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I've spent a lot of times trying to learn thing in my life, still, it's clear to me that I'm below average in intelligence and that I'm not smart. I used to think that I was a genius, I genuinely used to believe this, then I realized that I was actually dunning-kruger, I'm just shocked at how smart and educated most people are. I'm going to use a midwit example to illustrate my point, it's like in calculus when you approach the limit of a given value, and you get infinitesimally closer and closer, but you never actually reach. Why is learning so difficult, why is understanding things so hard, why am I so dumb?
For whatever reason I had a much easier time learning higher level math 30+ than I ever did university age
We all know raw horsepower of the brain declines with age, but I think in my case I had just learned how to focus by then.
Dunning Kruger implies that you talk too much. Consider the idea of talking less and listening more.
Yea, that's what I like doing, I like listening to my superiors, realizing I'm dumb made me realize this. I just wish I knew the magic behind being educated
you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media
You need to deepthroat a BBC to understand the trials on life.

Why do I need to deepthroat a BBC?
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Most probably all the crap you were force fed by the indoctrination system made it harder for you to acquire knowledge.

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