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What does math think about nihilism?
two sets A and B are the same iff any given element x of A is a element of B and any Element of B is a element of A.


Did it help?
I asked my friend mat and he says nihilism is pretty coom
Granted I was in a bit of a strange spiritual place, but I learned in college to see in math, a structure outside of our reality, that afflicts upon it a sense of order that can be interacted with.

That alone inspires in me some idea of a higher power.
Not that it has some communicable or relatable humanoid agency or intent, but that there is something that naturally coerces and rewards the agency in us to learn more about and understanding the structure of reality.

That's enough for me.
They're unrelated.
Math is something we use to describe patterns in reality.
Nihilism says that there is no grand purpose to reality.
ty, brotha
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I prefer to call it realism
What does geology think about my haircut
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Material set theory is wrong. Empty sets are unique only up to equivalence. Hence there are many ways to be a nihilistic that do not agree on the nose.
Do you hear from this axiom system of Quine?
n this, there are more than just one empty set sinsce the principle of extentionalism is not in power.

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