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We are about to enter a timeline where mass space exploration is inevitable.
they killed the hype of space exploration when they told us there's nothing out there and even if there was it would be too far for us to reach
It's called inventing a tech more reliable than rockets (weapons). Period.
Fore-word, though rockets arree good, they're not my choice of space faring by a long shot. There are way more good techs.
Kelly hates SpaceX. He'll redirect NASA spending towards the usual suspects. It's actually worse than someone who doesn't know anything about space.
Please stop posting here man you're really ruining the experience for us
>Old Space shill
With Boeing, you ain't going.
If you knew, you'd know. But you never will. You'll never put a gun to your head or slit your own wrists. You'll never even notice that this is actually eternity. You don't even know about what's inside your own eye. Your own eye. Go look at it. Go look at it.
the Kelly brothers are fags who want to stop me from dropping rocks on the government from my secret moon base
The Pozzedstronaut
Based and Heinlein pilled
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This is unironically a decent ticket. I hope with an astronaut as VP, national interest in space will spike again.
How so?
Thank you, ShareBlue shill
>I can't wait for those unmanned probes to arrive at Alpha Centauri in 148,000 years!
Not while Israel still lives
I hate bald people.
Could man in white house have the balls, strength and will power to make a difrence in great pursuite of space finall frontier?
Those two doomed astronauts are STILL STUCK IN SPACE! It's been almost two months stuck in space because the retards rode a leaking Boeing death capsule into orbit because they were too stupid to live. I mean how fucking retarded do you have to be to WILLINGLY get into an untested Boeing space capsule after seeing YEARS of Boeing plans falling apart in the sky?

These are the giga big brain astronauts? 100 out of 100 brain dead plumbers would know better than to get into a Boeing death capsule....but no NOT ASTRONAUTS! Nigga we ain't going no where.
>leave position that actually controls NASA's budget
>move into position that does nothing
4D chess
harris is a 105 IQ communist who will crash the economy even faster than biden's handlers
They shouldn't underestimate the cornered animal or Harris.
I still haven't heard how Mark Kelly got pozzed.
I hate Kamala so much that I will never vote for this ticket despite living in AZ. If it was still Biden I would have voted for him personally.
wife's a gun grabber
I remember her shooting, and I see that he's a dyed in the wool leftist commie democrat. What I wonder about is his possible involvement in the drug trade, or any other adverse social engineering glow activities that's 'part and parcel' for AZ politicians.
his eyes are weird
you jews are livid mommy kamala is about to stop funding israel huh
seethe harder kikes. we're making NASA great again
NASA is supposedly a tax slushfund operation while they strand astronauts on the ISS.
It's necessary to control both sides for good.
Kamala seems poised to keep shilling for Israel. Where is your evidence for her hiding anti-Israel views?
Non-whites have an existential dislike for israel now because as far as they are concerned, jews = wypipo they don't like.
>help white goyim! the brown goyim we imported en mass to drive down wages and ruin societal cohesion hate us now
the jig is up shlomo
>muh communist
She's just Biden but she'll be more socially progressive. Any average sane person would vote for that ticket over Trump.
I'm a communist and I'm voting for trump. Imagine voting for a prosecutor, one that validates the entire legal system and says this place is just. The left in America is not proletariat by the way. Unions are labor aristocrats making about 8x more than the poorfags voting for trump.
Little did they know.....

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