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I'm using the AI a lot, I ask it for obscenely complicated and boring jobs.
Sometimes when I ask him to do things I almost feel the immense effort it would take to complete them.
And she, obviously, does everything (almost) perfectly without batting an eye.
This inability to experience fatigue is shocking.
Needless to say, even these stupid and primordial AIs are already changing my way of working completely.
It's not just hype, I'm realizing it firsthand by using them.
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I am continually amazed by how utterly mundane and flawed and undependable the "accomplishments" of AI actually are, and by how normies constantly act as if they are seeing a miracle.
But then I occasionally recall how technologically clueless the average person is, such that even their cell phone is (to them) a device from the gods that works by what may as well be magic, and if they had to make one from base components, even allowing unlimited size, they would die of old age before even completing the rudiments.
If you ask shitty questions you will get shitty answers
Speaking of gpt, the previous version was pathetic, unusable for anything.
This new version has changed a lot, and we are already starting to see glimmers of what it could be.
You can't add temperatures like that. It's °C and change in °C.
You start at 0°C, you change the temperature by 0°C, and you end with 0°C. Delta T = 0
You start at 32°F, you change the temperature by 0°C (0°F), and you end with 32.
1 delta T °C = ~1.8 delta T °F
When hologram tech comes and the first holodecks are built and we can finally go
"computer, simulate for me two scantily clad women fighting each other on a muddy surface over who should get to drain my balls of semdn first. disengage safety protocols, disable telemetry and disconnect from the internet"
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>Instantly get two people trying to explain what ChatGPT should have said if it wasn't moronic, while simultaneously trying to say it isn't moronic.
>tricking ChatGPT to prove it's "useless"
It's not
I'm the delta T guy, and obviously chat GPT is retarded, but the retarded GPT convinced an IRL friend of mine that 0 + 0 = 64
Anyway as I said:
>Needless to say, even these stupid and primordial AIs are already changing my way of working completely.

That's not a "I asked ChatGPT who created the universe... waaaoooo" kind of thread.
I just use it to coom. I'm saving up for another A6000 so I can run that thing the French cooked up the other day.
I celebrate that I have lived to see the pure, unrequited joy of the same liberals who praised AI for doing their jobs for them turning in rage against the companies who now realize there is no reason to continue employing those same useless individuals.
most of them were useless even before AI
>head of people
>head of talent
>many degrees of HR roasties
troll thread
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Didn't realize that the initial velocity matters
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Wow. It still didn't get it. What sort of retardation is this?
Maybe because your question is fake and gay?
AI is a boring job. I agree. It will never permute the arrangement of powerful people. It will paint watercolors of their children.
object 1 accelerated with constant force for 10 seconds
object 2, same mass, accelerated with the same force for 10 seconds
Why should the initial velocity make any difference? You didn't specify that the final velocity will be the same
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yes, it truly is amazing, and this is only the beginning.
AI right now is like the internet in 1994. People can't even fathom what things are going to be like in 30 years.

However, avoid using AI for work like writing and editing text, try and work on what you need on your own as much as possible, or you will become less intelligent as time passes and your put your brain through less and less effort.
He is using GPT-3.5.
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>I ask him
>And she

based and "no me"-pilled ai
If you apply the same force for the same amount of time for the same mass, obviously the energy used is not necessarily going to be the same. By having more initial speed, the force is then applied for a longer distance which increases the energy required which you get by multiplying force by distance.
physics is a fraud

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