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Science really is the shittiest new religion. At least scientology has cool things like space lords from billions of years ago.
It says there's no link between race and intelligence.
Though the entire field of race and intelligence is straight up taboo so any results supporting correlations of race and intelligence aren't allowed to be published.
> It is estimated that genes contribute about 20–40% of the variance in intelligence in childhood and about 80% in adulthood (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_and_intelligence)
So IQ is mostly genetic. Genes are about 4 times more important than the environment.
> Average IQ in various African countries. Nigeria: 67.76, Cameroon: 67.76, Ethiopia: 68.42, South Africa: 68.87, Rwanda: 69.95, Burkina Faso : 73.8, Zimbabwe: 74.01 (worldpopulationreview: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/average-iq-by-country)
> Average IQ in European countries: Germany: 100.74, United Kingdom: 99.12,France: 96.69,Canada: 99.52
And keep in mind that the UK, France and Canada are being invaded right now by low IQ immigrants. Common sense says that James Watson is correct. White=intelligent, Black=retarded
The correlations between race and IQ are acknowledged. Postmodernism plays multiple, self-inconsistent games to escape the truth. First they claim it's socioeconomic factors exclusively (when in truth it's both genetic and environmental). Secondly they'll claim race doesn't even exist. Yet also claiming it does exist as a sociopolitical category. They're fucking mentally ill
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>biological variance stops once it reaches the brain
What the fuck do people actually believe this shit
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Let’s take the politics out of it and go back to the basics of biology.

Take two populations of the same species. Not humans- let’s say rabbits.

Isolate them genetically for a significant period (usually such isolation is caused by geography but it doesn’t matter why so long as interbreeding is minimal and is over enough generations for natural selection and genetic drift to occur).

Will there be a divergence of traits between the two populations?

The answer is yes, of course. Some traits will diverge becasue of natural selection, some because of sexual selection and some just becasue of genetic drift.

After all that is how evolution works - it simply must be the case.

Evolution isn’t just about when two populations diverge so greatly that a new species or sub-species forms - it’ happening daily for all sorts of traits and characteristics of an animal.

And the traits that most directly impact on fitness will tend to be subject to strong selection.

So wind it back to humans.

Have certain populations of humans being genetically isolated from each other for many generations?

Yes. We tend to call them ethnicities.

Will their traits vary as between population groups?

Yes. Hair type, blood group, eye colour, facial features, ability to digest certain foods, average height, body shape etc. All these traits demonstrably differ between ethnic groups.

Is intelligence a trait of humans that will likewise vary?

You can logically only choose one answer:

A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

B) No - intelligence is a special trait - alone amongst all traits it’s not possible for it to vary between groups at all - all groups of human beings have the same average intelligence.

If you pick B fine, but don’t expect to pass a biology class any time soon.

It’s that fucking simple.
You’re literally speaking heresy/sacrilege right now. You are no different from a witch.
I dare you to say these things on plebbit. You’ll have to use the most “edgy” subreddits to have a change of not being banned
Burn this alien at the stake
The Science is fucking clear on the subject. You are anti-Scientific troglodytes unlike I, who is a moral and decent person.
Racism outside of /b/ is not permitted.
“The Science” is not science
>pol chud telling someone who has watched Mythbusters and purchased Science Is Fucking Amazeballz shirts since 2005 what science is
You’re certainly a creature
Do you postulate that science is not Fucking Amazeballz? Show your proof
His own son disowned him. Goddamn. I hate genetics. You’d think your own would support you. But no. No one is safe from political peer pressure.
I don't read a ton on this subject, but it definitely does subject me that there is a link even in areas where everyone is extremely educated. There is a quickness that Asian people have that is only sometimes seen in whites and I have only seen once in a black person.
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Be careful what you wish for. People being born with differing capabilities instead of everyone being a complete blank slate written on by circumstance is justification for continuing the move from equality of opportunity to equity in outcomes.
Instead of justifying showering resources on the dregs of society because society is responsible for them being that way, they will use the fact that these people were born with lesser capabilities as justification for why they must be showered with resources. It's not their fault how they were born will be the new it's not their fault how they were nurtured.
Video unrelated.
>If you pick B fine, but don’t expect to pass a biology class any time soon.
That's where you're wrong. I can't imagine such a question on a biology test in real life, and if it were B would be the 'correct' answer
go to >>>/pol/ if you want to discuss politics
Apply for a janny position if you want to be one, that post is on topic for the thread.
While intelligence is real, IQ is a social construct.
is there a link between height and DNA?
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I remember saving this, if it means anything, if it's real.
>he STILL believes
>even after taking away his titles
man, this guy is a hardcore reprobate.
No because DNA codes the genotype, not the phenotype. Phenotype determines quantitative properties like height, eye color, and skin color whereas genotype determines qualitative properties like personality and sports skills.
>Science says, without evidence, that there is no link between dna and intelligence
That's not what your image is saying, anon.
Yes, it is. Otherwise science is claiming a magical ether is performing a kind of food processing of DNA across all ethnicities so they all have exactly the same genetic predisposition for being on the right side of the IQ bell curve, which is even more bizarre.
Leftists are so high on hubris they legitimately do want to believe humans are like unicorns.

But they will also tell you magic doesn't exist.
I'd also add that option B is easily disproven by demonstrating that an animal's intelligence can't be raised to that of a human by raising the animal as a human. There has to be some intrinsic element of the animal which prevents it's intelligence getting any higher.
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That doesn’t phase them. They will just respond with “humans aren’t like dogs”, then ignore you.
How many DNAs did he father?
I'm wet. Dry me.
The real question is who cares and why? If an 8 sigma cat can speak English, build a skyscraper, and appreciate delicately seared otoro over a can of bumblebee tuna, then why pretend that the predilections of an average cat are somehow relevant?
you care, you wouldn't be driven to go out of your way to invent fallacious argument to justify your feigned lack of caring otherwise.
why does it upset you so badly that some races might have an intellectual advantage over other races?
does it also upset you that some races are taller than other races? does it upset you that some have curlier hair than others? if not, why should it bother you so much that some races have better brains than others?
This guy practices science.
Leftist pedocrat joe biden voters believe in The Science.

How's the fauci ouchie working out, acolytes of Marx?
>A) Yes - and as intelligence is one of a human’s key traits it is likely to be selected for quite strongly in different environments and communities,

If the intelligence of your mother's family differed from the intelligence of your father's family would you say that was selected for?
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Data is racist.
This just can’t be. Is math racist?

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