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why are men better at this than women?
is it biological reasons or because of systemic reasons?
i bet if it was shaped like a shoe or purse a foid could rotate it mentally with easy
Women have trouble analyzing space in a systematic manner. They also have a hard time seeing things from external points of view and lose concentration under pressure.

Look at this contest, a contestant directs a teammate in blindfld to swing a ball and drop the opposite team who is standing there. Men give precise directions, women say things like "There, no, not like that, over there, more".

female: https://youtu.be/CpcWuzgthVI
male: https://youtu.be/Gan8rKJ8MWg
Hundreds of thousands of years where men were selectively chosen based on their hunting / building / protecting abilities while women were kept no matter what because they can make babies.
True and real.
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443 KB GIF
>woman cloths shopping
Because women don't need to be useful to reproduce, they just need their eggs.
But men need to be useful unless they're top 1% Chad.
men are not niggers
You know what women can do that men cant? They can make people.
Suck it and go rotate cubes in your head
She rotates using the bottom of her face retard. We both rotate equally in different ways. Males and females make good teammates. It's essential to have both in teams of soldiers fighting defensively at home in any dimensional warfare.
They'd be a slow tasty meal for any predator unless defended by men or the civilization... which was built by men
So why are they bothering with the rat race if they have such an important task?
Because men are just better at everything
You havent built shit, now go rotate a cube in your head, incel.

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