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why are jewish intellectuals obsessed with sex and pedophilia? is there a reason for this?
leave the board already, your mind is full of hate and ignorance
Yes. They want to destroy the Adamic White race. They hate us cos' they ain't us.
Circumcision induced trauma and sexual violence from rabbis.
They get a free ticket to their promised land, Epstein's Island, for helping to normalize pedophilia

Reminder that every day a majority of newborn American baby boys will have their genitals mutilated because of the Jews
Which is the hateful and ignorant part?
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I'm so enlightened I've unironically evolved beyond the desire for wet messy animal procreation. The act of germ exchange disgusts me. No hairless ape is truly intelligent or enlightened if they still chase caveman desires like sex and pleasure. It really is that simple.
I'm currently in my anal phase. Want to help me out, anon :3

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