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Is there any scientific literature that shows how to stop procrastinating and to deal with difficult tasks that need to be completed asap? If so what are the best solutions to tackle this problem?
>what are the best solutions to tackle this problem?
Just do it.
>that's it?
>that's not helpful
It is. Just do it.
>it's not that easy
Never said it's easy, but it's simple. Just do it.

You want something better? Alright. Keep procrastinating until it makes you lose something you deeply cared about, have a mental breakdown, spiral into depression and have an epiphany. Also works for addictions and other harmful habits. That or you kill yourself. This is still essentialy just doing it, but it's a bit easier.

For something lighter, change makes it easier too. It's hard to break any habits when you have other coexisting habits reinforcing it. Change your environment (renovate the place you live at, or even better, move to an entirely different location), change your job, abandon old hobbies and get new ones, abandon your friends and get new ones, abandon your partner and get a new one, etc. Change follows change.
>Is there any scientific literature that shows how to stop procrastinating and to deal with difficult tasks that need to be completed asap?
yes, there is lots of research on it:

Scientifically speaking, doing the thing you need to do is 100% successful at stopping procrastination.
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media
You must have nig genes, you need a cracker hitting your lazy ass from time to time.
I dont know about literature but I just use amphetamine when I need to do something.

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