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>Hello chud
>look at this ai/quantum vaporware headline
>[reddit tier joke] (I am german btw)
>[phone rings] "Oh hi Elon" (proceeds to asskiss elon musk 3 more times during the video)
>hydrogen is bad
How does this clueless whore have any reach at all?
you know society is fucked when a whore on youtube earns thousands of dollars per month or putting out a 5min video each week
I have never watched, and will never watch, a single video of this granny, EVER
There are more crucial threats, though it's good news cause I'm here and we will become the best. Whatever it's use, it has been used. I assume that's why. In a sense, it's a pity; in a more broad understanding of position, it's a gift - and it is a gift.
what the fukc are you talking about
Do you fags really watch YouTube for your science? It's not 2014 lmao
>yet another hossengoblin simp spam thread
I used to be a coomer just like you, until I took a mouse arrow and clicked on her recommended video. She is a much more tolerable Thunderfoot with a better sense of humor to boot. I'd rather watch her videos than some bold amerimutt creature fawning over a wunder discovery that will "change everything".
Is this picture altered? It looks like she has man tits
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>hydrogen is bad
1 KWh of electricity -> powering electric car for 3 miles or household for an hour or dildo in your ass for five minutes, etc.
1KWh electricty ->making a spoonful of hydrogen -> storing it at cryogenic temps -> powering your dildo -> it blows your ass out
Forget about hydrogen, all the energy used to make it, store it, transpport it, make elctricity out of it again could just be used directly without losing 99 percent of it on retarded hydrogen nonsense.
The best way to get energy from hydrogen is to put 10^30 kilograms of it in one place and use solar panels. The second best way is using it to make hydrocarbons. People really underestimate the hydrogen storage issue
i had a sex dream that involved this german harlot
I cant stand her fake british accent. Basically unwatchable for me. Its sound so cringe when you yourself are a germ. Just roll the R it wont kill anybody.
It's a real German accent which she has because she's a German who learnt English from Brits, like most continental Germans.
Be stupid on some other board plz
German? She looks like a vatnigger
I don't know if you drones are being paid up by arabs or what but
>you don't need to power shit directly with hydrogen
>you don't need to store hydrogen under high pressure
>you don't need to transport hydrogen, you produce it locally
Nta, but It's sad that you believe those are the two alternatives. I agree that scientism is a disease and we won't be able to actually culturally progress further (with regards to genuine scientific achievement) until the "trust the science" crowd is drowned out by people who properly appreciate how little we actually know.

I like Sabine all things considered. Definitely not a fan of her ideas of "super-determinism" though. That seems like wishful thinking rather than dealing with the intractable aleotoric uncertainties that come with material reality (rather than the idealized abstractions where things can be deterministic).
Isn't she autistic? I remember seeing a video where she admitted to being on the spectrum. So maybe that autistic retardardation is on the mix as well, since autism will make you persistent and retarded.
Sabine is playing the game, she is open about this since she got the red pilled few years back after a failed research/academic career.
Imagine you having phd in math and you cant pay bills or rent.
So she is doing what everyone else is doing and I don't blame her.
I would not go that low tho,rather get a job as a cashier or something in the local market.
>solartard says hydrogen's storage problem is underestimated
girls say they're autistic like they say they are virgin
NTA and not pro or anti solar or hydrocarbons, but it does seem like a no brainer, even if we do it the low tech way and just grow corn ethanol fuels. There are energy density, redundancy and refuelling benefits to the existing fleet of ICE vehicles, especially in niche performance fields like logistics and construction / industrial plant vehicles.
Shut you whore mouth you simp. Its sounds forced and complete cringe. And learn to read I said Im a germ myself.
God help me, why does that ugly German man's body make me so horny.
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>slightly worse electricity for which there is already an entire global infrastructure
>nearly impossible to store safely and no infrastructure or use case
The only reason to make hydrogen is to use it to make hydrocarbons
You make electricity from hydrogen you fucking retard
Quick work, very nice
You make hydrogen from electricity dumbass. It's a worse battery. Hard to store and move.
Cute monke
Why do you move hydrogen retard? You move the electricity, you are a chinese bot
Literal tranny
But you make the hydrogen from electricity? What use case are you talking about? Hydrogen as a battery? What that fuck are you saying? Do the Chinese have some stake that conflicts with hydrogen?
You are so dense. All this anus licking has gotten you a brain infection.
Go read on simple english wikipedia or something about hydrogen storage and maybe powerpaste.
Nobody is planning on putting a fuel cell in your dildo fag.
>implying the electric grid will work just fine if you plug in 999 squintillion solar panels
there is so much you don't know. the tldr is you need batteries, metric and imperial shit tons, and there simply isn't enough mineral in the ground to make them all. (Plus it's toxic and mined by congolese child slaves)

Coal and nuclear are the only two power sources that anybody without brain damage should ever even consider.
Go back to /k/ faggot
She is a weird combination of woke and chud.
There's probably a way to make a much heavier and less efficient battery with more common materials like salt-iron, but there isn't enough solar yet to justify the endeavor. The steps to fit solar into the grid are much simpler than fitting in hydrogen
Even to build the solar panels themselves will need huge amounts of rare minerals and land. Plus you have to do it again in 25 years because they break that quickly (and cannot be economically recycled) meanwhile coal and nuclear can last a century or more.
P.S. I agree hydrogen is hopeless but I don't really care whether it is more or less hopeless than solar or wind
We're on the same page about nuclear, but this continent spanning retirement home is too ossified to ever relax regulation on it. Coal will run out and while it shouldn't be decommissioned it will eventually lose. I'm sure 25 years from now there will be enough spent panels that recycling them economically will be incentivized and solved. I don't know, I'm optimistic. I'm expecting the low cost per watt combined with the complete inconsistency and unreliability will lead to some semi automated industries with a high per unit cost from electricity to adapt somehow, so instead of five acres and a transformer you have 20 acres with a little factory in the middle with stuff shipped in and out daily. You could fill otherwise useless land. Like 100,000 acres of desert
Wind is shit as well. You should check out how much the amortized cost/watt of solar has changed over the last few years. It's sort of nuts how cheap it's getting. We're at the point where there might be an economic forcing function to adapting around the inconsistency, like battery packs in substations or in your house, or local industrial processes tailored to the weird timing. Seriously though check those numbers out, if you formed that opinion even five years ago I think you'll be surprised
Original GGG girl.
no, she's just german.
you don't sound any better, you're just a german and as such are naturally fucking retarded as well as crippled by autistic hubris. your main issue with that dwarf is that she is BREAKING ZE RULEZ and DAS IST VERBOETTENNNN!!@!!!. the day your people finally die out is the day actual europeans will become free.
Everything I see is dangerous
calm down, Avi
they've gotten sneakier about accounting. Solar electric bids in Australia are ridiculous, they either make nothing or they big -$5000 $/MWhr when they do it. (because that guarantees they get in when the actual price is set to somebody else's sensible bid) Brown coal meanwhile wins bids for $1/MWhr (1 cent per KWh). Batteries to store energy on a grid scale are ridiculous, and even micro-applications (e.g. a personal home battery) that are connected to the grid are only small scale versions of this. The actual reality is that every grid that has a high amount of renewables has some reliable form of power backing it -- coal, nuclear, natural gas or diesel generators. Occasionally hydro.
I also refuse to believe there are significant areas of the economy that can run on unreliable power. What businessman is going to accept shutting down the factory on random days (and paying the employees to twiddle their thumbs)? Plus all the uses that need power to keep something, e.g. refrigerators or aluminium foundries which absolutely must have electricity or the molten metal will set in the machinery and cause millions in damages. Maybe 10-15% at most could be powered as unreliably as solar delivers.
>I also refuse to believe there are significant areas of the economy that can run on unreliable power
>aluminium foundries
You picked the one that actually might benefit from this
>must have electricity or the molten metal will set
Just insulate a bunch of bricks with a high thermal mass around your equipment and it'll stay hot. I've seen some promising testing in this area
>What businessman is going to accept shutting down the factory on random days
I'm not sure of the economics here but it might literally be the cost/watt makes those costs worth it. We're measuring efficiency in dollars only so the machine time or the actual watt/aluminum is only a function of the number we care about. You'd need some plan for scaling and automation but a country like Australia with all its deserts and a 1st world population would be well positioned to be the hydrocarbon and aluminum producer for the Earth. That's a lot of otherwise unproductive land that could be paved with industry. Hell, dig swales before installing the panels and the water and shade would green your entire continent for a profit
What bothers me most about her is that she's really fucking ugly
How would you feel if your computer turned off on random days, it would be annoying and you would miss a lot of work right? Why would an aluminum company feel any different, they already try to go for the cheapest power they can by setting up next to hydro damns so I don't see how they would benefit at all from this.
This country has like 9 separate grids because it's too big to unify, and nobody in between. Western Australia alone has 4. The transmission losses would be crazy.
Alumina refineries REALLY cannot afford to let the power switch off. Solar (wind too) tends to be extremely variable. I think this country has like 11000 MW of nameplate wind capacity, the most it has ever made is about 8000 and the least is about 300. And today could be a 500 day and tomorrow 5000, you can't run a grid on this kind of variation. Even with a country big enough to be a dinky continent, it's not big enough to escape the weather.

Electricity cost to make industries move? No, ridiculous. My pay (at a chemical plant) is $32 an hour. Electricity would need to be 100x its current (high) price to be in the same ballpark. Even if you could get 90% reduction in electricity use, it wouldn't matter, that's a failed grid on price alone.

Nuclear is the ONLY kind of renewable that can run a grid. Hydro is reliable but there are only so many rivers. And since both it and coal run steam turbines, let's build more coal and convert them to nuclear. Nuclear has a high capital cost but is the only power source that can compete with coal on a marginal basis.

Regardless, Australia makes 0.32% of global CO2, and we have killed our grids shutting down a handful of coal plants when right now China is building a new one every week.
Holy hell the seethe, patch up your bleeding asshole and head back whereveryou came from you cockmuncher.

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