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IIT: A discussion on potential implications of AI used for synthetic biology.

AI can be used to help engineer organisms through an ability to better understand and design genetic frameworks. What are some implications of this? Here are some of my considerations -- some don't necessarily directly involve AI, but AI can make such things easier. :

Normie tier:
>Easier drug/biomaterial production through organisms with better optimized production pathways
>AI could help engineer organisms that react to their environment (like an organism that helps crop production by sending signals to plants in response to qualities of the soil)
>Engineering of organisms to help the climate (biofilters, plastic degradation) (gay)
>More GMO food, like lab grown meat (even gayer)

>Nefarious actors could potentially get DNA data (like through hacking Ancestry.com) and creating a disease that targets a certain individual
>Potential organisms engineered to genocide people/crops/livestock (biowarefare)
>Organisms that interact with the microbiome to influence peoples emotions
>GMO Humans/Human chimeras
>Engineered neurons connected to a computer to make a living computer

>Living bioclothing/accessories (potential moss-like organism that lives on peoples heads for baldies)
>Virus that spreads and inserts DNA into people to give them "neutral" qualities, like lactose-tolerance
>Jurassic park finally becomes real
>jew tier
They could try to not be neanderthals anymore
Am fine with all of that but what if it doesn't help and produce foreign object syndrome and people have unavoidable mental collapses due to not recognizing or controlling it's own bodies?

Ever had one of those sleep paralysis this is what this does to your psyche
OP here, I'm trans btw
why is this under retard tier? it's the only reason why I bother, I will design a catgirl with the help of AI and she will be real
Yeah normie-tier should be replaced with jew-tier

True, should have put it in schizo-tier (the one that is actually important)
Found an interesting link:

It's a list of bioterrorism committed by the U.S. government. However, there aren't any sources, so you should verify the ones that interest you. This is important as currently, the U.S. does not have proper regulations specific to synthetic biology and are trying to set them up. However, just because there are regulations, it seems the U.S. has a history of not caring... I wonder what they are currently doing.
Additionally, here is an article on a Chinese scientist who tricked doctors into planting genetically modified embryos into two women. He only got 3 years of jail time...

Human chimeras covers all types of -girls pretty succinctly.
>Human chimeras
there's only demand for catgirls, no one cares about your frankenstein permutations
Sorry, I'll never trust artificially manufactured foods
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Synthetic biology was the new hotness when I was grad school over a decade ago. AI is great for traditional drug discovery, but synbio has been a disappointment.
Didn't SynBio fuck over the world with COVID? Pretty much all medicine and vitamin supplements are products of SynBio. Additionally, while the first use cases that come to mind are drug and food manufacturing, there could be more schzio developments that I would like to know more about. Who knows what the government is hiding from us currently. There are probably also a lot of things open to the public that could change the world that don't have a lot of attention.
But you are right to avoid being hyped up from this new technology.

>Hype flourishes when disoriented, poorly informed populations want to believe in easy solutions to difficult problems

Also >another schizo implication:

Someone could design a bacteriophage that spreads and could remove an entire disease from the Earth. While not as mainstream in The West, Russia and other Eastern European countries have been researching and using bacteriophage therapy to treat infections. Someone could potentially make one that infects the human microbiome and fucks with how your gut bacteria interact with your emotions. Additionally, someone could create a bacteriophage that supercharges diseases such as the regular cold into something much worse.

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