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That thing was murderous; they STILL didn't take responsibility; they just quietly replaced it with the "plate" which is still bad.
China just found the cure. Wonder if US already banned it.
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Will we EVER be able to figure out why Americans are getting diabetes?
What are they doing with all of those spare limbs?
I see a lot of people these days having difficulty walking. It's a rough world out there and no insurance is going to cover an elective surgery to fix arthritis damage
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Agreed. Diabetes and obesity is just carbohydrate ignorance.

>be "mildly" overweight (50 lbs, but I'm an American)
>thirsty as fuck for weeks
>get blood glucose monitor
>over 300
>diagnosed with Type 2
>no insurance so no Ozempic
>prescribed Metformin and Glipizide
>"Might bring it down"
>Fuck it, decide to go Keto
>Keto is ~20g carbs a day
>Okay, I'll start with 100g
>blood sugar plummets below 150 within two weeks
>another month, I have to back off on the basic bitch diabeetus meds because now I'm sometimes dropping below 80 and into "low" territory
>four months later, I'm 25 lbs lighter with only mild exercise
>don't even need the meds to stay around 100
>blood pressure came down too

Fuck bread and fuck the FDA's gay pyramid.
The base of the food pyramid should be meat. The very top should be vegetables. The middle should be dairy, eggs, fish, organs, seafood. But that shit is way too expensive for the average American to afford. The average person severely undereats protein.
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that's not their reason. americans produce a lot of orange juice and peanuts and whatnot. it's all about the money; they're all stupid on that as well; it would be more profitable to not give multiple billions per year to treat diabetics (and the cost is in effect probably multiplied since those people go out of the work force while they're sick).
still no known cause for diabetes btw

still no cure for diabetes btw

give your local doctor more money
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ok homo, where do dogs and pigs fit in you little gay chart?
half of the human shit differs by race already
> listing even NAILS
list if you have 4 stomachs like the sheep.
list that your intestine is as short as a wolf's.
Ask them if they have 4 stomachs like the sheep. Even the Gorilla is much different by the way (because it only eats leaves), its intensive is four times the size of a wolf / human's.
It's not all just about the money, there's ideology and the belief that meat is bad they wrap it up in faux health concerns to force it on everyone else.
This chart is literal bullshit,
he knows it's bullshit,
he gets called out for it being bullshit everytime he posts it.
yet he still posts it
this is not a person
Now do vaccines.
Bro, it's not hard. Just put the syrup water down. Just stop drinking it. Like, it's THAT easy to avoid diabetes.
>Will we EVER be able to figure out why Americans are getting diabetes?
Why would they? Diabetes is known to reduce life expectancy massively after the 60th year and anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that the US-American government has a program in place to guide the old and the poor towards self-destructive behavior. Hence why the drug crisis has never been solved.

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