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can y’all tell me how this shit works? i don’t get it
I had a surgery a week ago and i had to go under for about 6 hours.
i remember a them putting a mask thing over my face and then feeling a tingly feeling across my body then …. thats it. i was out. and then i woke up super groggy. how tf does it just turn my brain off??? i didn’t like the tingly feeling it was spicy
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media
it finds your soul and flips the main switch.
Had you never been to sleep before?
This was your first experience with unconsciousness and it has you shook?
Feels different
With sleep there's a sense of time having passed. With anaesthesia it's like you teleport immediately to the future
You aren't getting good sleep. I mean this. You need to fix this problem or your diseases will grow.
People don't dream under anesthesia, whereas people always dream when sleeping. It's quantifiably different and you'd know this if you ever experienced anesthesia or had an IQ large enough to recognize his own dreams.
Anesthesia is closer to dying than it is to sleeping. Anesthetists are fucking necromancers who kill you and bring you back to life.
You are also not getting good sleep. You need to fix this problem or your retardation will grow.
If you're not dreaming while sleeping then you're the one not getting proper sleep
>no u
Oh, too late. The damage is permanent. Enjoy the rest of your days in blissful ignorance.
If you were banned 60% of /sci/ posts would vanish. Think about it.
REM is the most important stage of sleep, bro. Missing out on deep NREM isn't good, but what you apparently have is even worse
nah ive been under 3 times
if you do it again, mention to the doctor that you want to try and fight it.
i did that and i had him tell me when he started pushing it, and i started counting out loud. i got like, 4 seconds and then i was sitting in a wheelchair hours later.
Huff a xenon-oxygen mixture and safely toy with being on the edge.
What are you talking about you fucktard? What he said is correct. You apparently never enter deep REM sleep state. Your sleeping quality is abysmal.
Bad news, OP: we literally don't know.

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