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A new worldwide study finds there were no excess deaths due to covid and there were 16.9 million vaccine-associated deaths up to the end of 2022.

At 521 pages it is a comprehensive report containing hundreds of figures and a detailed examination of excess all-cause mortality during the years 2020 to 2023.

“Our calculated excess mortality rate [ ] corresponds to 30.9 ± 0.2 million excess deaths projected to have occurred globally for the 3-year period 2020-2022, from all causes of excess mortality during this period,” the authors wrote.

More than half of those global excess deaths, about 57%, the authors attributed to covid vaccines.

Using the data from 78 countries the researchers calculated the population-wide risk of death per injection. From this, they estimated the global all-ages excess mortality associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022. They calculated that the deaths, globally, associated with covid vaccines up to 30 December 2022 was 16.9 million people.

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dishonest people on "trust the science" when it tickles their egotistical confirmation bias. you can have an infinite mountain of scientific evidence that they made a mistake and they'll never believe it.
thats why its easier to trick some people than it is to convince them they were tricked
Told y'all that there would be a large increase in "the vaccines were bad" news heading into November now that the person responsible for the mandates is retiring.
>now that the person responsible for the mandates is retiring.
What's the later day version of Correct the Record? Operation Warp Speed is what delivered the vaccine. Also I don't listen to this bullshit. President Trump gave us the vaccine, I trust Donald Trump. Simple as.
trump's plan to trick the low IQ soiyentism zealouts into volunteering the holocaust themselves was a work of absolute genius
>trump's plan to trick the low IQ soiyentism zealouts into volunteering the holocaust themselves was a work of absolute genius
This! He didn't even mandate it. They did it to themselves.
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