3.5 million of them had survived.[2][11]

Curiously, give or take a few hundreds of thousands, that's also the estimate of jews living in german controlled europe before the genocide according to the World Jewish Congress secretary of the time.
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>impossible to define what a jew even is
if only there were some experts to defer to
shut the fuck up, antisemite
nobody lives that long except for people with fake birth certificates.
lots of people fake being older in order to start collecting government pension benefits earlier in life, most commonly they adopt the identify of a recently deceased relative
Mathcels will defend this.
nehanderthals, basically
>entire family is living off grandma's social security check
>grandma dies
>"oh no we're all going to starve!"
>"hold on - I have a clever plan. hide the body and don't tell anyone she died, i'm grandma now"
>Would you need to use actuarial tables to do something like this or could there be a simpler method?
using actuarial tables would get you the most accurate result
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Statistically there is at least one thread in /sci/ mentioning the holocaust at all times.
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kys kike

The holocaust occurred during WW2 and the number of Jews rightfully murdered was around 2% of the total number of people who died, similar to the Jewish population per capita

They didn't even get a nuclear warhead like Japan and they're still complaining about this shit 100 years later

We need to have another holocaust in order to match all the money and resources given to Jews

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