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Where does oil really come from?
You've seen oil? Don't you know they secretly manufacture fossil fuels by carbon capture?
from oil rigs or pipelines...
Better question is why is there methane on Titan....


>In the early 1900’s Russia drilled many wells into the area of the Caucus Mountains and produced much oil. I will skip a lot of details and basically cover that these wells were “Played Out” by about 1945. There was no oil in the wells of economic value. In the 1980’s some of the old deposits were checked for any remaining oil and to their absolute shock, the Russians found the deposits replenished completely. Upon investigation they concluded what was called the “Magma Theory of Oil” or “Magma Oil” for short.

Just ask yourself how much different world we would all live in if we knew the truth. Oil is a renewable resource that should be pumped as much as possible. Gas prices would be $0.20 a gallon and the plebs would have limitless free food thanks to tractors running for basically free and all the bottom dollar fertilizer available. Free energy, freedom to drive cross country for $50 or less. The elites can't allow this so just like diamonds they create artificial scarcity with the most important commodity on Earth, energy. Russia is the main country speaking out against biogenic origin of oil....look where it got them. At war with GloboHomo. Coincidence no doubt.
You don't want more carbon or surface.
From a black woman's cunt
Theres a hell of a lot more coal and hydrocarbons on earth than people are used to consider. If the theories of the early earth's atmosphere are correct (no reason to believe it so) then the atmosphere used to be some humongous percentage of CO2, like 30% or so, and this all turned into oxygen thanks to photosynthesis with algae and then with trees during that carboniferous era.
Well this means theres an atom of carbon, free in coal or in a hydrocarbon molecule, for each oxygen molecule.
Do the math, its about 750 kilos of carbon for every square meter of the entire earth surface. Its about 375.000 billion tons of coal
each year the world mines about 10 billion tons, its enough to keep production for 37500 years, likely a third of that if we include the mass of oil also extracted
10 millennia of resources
But you've got to keep it photosyntetized or othersyntetized back to carbon, because we do not want so much CO2 in atmosphere.
Basically if coal came from CO2 broken down with photosynthesis. then theres 1 atom of free carbon for each oxygen molecule.
As much fuel as theres oxygen to burn it. Thinl of oxygen in the atmosphere as a fuel gauge.
currently at over 20.9% oxygen and 400 ppm CO2. We will continue to increase the CO2 and reduce the oxygen until they change places
This planet has BREATHABLE(tm) atmosphere. Don't fuck it up.
You wont notice anything until CO2 reaches at least 1%, thats 10.000 ppm and really far from current 400 ppm
At 1000 ppm I would get cold shower if I would be in the lab.
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Basically it's cum from Incel Dinosaurs
cyanobacteria ate the co2 and shat out o2, then they died and became the soil we have on earth, so many things just turn into soil
did you take into account the carbon you walk on everyday in your equation?
The majority of oil extracted was created in the Mesozoic. As Pangaea was separating, it create widespread shallow seas. Along with the warm climate, phytoplankton, zooplankton, and algae could grow in abundance, die, then quickly sink to the seafloor and get buried underneath the ground. Over time, layers build up, pressure builds up, and you get oil.

Coal comes from the Carboniferous when there existed little to no organisms to break down robust tree matter.
>did you take into account the carbon you walk on everyday in your equation?
Yes, it just doesnt seen to be that much. Except in places like Ireland with its flammable peats. Everywhere else soil is mostly inorganic
We are talking about 750 kilos per square meter. If land is a quarter of the surface thats 3 tons of carbon per meter. That would be like a soil 6 meters deep made of peat
Oil is the black blood of Molech
trees included in your calculation right?
covers 30% of the world
Subterranean Atlantean super reserves, the blood of the Titans
your pic shows is comes from the tipped over barrel, obviously.
>the Russians found the deposits replenished completely
What's the rate of replenishment. How do you that just particular deposit just didn't have seepage from another deposit. Why hasn't the US repumped its old wells, the ones from a century ago? Oil could very well be abiotic but it won't change the supply and demand problem.
How do you know the oil wasn't already there and is now flowing into the barrel?
After all, oil in a barrel is a more natural state of things don't you agree? So the oil is very likely flowing into the barrel instead out of it.
dinosaur's nuts
>There are an estimated 550 gigatons of carbon of life in the world. A gigaton is equal to a billion metric tons. A metric ton is 1,000 kilograms, or about 2,200 pounds.

550 billion tons of carbon in life, calculated 375000 billion tons of total free carbon on earth
The price of oil is driven by supply and demand, just like everything else. Supply is limited mainly by the costs of exploration, production, and transportation, none of which are ameliorated by renewability. But if you really believe in your theory, you're welcome to sink some holes around Kilgore, TX and get rich.
Russia drilled Titan?
>why is there methane on Titan....

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