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/sci/ plays against /toy/ today and then /x/ on Sunday.

>what is this?
A virtual soccer (football) tournament involving the boards of 4chan, /sci/'s team promoted to this summer's cup after coming in 4th this past winter

>we have a team?
Yes, its been around for over a decade.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>where can I watch previous games?
Good luck /sci/tards
Thanks, incidentally today is the first time /sci/-/toy/ has ever happened.
Howdy, we want you to 9 point the group.

Love, /sp/
r u tryna curse us?
We need you to win out so we can go through too. kthxbai
alright, that's a start
this was kinda inevitable, it's 16 they were never gonna force a 1-0
As always
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phenotype that was such an easy block.
This is just how PES 16 GKs are
Sorry, /toy/ really came alive in the second half.
Pray for /x/-/sp/ ending up as a draw, and for a good match again /x/ on Sunday.
welp, we're probably out now, unless /x/ can pull this back.
No, because if /sp/ wins they'll be on 3 points with us, and then the group will still be open. I'll post the group stage matrix once it gets made.
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Here it is /sci/ and /sp/ are both on 3 points.
If /sp/ wins their match against /toy/ we need a win, and depending on how much /sp/ wins by we might need to a win by a certain margin, though we're already ahead of them by 3 GD.
If /toy/-/sp/ is a draw we can advance on either a win or a draw against /x/.
If /sp/ loses, /sci/ can advance even on a loss, as long as we don't lose by 3
The good news is that /x/ looks somewhat weak, the bad news is that they're a white whale that we've gone 0-1-2 against.
alright, faith restored.
i belieb.
Going into the last match on one win and one draw is fairly typical, but depending on the what the rest of the group looks like it can be dicey.
We ought to be very thankful that we ran up 3 goals on /sp/ and only lost by 1 against /toy/, but we'll only know what our tolerances are after their game.

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