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/sci/ - Science & Math

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I'm bored of browsing /g/ and doing leetcode all day, I want to know what kind of intellectual discussions the folks at /sci/ are havi---

>climate change denial
>COVID denial
>flat earth
>race bait
>"help me with my high school homework"

Something like 75% of the threads are made by bots. Sorry about that, but we have no mods. Also please delete this garbage thread because mod won't.
Climate change is real. COVID is real and the shots are kinda meh compared to zinc supplements and anti-asbestos respirators. The earth is round. Races express different physical and mental traits. ChatGPT or WolframAlpha can do your homework.
At least this thread is better than the threads OP is complaining about
The real problem is that you aren't filtering this shit out. 4chan transforms from a complete shithole to a pretty good forum when you get rid of the bots, poltrannys, midwits, and trolls
No one denies climate change, they deny global warming because the evidence is shit
Oh look, our in-house schizo is back for his daily thread whining that the board isn't entertaining enough for him even though he's never once contributed anything of value. See you again tomorrow.
That is so true
you know the way out, bye
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This board is fucking dead. 10 years ago we had threads about TQFT, HoTT, algebraic geometry, even some anons exploring IUTT. Today all we get is endless "science is fake and gay" spam.

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