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You have access to your dick at all time; you can clean it later; minimum chance of infection.
Just have running water at all times you dirty bastard.
inb4 manlets coping
I'm a manlet. I just step on a chair to piss in the sink.
tool use? you're smarter than the average scitard.
When I'm standing my dick fits perfectly on the counter in my bathroom. Pissing there feels good man
If we're not supposed to piss in the sink, then why is it placed perfectly at crotch height? What other scientific explanation is there
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I piss in the kitchen sink not because /sci/ told me to,
but because I am drunk and my roommates are hogging the bathroom
just leave the water running while pissing and noone will ever know
best and the pill is the color scarlet
for me it's pissing out the window

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