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File: TeacherDEIJoke.jpg (38 KB, 493x417)
38 KB
Outdated teachers that could already be replaced with Youtube videos insist on DEI over merit no matter how much they know they are creating an incompetent workforce and I know exactly why. It is because fraud is everything these people are. They are fake humans and don’t even care a little bit about what is correct or incorrect. It’s only about conforming to the newest fad ideology, which is usually just verbal vomit. At what point do we stop trying to help them think critically and just force them to conform to the truth by manipulating and verbally abusing the shit of out them just as they do to us when they refuse to answer even a single fucking question honestly. We just let these faggots walk all over us, and they make it right to the top of all our schools and universities through intimidation. We are giant pussies when it comes to saying anything about race.
Realistically, can we develop a system using probability and statistics to predict their personalities? Where can I find statistical methods to apply to public figures based on the words they speak? Will we be able to use an AI on our phone to predict frauds and keep them out of STEM?
Meant to link to https://13wham.com/features/many-voices-many-visions/initiative-looks-to-bolster-more-educators-gateways-music-festival-returns#
I greatly like the idea of forcing those diversity students who graduate, go to training, and become teachers to be mandated to teach diversity classes. This seems like a great idea.
>56% students of color
They should be mandated to live in a hole together.
>Will we be able to use an AI on our phone to predict frauds?
An LLM that could constantly debunk bullshit artists and help you understand your surroundings better would be awesome
lets hope global warming sinks NYC sooner rather than later
What the fuck did that girl get lobotomized?
That guy looks like a cult leader and is smiling at his lobotomized puppet. This is fucked up.
That is amazing
>This seems like a great idea.
Well, it IS a great idea for corporate lords and other billionaires who keep the population at bay by means of "divide and conquer". Ever figured why they aggressively pushed that anti-racism rhetorics while doing absolutely nothing about the sorry state of inner-city black neighborhoods?

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