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How much of a big deal is this? Some of my leftist friends are posting demotivation messaging like
>"if only we opened our borders to China and cooperated with them, they would give us access to their wonderful technology which is 10-15 years ahead of the US!"
None of them have any formal technical qualifications in the sciences. Does China objectively lead by a significant margin (e.g. beyond a 5 year gap) in any major scientific field? I know that I'm opening a can of worms that may invite bots and shllls in asking. I'm looking for information and talking points to rebut the sensationalism of my worryingly self-hating, naive and pessimistic acquaintances. It's getting fucking tiresome. Sorry in advance.
based retard
Why do you think China is our enemy, and not, say, Israel?
Ain't our enemy. You're the enemy.
Thought pebble bed reactors died off when one of the test reactors had a pebble get jammed in the door to the reactor chamber, which was an edge case the failsafe design couldn't account for.
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The most interesting part of that article was one of the sidebar links.
>None of them have any formal technical qualifications in the sciences.
Youre unsure if uninformed consent normies are "on to something youre not"?

Come on, man.

"The moon's surface features low gravity, high radiation levels and extreme temperature swings."

"But the canister apparently does not have a battery-powered heater, so the onset of the lunar night over the weekend spelled doom for the cotton sprouts"

It's not really significant at all. Pebble bed reactors have been around since the 1940's. You might as well be amazed that any nuclear plant can pass testing.
You can go to schenzen and go through flee markets of random electronics parts.
You really think your going to lead the next generation in manufacturing anything without current gen factories

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No. I am a 3rd Line Soldier and a Proto Business Man or Anchored Politician
This is what I was looking for. I kid you not, the exact phrasing of my friend was "fhey are 10-15 years ahead of tbe United States". It's fucking stupid and ridiculous. This is the gay torture of being a zoomer. We've got the schizo horse shoe shit where some of my conservative friends read Mao and now are "patriotic socialists", whatever the fuck thst means.
Sometimes dominance in narrow fields is not a given. I was surprised to learn the other day that Europe leads in some particular aspects of the design and manufacturing equipment for chips. Cockiness and not knowing your enemy's strengths is dangerous.
>pebble jams are an unsolvable engineering challenge
smartest capitalist right here.
Feel better about yourself?
>fhey are 10-15 years ahead of tbe United States
so who actually built this for the Chinese (and I don't mean the poor dumb concrete and rebar guys who probably died by the dozens), the Germans? Westinghouse? Russians?
>they would give us access to their wonderful technology which is 10-15 years ahead of the US!
Why don't we just steal it? Give them a taste of their own bullshit.
Any positive news you ever hear coming out about China is 100% fake. 90% of that country is still in the middle ages. They're almost at Russia/India/Iran levels of destitute. CHINA STRONG is the current media narrative and it's false
how do you know this
have you ever been to 90% of china?
have you been to russia/india/iran?
This is not new tech, and certainly not a design unique to China. It's worth noting that the US gov completely suppressed any sort of development in nuclear until like last year, when the DoD decided to fund the development of a small containerized reactor like this one. The regs are so bad though that even the startups that I'm aware of that have a fully complete prototype and half an assembly line still haven't been given access to actual radioactive material. This is with the DoD involved. China's main advantage here is a system of government where some guy in the party can just clear a path for progress. I can't even begin to imagine what that process would look like in the US. This story is repeated all over American industry. The government gets in the way instead of aiding progress. This works if you're still living in a world where your main adversary is dying and then dead, like all our geriatric politicians remember, but China is certainly not that. The US is more advanced right now, but the rate of progress in China vs the US means that won't be the case for long. I say this as someone that fucking hates China, our government is literally too retarded and stagnant to let us win
Crying in Ching Chong
Here's another CHINA STRONG chink shilling seething. Enjoy your gutter oil Chang.
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Sorry, but Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors are the way.
U235 is jealous
ignoring the question. downvoted.
>Pebble bed reactors have been around since the 1940's
but materials are a lot cheaper nowadays and we have a lot more technology to monitor and control processes, no?
What are the regs supposed to do? Are they ostensibly about safety or security? Is it political wrangling because of muh ChErnObyL fearmongering?
People who's business nuclear would compete with donate to politicians
The Chinese licensed the technology but as far as I can tell, they did the implementation themselves. This would be consistent with the /sci/ meme that Chinese can't invent things on their own but are good at cranking out copies.
This. Big oil fucks us once again.
>Cockiness and not knowing your enemy's strengths is dangerous.
>[wipes mouth]
Tell me more about this "your enemie", I know not of this concept. Im planning another tour across Europe this summer, maybe we could meet up and fist fight in a lorry lot.

>aspects of the design and manufacturing equipment for chips
Silicon chip manufacturing globally is something I check up on from time to time. Lithography, specifically. So, no, I have an idea about US, Taiwanese, Chinese and a bit if Europe.

>This is what I was looking for.
a fucking wikipedia search for the thing you asked 4chan whattheactualfuck...


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