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>Dark Oxygen
Why are scientists so creatively bankrupt?
I think creative people have been selected out of academia
This is the one time it actually makes sense.
Imagine braiding it's tendrils and calling it pretty.
this could have saved floyds life if we had known about it before.
all surface oxygen is produced trough photosyntesis
therefore oxygen producen without light (or dark oxygen if you will) is something speciall and worth research
>Why are scientists so creatively bankrupt?
hmm, indeed, another "dark" thing.
What other names could they have come up with instead?
Well, I guess we won't be mining those nodules now.
occult oxygen
oxygen of the depths
Void oxygen
African-american oxygen
it doesn't need a special name, it's oxygen.
Do we give oxygen a fancy name just because it comes from photosynthesis? Off course not.
So it's just oxygen, and it's another source.
There's oxygen from photosynthesis, and there's oxygen from polymetallic nodules, that's it. There's no need to fancy-name everything.
Let's not be stupid and keep it sober by avoiding trendy names.
basketball oxygen
but how are you supposed to sell your discovery to pop-sci normies and collect social media clout if you wont give it a cool name?
dishonest oxygen
Doxygen, because they revealed where it comes from
Deep Oxygen
There, done.
Oxygen z.
Most probably the term was coined by some urinalists, that is some woke retard piece of shit.
>but how are you supposed to sell your discovery to pop-sci normies and collect social media clout if you wont give it a cool name?
I hate how right you are, argh.
Science was fucking cool when it was just science, before click-harvesting was invented.
>dark oxygen

killing these people can't happen soon enough. Holy fucken shit
Dark Oxygen is one of the components in Ice-Nine. Scientists shouldn't be messing with it.
We're all the way up to ice nineteen already. It's too late to turn back.
>Dark Oxygen
lol, i guess those retards must have dark IQ points too
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I name it Oxygen Obscura
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It isn't anything special. Variety of chemicals go reduction reaction to release oxygen without light. Eg oxides can be heated to give oxygen. Some organisms convert hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water through enzymes
Golly, do we know of a process that can produce oxygen from water?
Yep, creativity makes you a crank and a crackpot, so you are going to be filtered if you deviate from the academy. Creativity inherently makes you less rigourous, and finding non-existent patterns and connections between things, it also makes you more open, which means being more open to retarded shit like astrology. Creative people are all dumb cranks, luckily they're going to be filtered by artificial intelligence, which they can continue seething about I guess
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>I think creative people have been selected out of academia
high IQ people have been selected out
t. 115 IQ

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