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How much longer until we get a particle physics breakthrough?
Two more weeks
everything in the standard model is already discovered. the next thing to look for would be a supersymmetric particle or some wimp or something like that, but those are unproven theories and most likely don't even exist
You have to reach some minimal energies to create new particles
Higher energies should not be required to explain experiments observed at current achievable energies. That means you dont need galactic style accelerators called for stringistas to explain what has already been seen. You can make do with approximate theories that still explain what is seen, yet many things are unexplained
the discovery of the neutron led to nuclear power

why haven't the discovery of quarks led to anything in technology?
Its theorized that baryon number can be violated at higher energies
>fuck around with baryonic asymmetry at high energies
>accidentally cause a new big bang
>this is how all big bangs happen
No particle collider for you
40 quadrillion collisions - still nothing useful from it. This is exactly what one would expect from the full weight of the modern scientific mind. Endless experiments and endless data with no meaning. They are monkeys set to writing Shakespeare.
Ideally a future collider would be a muon collider, that would help push the boundaries for new physics in both muon interactions and high energies.

Some of the most powerful accelerators in the past were electron positron colliders (LEP) since those collisions are "cleaner" and use all of the kinetic energy of the particles. Electrons are light particles, and electron synchrotron are limited by Bremsstrahlung effects. The LEP ring turned into the LHC ring, which could operate at higher energies, but proton collisions are less efficient and more difficult to analyze. Muons offer a good middle ground, being heavier point particles.
the higgs boso was found at the lhc tho
The higgs mechanism made predictions other than the mass of the higgs boson. It was already mostly accepted by the time they found the particle.
what are the consequences of this fact
why the hell do they need to keep making bigger ones if theyre in a circle and already going near light speed?
The faster the particle is moving, the harder it is to make it curve. The tighter the curve and the faster the particle, the stronger the magnetic field required to bend its path.
The result is that a collider with a smaller radius needs to expend more energy in just keeping the particle from hitting the walls, energy that could instead be used to actually accelerate the particle.
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any breakthroughs we have will be kept hush hush becuase governments are in the process of "weaponizing" them.
you are hearing about crazy neuroscience research about remote controlled cockroackes or implants that can tap into the visual cortex of cats.
you also dont hear about research coming from those huge structures and arrays that measure rachyons, cosmic rays and the like.
i think there is an agenda at play here.
but im just a paranoiac.
but isnt it near light speed already?
plus, these fucking experiments cost insane amounts of money and we havent gotten jack shit from them after how many years now? what kind of stupid money sink is this?
that honestly seems about right.
scientists just flush money and pretend progress is being made. meanwhile, while global taxpayers fund this kind of shit, corporations are the ones who monopolize and abysmal discoveries, then they have the fucking balls to sell it to us in some disposable product.
>but isnt it near light speed already?
You can keep making it go faster. A particle moving at 0.9c has less energy than one moving at 0.99c, and so on.
>plus, these fucking experiments cost insane amounts of money and we havent gotten jack shit from them after how many years now?
The LHC allowed for the observation of the Higgs Boson.
>what kind of stupid money sink is this?
It is more valuable to humanity than anything you'll ever do.
>The LHC allowed for the observation of the Higgs Boson.
It's great that it helped discover something up until then considered only theoretical, but what other use has come from that?
>It is more valuable to humanity than anything you'll ever do.
Is it? Because I could think of countless other things that money could have went toward that would have had an actual material impact on helping the world. How about helping to improve a failing western infrastructure? You know, the thing our tax money is literally supposed to be for? Instead it all gets dumped in military shit and pointless science festival nonsense.
Besides the Higgs, what else has the billions upon billions provided? Even the discovery of Higgs doesn't actually do shit. It's a money sink to sate curiosity and nothing more.
The fact you have to resort to being a faggot like I just insulted your boyfriend is pretty sad. Why are you taking it personal like a bitch?
That's a pretty solid summary, honestly.
Meanwhile, you have people like that Higgs nerd genuflecting to the same dickheads that want him to eat bug paste and ride a shitty bike everywhere, while they fly on private jets, waste billions on vanity projects like LHC, and own 12 homes all over the world. Most of which are on a beaches that they pretend they're afraid is going to get wiped out by "muh climate crisis."
Something to do with baryon asymmetry, the idea is that this symmetry was broken in early big bang i.e high energy and thats why theres more matter than antimatter and the universe isnt just photons, if you could access the mechanism you could reverse it and turn electrically neutral matter (like a hydrogen atom) into photons. This violates baryon number (B=1 for protons) and lepton number (L=1) for electron but allegedly you can break this and only preserve a weaker symmetry which is conserving the B-L number.
Allegedly the energies required for this have already been reached at the LHC but it has not been seen due to reasons.
>but isnt it near light speed already?
Speed isnt the point, but energy.
Im against funding more of these accelerators since we have bigger problems such as palestinian terrorism, however i am patient and will give scientists ONE FINAL CHANCE to build a new accelerator and they better make it worthy this time.
the whole baryon and antibaryons thing always seemed more like throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks, honestly.
one thing that has become trendy as hell in physics and science in general the last several decades is essentially fantasy math that leads fucking nowhere and serves no real purpose. these experiments really are just more of the same, regardless how how much they try to polish the turd to make it seem like it's for some useful objective.
nobody cares about western lives and infrastructure. Money doesn't solve that, a normal brain does. I say build a bigger collider so we can smash.
would you be ok the money spent on physics research just went to medical research?
>particle physics
dead end
matter is not particulate in nature
It's a wave
don't try to create a kafkatrap to justify it. they're false equivalencies.
Depends what lies physics has been built on and who wants funding
>general the last several decades is essentially fantasy math that leads fucking nowhere and serves no real purpose
Sadly it's further back than that it's at least since the late 1800s, maybe it grew worse over the 1900s but the mathematic pseudoworld and notion of not testing the models against reality or ignoring the results has been a problem for a while people get all tied up in supporting it
Yeah, then they begin to make shit up and shoehorn it in to make the model work. I think "dark matter" is a somewhat good example of this.

But that's not even the only problem in the current universal model in use either. For the longest time whenever attempting to figure things out through math, it's been considered that if you arrive at a "singularity" then you fucked up and something is wrong.
Now they just make shit up and ignore it because they want to ego stroke. That's the problem with big bang and black holes, and a few other things, but they just go with it.

Another good example is String Theory, which is the mathematical equivalent to universal fan-fiction.
We need more money. First.
ah yes, another doomsday device. the trick is to always put them on trial and bet your life savings that they won't work.
0.99 lightspeed and 0.999 lightspeed is a massive difference in terms of energy
But not as big of a difference in how much of a waste of money it all is.
That's only $49 per citizen of the EU. They already pay tens of thousands per year for taxes and most of that goes to feeding, housing, and providing free medical care and education to minorities. Even if the new collider probably won't do anything, who cares? Just take a tiny sliver out of the welfare bucket and things will be better over there. Hell, they could throw $22 billion into the ocean rather than spending it on socialism for minorities and it would improve society immensely.
Just say yes or no. I wont accept any other answers
Of course you won't because he already called you out for your faggotry
That $49 could have saved a children life
Is that you, Sabine?
Im calling you out as a coward and hypocrite. Seems like you are the one who got exposed.
You wont answer because it just exposes your real agenda, so you chose to avoid the issue and fling insults, but that course of action already says everything
Why don't you donate $49 of your own money to Africa then?
fpbp. These colliders have never yielded anything. Plus what do they have? 5% accuracy?
Learn to read, retard. I'm not him, but your mid-wit brain can't seem to comprehend how transparent you are. You're just acting like a faggot and looking to argue regardless of the answer. Even this response shows what a sad loser you are as you concoct stupid scenarios in your own head. Go take your HRT and stop being such a sad cunt.
You're such a fag lol. Is this what you do? Roleplay gay things in your head about people as some bizarre cope? Completely delusional. Stop being retarded and just own your shit. There's nothing "scientific" about purposely seeking out stupid "gotcha's!" You don't even deny that you're looking to argue either way either. It looks like nothing more than attention seeking and internet addiction.
Nice selfie. Bad lighting, though.
>regardless of the answer.
Nah you are just trapped by your own hand. You claimed to oppose physics research because it was a waste of money, so when asked to spend that money in medical research you just froze. Because its harder to use that argument and what you are really shilling for is for no funding for science at all, but you cant say that. You are busted
You still can't grasp that I'm not the one you were talking to after being told multiple times now. I can only assume you have brain rot and are borderline retarded.
You have way too much time on your hands and get way too excited to fight on the internet. Well done proving my point.
Your logic is pants on your head retarded. Fitting for someone absorbed into his own imagined reality. Hopefully one day you can meet a friend to roleplay with you instead of doing it alone online.
This post: >>16320926 stands.
Then dont get involved in someone elses conversation, retard
>how does I imageboard?
Welcome to the internet, newfag.
Stop shitting on the carpet.
>two more colliders
If they don't keep them on payroll, China/Russia/Iran/NK/Mordor/Voldemort/Romulus/Fire Nation will recruit them.
It's essentially adult daycare.
I remember reading some schizo theory (after videos of those weird rituals came out) about the LHC that I thought made some good entertainment.
It's a convenient cover for the massive UFO that's buried underneath. It would be far too suspicious if numerous amazing physicists were randomly gathering in the middle of nowhere constantly. So they build the LHC, invite a shit ton of them as cover, pick out the few they actually want, and conduct multifaceted research.
That's why Switzerland has historically been strictly neutral. It's an agreed upon thing because of what's located there. Someone tries to break that and it's game on. The LHC is just a cover. The money is invested wisely, but only for those select few who plan to breakaway.
give particle collider

What's the difference between gooning and edging?
who cares? they're both equally pathetic.
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What in the ever living fuck is this blue bar?
Ross Coulthart : "There is an UFO so big that they had build an LARGE structure AROUND it."
No idea. It doesn't appear on mine at all. I've never even seen it before either. At least, I've never noticed.

I'm not super familiar with him. But it really wouldn't surprise me. Switzerland's geopolitical position, as well as the rest of the world's embracing of it, has always been a bit weird.

I guess it really would be an almost perfect cover if you really think about it. Not only can you bring in the greatest minds all over the globe, but you could also bring in almost any materials you would ever need without anyone batting an eye.
Plus, there was that really fucking weird ritual I mentioned. Not even sure why it's a thing to begin with.

Here's the video. Not sure if it's the whole thing?
Are you OP?
It is next to this post as well.
Nope, I'm not OP. Just a random passer-by.
Are you the person I originally replied to? It may be that.
Its a highlighter from the filter section.
Ah, got it. That makes sense.
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Well, to test Grand Unified Theories that predict the strong and electroweak force becomes were the same force at the beginning of the big bang, we would need a particle accelerator capable of producing energies 1,000,000,000,000 time greater than possible with the larger hadron collider. Nothing we could build on the surface of the Earth could do this.
Each additional 9 you add raises the energy by a factor of sqrt(10)
>How much longer until we get a particle physics breakthrough?
The reason there's no progress is because basedentists can't code.
Therefore they can't write simulations for their new theoretical models and can only solve the least interesting edge cases where equations simplify to basic caveman math that can be solved on a piece of paper or whiteboard.
Why is this necessary? Why not just have theories for achievable energies?
Isnt gravity a big problem for quantum mechanics, why not just solve that, who cares about gigaenergy
Any super high gigaenergy theory is going to have a low energy approximation, which should be approximately correct

Unambiguous detection of individual gravitons, though not prohibited by any fundamental law, is impossible with any physically reasonable detector. The reason is the extremely low cross section for the interaction of gravitons with matter. For example, a detector with the mass of Jupiter and 100% efficiency, placed in close orbit around a neutron star, would only be expected to observe one graviton every 10 years, even under the most favorable conditions. It would be impossible to discriminate these events from the background of neutrinos, since the dimensions of the required neutrino shield would ensure collapse into a black hole.
Why should they even have the current LHC? Something like 30 quadrillion experiments and it hasn't gotten anything. What kind of bs is this?
>just 10 more years
>just another trrillion dollars
>just need to have a collider double in size
Fucking clowns
I think people are aware of many of the stated intents, but are also asking (as they justifiably should) why the hell we need to continue to dump an obscene amount of money into such curiosities, as opposed to what the person you're replying to mentioned.
People are obviously much more financially aware in times of economic instability, so it's completely understandable for them to ask, "Ok, but what's the point? What are we getting in return for this clear money sink?"
An answer such as, "We learn more!" is not sufficient by any stretch. People are willing to stomach the cost when there's some sort of material return, but you'd be hard-pressed to convince them to do it for the sake of self-indulgence or some vague unexplained future application.
The space race, for instance, was widely accepted (though still criticized) because people got to participate in it and see the results manifest (sometimes in real time) through videos, pictures, technology, discovery, etc. On top of that, there was a sense of competitiveness due to the inherent nature of the Cold War. Many people felt like they were gaining something, even if that wasn't necessarily the case.
phd research scientist working on one of the main LHC experiments here.

my personal spicy opinion is that the reason we haven’t really discovered anything since the Higgs is a combination of 1)politics in funding agencies and 2) how PIs from most western countries’ research institutions (universities and labs) have entered into a phase where they either give up on LHC to work on other things and therefore treat LHC research as run-of-the-mill old news or, for new faculty who work on LHC experiments, they grew up in that cynical culture and are mostly careerists who despite the realization of cultural death decided to keep on for career reasons (and thus have no genuine passion for the science)

I think it would be possible, given the things I’ve seen in LHC physics, for new discoveries to be made, but which have been stymied by a culture of people who don’t care enough to deliver a high-quality product. ATLAS and CMS and LHCb and ALICE have tons of collaborators (many tens of thousands in total) and surely with those numbers there are at least a couple percent of maybe even ten whose papers are crap, and those bad apples have spoiled any virgin land that was there. furthermore beyond bad apples, there are plenty of papers from these groups that are done primarily by one graduate student (and physics students aren’t good coders even though they need to write fancy code for each one of these papers) so even papers originating from good groups are likely erroneous due to careless code bugs. the quality control is really not rigorous.

so if we really wanted a new discovery, there are probably ones to be found if it were just managed more rigorously and intently, like a military operation or project warpspeed. the Higgs discovery was indeed way more intense than how things operate now, but something like that level of intensity could well deliver a discovery. but the culture at CERN experiments doesn’t exist like that anymore
However long it takes fucktard scientists to stop treating Einsteinian relativity as gospel and admit that its wrong
After than, then about 2 more weeks but unironically
>We need more money for dem programs and sheeeet
Fuck off, spend the money on progressing physics, I could care less about a bunch of poor retards who will all be dead soon. The whole point of all of human history has been progressing material science and physics.
agreed, giving money to drug addicts and retards is a worse investment than giving it to smart lazy physicist academics. neither is really a good investment though but shifting even a tiny amount of the drug addict fund toward the physics folks is going to be a disproportionate benefit to humanity
Man, you make it sound all the more depressing. I don't understand how the people there could fall into apathy or laziness when given the abundance of resources and assistance. There's not many large-scale operations that exist like the LHC and it really should be seen as an opportunity but from your recounting they just want a paycheck and/or to fuck off to something else.

Makes it all the more apparent that LHC funding is essentially flushing money down the toilet and any public support they receive is truly wasted.
Honestly, though, what you said seems to be a theme that's spread across many scientific fields and disciplines, where 'scientists' just want to maintain the status quo and receive funding for purposes of stability while not really giving a shit about participating in good science and seeking out the truth of things.
Boomers are the same everywhere, they like nice comfortable positions where they don't have to really do anything
your take is right (poster of your reply post here). But I do think it could be reformed and the LHC experiments *could* be forced actually do their jobs. but it would be a very hard cultural shift given the current state…

I for one am just trying to resist the horrible degradation in culture I see all the time, but the careerists just overwhelmingly overtake any hopes of salvaging the field. I don’t see any hope except through the political process at this point but even there i see nothing but rot
I'd say that's a trait shared by all generations, honestly. It just manifests in slightly different ways between them.

The type of changes that you're speaking of typically don't ever occur unless forced by circumstance. For things to end up the way you've described means that there's a fundamental lack of clear leadership and the power-structure itself has no objective standards by which they hold people accountable. Any endeavor that's lacking in that regard is destined for failure.
To make matters worse, it's almost impossible for change to occur through people such as yourself, attempting to change it from the bottom to the top. The nail that sticks out gets the hammer; you would be removed long before you succeeded. It has to happen from the top down.

The only viable option that I could see being plausible to facilitate the change you're interested in would be to somehow gain public awareness into how bad things have become there. Of course, that would still take some collaboration with peers, as well as the appropriate evidence to demonstrate how pestiferous the environment and culture have become. Obviously, that comes with the same risk already mentioned.

I can't even fathom how things have devolved into such a state either. Other than being burnt out because of the clashing of ideals which come from seeking funding and the agenda's that often accompany that funding, I can't think of what would cause people to turn into such soulless husks. I don't even think that applies here to begin with either.

>The only viable option that I could see being plausible to facilitate the change you're interested in would be to somehow gain public awareness into how bad things have become there. Of course, that would still take some collaboration with peers, as well as the appropriate evidence to demonstrate how pestiferous the environment and culture have become. Obviously, that comes with the same risk already mentioned.
jesus christ, you’ve got me completely profiled here. you’re totally right. I have legitimately considered abandoning my salary job to do something like making a Substack to complain about how broken HEP is. I just cannot reconcile myself to taking that leap of faith and instead survive on my very shitty salary as a research scientist. anyhow I do enjoy my job so fine

>I can't even fathom how things have devolved into such a state either. Other than being burnt out because of the clashing of ideals which come from seeking funding and the agenda's that often accompany that funding, I can't think of what would cause people to turn into such soulless husks. I don't even think that applies here to begin with either.
what you need to understand is the mentality people have going into academia. the salary for a grad student is less than a migrant farm worker. the people who ascend through this system are pure status seekers and unless they have parents giving them financial support are guaranteed psychopaths. the occupation is rife with people suffering from sociopathy, narcissim, or other personality disorders
Lol you newfag got rekt. Why all you marxists so afraid to answer simple questions and always go to insults? Everytime. All the time. As if you are not human but bots
Don't bother with marxists propagandists. They are braindead and would rather kill millions of people than try to answer simple question. Been there done that
Mutts cant into LHC therefore mutts mad. Story as old as USA.

Why you midwits dont make your own colider in texas or california? Lemme guess you would rather give that money to israel wars or other useless wars and play world police. Pathetic. Science is the only goal of humanity.
>Einsteinian relativity as gospe
Proof of it being wrong? It's obviously incomplete but to say it's wrong just shows how dim witted you are.
>The whole point of all of human history has been progressing material science and physics
Based. I'm of the same opinion. Midwits ITT are laughably bad at trying to defend money pit which is welfare which is basically puting money in a furnice and watching it burn. Science is the only goal of humanity
You mean zoomers. Those lazy ass monkey have achieved absolutely zero and instead just play vidya all day and coom to Taylor Swift. All they do is project their failures at boomers who actually make the world running unlike feminine castrated zoomer generation
Pathetic marxists
oh a bigboy here? no, you’re the marxist
I just have a knack for such things, even though it's otherwise a minimally useful skill outside of shitposting and certain other jobs. lol

Your concern is understandable, though. Job security is one of the primary ways the scientific community has become a tool of bad actors. I'm sure many people have seen that with clarity any time someone decides to "step out of line" and diverge from authoritative expectations.

Your idea isn't necessarily bad, but it's hard to say if it would actually succeed. Honestly, if I were in your position and intent on doing something, then I would likely create a well-written Op-Ed that delves deep into the issues we've discussed. Spice it up with evidence, examples, and socially relevant information that "sells" and then shop it around to various publications while requesting to remain anonymous for obvious reasons. They'd likely verify your identity on their own but you'd otherwise be unknown — besides perhaps to select bioluminescent bundles of wood.
People are always interested in such stories and it would be of particular interest given the amount of funding involved.
This would also allow you to piggy-back off an already established platform, which you could also use as a way to direct people to relevant information or a place where they can learn follow-ups.
Just a thought, you know?

Yeah, it's disheartening the mindset many in academia appear to have — for reasons you've outlined. The traits you mention become shockingly apparent whenever someone raises questions that threaten said "status" or the achievements of such people. They truly detest anyone questioning their "science" and the truth isn't even part of the equation in their objections. All they care about is their image or position.
I first noticed how pernicious it was in geology and zoology when reading about events throughout history. It seemed to pop-up like a cold sore with every field I began learning more about — pretty much without exception.
>n-n-no u!
You sound like you have a mental disorder. Go take your HRT and fuck off, tard.
Typical leftist drivel. Just admit you love the state and think it should have ultimate power
Marxist projection. Do you still have your peepee?
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Just ignore him.
You should recognize that he popped in once a productive conversation began.
He's a shill faggot or a bot, here to derail things with shit-tier bait.
Goofy faggot can't even form a coherent sentence. What value does he have?

It's clear he's attempting to present a very specific image which is almost like a caricature or a crude copy of how he thinks he needs to act. What the motive may be is anyone's guess, but it's pretty clear he's trying to make a certain group look bad, wouldn't you say?
It comes across as too forced and tryhard.

Either way, he glows like the sun.
>this is how I think people on the right act. if I do this and act annoying, then people will hate them, right?
transparent tranny behavior.
I understand your point, but I am pretty sure that I want to keep my own status-quo

l0m3z recently expounded on whether one should stay anon vs be doxxed and I understood from his explanations that: being an anon is fine

i go with that
>I understand your point, but I am pretty sure that I want to keep my own status-quo
I don't blame you at all. Just make sure you at least document the "happenings" in some form or another. Even if you don't plan on using them. I promise you'll never know when they may come in handy.

Either way, you can still shitpost and share, too. Over time the information will be shared as it always is. Especially if you're able to accompany it with some solid support.
Hopefully things work out in a way that you'll find satisfactory and it will get back to passionate, good science in search of truth.
godspeed anon, thanks all around
NTA but why you so mad on so many different people ITT? Aren't you delusional? On meds?

kek what a loser. You want pats on a back go to plebbit. Here nobody holds power except jannies
Same to you, friend. Best of luck on whatever path you take.
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Try again, dork.
nta but why aren't you hanging from a rope somewhere, leftoid? Why you hate science and want LHC defunded?
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>nta but why aren't you hanging from a rope somewhere, leftoid? Why you hate science and want LHC defunded?
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screenshots don't prove shit, redditard
I kneel
Nice selfie, troon
As if you're worth the effort. If anyone was willing to put such effort into you then you wouldn't be such a sad faggot wanting attention online.
You actually took time and created that. lol So embarrassing. Newfags gonna newfag.
Couldn't even think of an original response. Had to copy your betters. I'm not impressed.
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Its not that, original research is still valuable, the thing is i dont see any original or interesting research.
I mean, there COULD be interesting physics at some higher energies, its literally unexplored territory, one cant just say it will be like low energy extrapolated.
But one must draw a line somewhere unless theres a specific reason to build a big machine, if you suspect there will be a discovery of note
As for gravity, i heard theres just not even a theory of quantum gravity. They are non-renormalizable, they have zero predictions, so theres not even some theoretical result to get tested
>stop sending money to Africa
>can build a new particle collider every year
I'm still waiting on the manmade Earth-destroying black hole.
It may be valuable for academic purposes but that doesn't mean it translates into public interest to pursue or fund it. People are inherently materialistic and want to see the fruits of their investments manifest in meaningful ways that they directly benefit from. I think that contributes to the line that you mentioned. There has to be a direct cooperation between science and the general public that seems somewhat lacking at the moment, which creates a bit of a divide.

Yeah, gravity is as elusive as ever. At the very least, it's an extremely slow process attempting to figure out the intricacies involved in determining the relationship between gravity and the quantum realm.
They have made some small progress in the last decade or so in detecting things, though, so that's promising. But it's still not enough to form any sort of cohesive theory.
>40 quadrillion collisions - still nothing useful from it
In programming we call it "brute forcing". It's a good first attempt at any problem, because in most cases it works, whether for theoretical or practical reasons.
But after a while, if it didn't find whatever you're looking for with a given amount of time or resources, you have to make a call that it's probably beyond any reasonable attempt at brute forcing, and a more theoretical or analytical approach is needed.
>baryon number can be violated at higher energies
Dine (1991) and Tegmark (2017) claim the energy to overcome the "sphaleron" limit is order of magnitudes higher than current accelerators, you'd need a space-based particle accelerator to see it
>https://youtu.be/Yo5AOe_yS9Y [Embed]
Is she ok?
they said it was a hoax and that was that.
Well you could have just left out your selfie out of this thread but you wanted attention like all leftoids who hate scientific facts
this is retarded
Boring. Get better bait.
Boomers are psychotic and a twisted bunch. Pray their hellspawn don't mimic them too much or just as corrupt. They will all soon be gone.
Fags like this wonder why they naturally repel women and ended up locked inside socializing online and jerking to porn.
fuck off faggot zoomer
>webm rel

That has been debunked by these chink tiktoks of women using a cat face AI filter to freak their pets out

Think what you're seeing in this screwed-up experiment is probably just visual noise being misinterpreted
>why the hell do they need to keep making bigger ones
So the people making them get paid? you new on earth?
kek that would be fantastic
Goddammit. Nothing is enough for you people. What do you actually want, besides a big truck and a big-tittied wife?
Has there ever been a discovery in particle physics that has lead to a new invention or improvement of a process? Or was it all just for theoretical knowledge without any real world applications?
>not negatron
they literally had one job
Uhhhh.... what more do you need?
Am I missing something here?
Clearly Einstein wasn’t satisfied with either, and did some legit science so that your laptop and phone can run with quantum mechanics and your GPS can use relativity to accurately give positional data
Want and needs aren't the same thing, anon. What more do you need?

But your entire argument seems to be: you can have more consumer products taxpayers helped fund sold to you at exorbitant prices to enrich people who monopolize the results of those discoveries.
I'm all for privately funding such research. By all means, have at it and go to town, but that's not what's being talked about, is it? It's about subsidizing aimless curiosity with ambiguous objectives and no clear material results.
>so that your laptop and phone can run with quantum mechanics and your GPS can use relativity to accurately give positional data
You dont need general relativity to have a working GPS. All clocks lose accuracy due to a million reasons, it doesnt matter what they are.. You just reset them by comparing them to some standard. Like, i used to wind an ancient pendulum clock, inaccurate as fuck, that we kept because heirloom. We just set it at the time we read from common casio watches.
You can do exactly the same with these satellites. If you detect their clocks are running weird, yiu just adjust their time. This is done every day and nobody does it by a formula, the time is just compared to a reference.
>muh quantum
Semiconductors were discovered before quantum mechanics was a thing.
Get new material
>Semiconductors were discovered before quantum mechanics was a thing
They weren't implemented or understood properly
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>what kind of stupid money sink is this?
New to research?
That's hhs Great Filter. The first sentient species to evolve creates a big bang, resetting everything
should be a notron
Supposedly new technology for linear accelerators will greatly increase power. Plasma Wakefield I think it's called, uses a plasma front to accelerate over a benchtop distance as much as a miles-wide synchrotron
>They weren't implemented or understood properly
Weak cope. And doesnt matter because you cant tuck the development of solid state physics as some kind of discovery by Einstein. The whole GPS thing is even weaker for the reasons i stated.
It was confirmed experimentally thus supporting the standard models predictions
Well OP, I've been working on something on the side. I think I could have something for you in a few days.
do tell
Cern is weapon science. You should be conCerned.
>40 quadrillion experiments
>throws away 99.99% of method data
>accomplishes nothing
>no reproducibility
>no transparency
kek. LHC is just the bible.
We need eugenics and to get rid of DEI. All great advancements and discoveries come from white men comfortable with their masculinity. Come on now.
In programming we call it blah blah blah
Being a programmer doesn’t make you special, you described something obvious even a guy sweeping at 7/11 inherently understands
Newton didn’t need to collab with a bunch of nerds to discover physics. We have infinite data on the computer. If there were a true genius somewhere he would have no issue getting into a prestigious university and winning Nobel prizes. The fact is the remaining white people in 2024 are not less numerous or less pure than in 1924 but more dysgenic, demoralized, perverted, and lower IQ due to less extreme selection.
as soon as we stop pretending superluminal motion is impossible
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Don't tell OP that the discovered Higgs mass allows the Standard Model to be valid up to the Plank scale.
Has baryogenesis ever been explained?
Perhaps theres nothing to explain. Perhaps the universe was just endowed with some amount of conserved physical quantities, not just energy, also all the other things that make atoms possible.
It's just low-tier bait by a atheist participating in the same preachy behavior he pretends to admonish.
It's like they can't help themselves and lack the self-awareness that they're no different than those they mock. What can you do, right?
these things are easily more dangerous than useful
that's only true because they're not useful at all anymore
Besides the Higgs, were they ever?
you gotta understand cern needs to create a ker blackhole so they can take over the world with time travel.
Why muons? They aren't readily available. Wouldn't it be more exciting to collide ultraheavy nuclei like lead-208?
Midwit here. At this point are there even any practical benefits to furthering our knowledge of physics? Like, is there anything we are being held back from by our limited understanding or do we already have all the applicable knowledge we’ll ever need?
Or is this the kind of question only answerable by actually figuring out what we don’t know in the first place?
Yes, there are practical benefits.
Right now, our understanding of Gravity (quantum gravity) is still pretty shallow.
Better understanding of gravity overall can come with a huge amount of potential uses.
It may be a point of contention, but you'd be correct in saying that we already have everything that we NEED and have for quite a while, but that doesn't mean we have everything we WANT.

There's also the issue of dark matter and dark energy.
Understanding both may unlock knowledge we can sue traverse the stars. Of course, that's provided they even exist to begin with in the way the current model suggests, but that's an entirely different conversation.
Thanks for the answer, makes sense
>Building particle colliders that advance pure science and therefore human civilization and technology into the future


>Send more money to blow up children in Palestine for zionists

At least we have fusion research and fusion reactors. Congress cancelled our collider in Texas.

A physicists friend of mine left America for Germany to work on theoretical physics research.

Europe is not gutting pure science, so a lot of American scientists just leave to Europe, despite America having the top universities in the world. We are losing scientists because of it, that's not a good thing. We can't just neglect funding pure sciences, because art and science are fundamental to civilization. Funding pure science is wise because it leads to breakthroughs in technology and other areas of society.

If America gives up on pure science, Europe will just take the lead. Though America has been leading human civilization with things like the Manhattan Project and NASA. Politicians aren't thinking about the national future, but more about filling their pockets and pleasing their handlers.
No worries, happy to be of small help, friend.
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or we observe proton decay...

...which we didnt and probably never will
>r do we already have all the applicable knowledge we’ll ever need?
No one can explain why common salts dissolve in water at the saturation concentrations that they do
>doesn't know what projection means
many such cases.
That sounds like a terrible idea can we not fuck with that
Aren't all radiotherapy machines just little cyclotrons? That seems like a pretty worthwhile breakthrough
pol cope. the majority of people working at those colliders is white men
jews aren't white, semites are an asian race.
They are mostly europeans from the surrounding countries, theres lots of germans, french, italians and swiss in CERN.
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I dunno man.
He doesnt work at CERN
Yes, but he looks pretty white to me.
As a chink myself, I consider most Ashkenazis to be white. In fact, in professional settings I assume every white American to be Jew, even if they probably aren't.
Polly wanna cracker?

(prototypical as the high mechanical bird that you must etch skillfully).
>prototypical as the high mechanical bird that you must etch skillfully
Did you have a schizophrenic episode?
You are far worse than any mental illness fag. You are a Tyrannical pervert in a cult. Just fart in my mouf now
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Fundamental physics is fucking hopeless, because theoretical problems are all of the Planck scale which would require a galaxy-sized accelerator to probe.
The only prospective direction for particle physics is being applied to develop Quantum technologies such as superconductors/fluids, Quantum computers, and antimatter stuff.
But neutrino oscillations still need experimental clarification. So DUNE has some potential.
>Fundamental physics is fucking hopeless, because theoretical problems are all of the Planck scale which would require a galaxy-sized accelerator to probe.
Nobody cares. We can explain all scientific events at our achievable scales of energy so that is enough. Except for salt solubility, nobody knows why salt dissolves in water at some given concentration.
>Except for salt solubility, nobody knows why salt dissolves in water at some given concentration
That's just because for salts in water there's more stable configurations for homogenous distributions than inhomogeneous ones. Thus, any random disturbances in the water will result in mixing of the salt and water molecules, because that's the more probable outcome. The details is just physics, and there's probably some heuristic model.
>The details is just physics,
This is entirely about the details.
Physicists stroke their egos about the accuracy of QED but not one of them can predict saturation salt concentrations with a single accuracy digit
I mean, you just try it.
Try to dissolve common table salt in water, it will peak at about 350 grams per liter of water, and it will be exceedingly difficult to actually dissolve salt at this concentration, once you reach 34% concentration the salty water doesnt want to dissolve any more salt.
Nobody has a model to explain why it is 35%. Why isn the saturation at 58% or 9%? Or 0.02%? Nobody knows
>wahh all the easy problems are solved
>there is nothing we can research that doesnt take a hundred billion dollars and 40 years
>you dont know how salt works
lmfao. /sci/ on suicide watch.
The necessary principles have already been figured out for predicting dissolution, even if it's computationally difficult. Therefore, it's of no interest to the field of fundamental physics, which is what those big colliders were built for.
Honestly, simulating salt dissolution sounds fucking boring and doesn't elucidate the fundamental nature of reality.
How do you know that?
Its less interesting than simulating the dissolution process but rather finding out the final concentration. Honestly my first guess would be to model salt water as a plasma, a soup of ions, that have cross sections for many events, such as recombination into salt grains or destruction of the bond, but alas such models dont work. They dont explain the variation of solubility with temperature, or the effect of salt mixes. If they did, the problem would be a fairly simple linear algebra problem with linear equations. Perhaps it would look like differential equations that get expressed as algebraic ones, using Laplace transform.
You would not need computers and to simulate quintillion collisions.
These methods dont work
I did some quick searches and stumbled upon continuum models, which all seem to approximate the poisson-boltzmann equation (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson%E2%80%93Boltzmann_equation). It gives the electrochemical potential, and thus solvation free energy. These do produce results for drug solvents, but the papers are behind paywalls.
post a link, all the papers are in sci hub, better if is something to do with ionic salts in water.
The way you word it "solvation free energy" doesnt sound like its a prediction of solubility, but more like how easy it is to dissolve the substance.
FOR NERDS: Think of solvation as particle physics, water molecules are striking at the salt molecules, breaking them, while the opposing reaction also happens.
Theres different cross sections at different energy levels. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE FOR GLORY
Model water-ion collisions to predict salt concentrations. Yes, you can use feynman diagrams
>I am really not interested in this salt thing,
And im basically not interested in this solvation shit. When i dissolve salt i know i have to fiddle with the spoon many times. I dont care about how many calories it takes.
I dont care about your dumb slide problem you are posting about
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Look man, I am really not interested in this salt thing, but this paper is a good place to start

Basically, they tried to fit the predicted solvation energy to experiment by optimising the Stern-layer width ('a' in picrel), which is the effective depth of the outermost non-diffusive layer of the solute. Results (picrel) are pretty shit, but that's mainly because they didn't account for inter-solute interactions.
>When i dissolve salt i know i have to fiddle with the spoon many times.
This is the FREE energy of solvation.
I dont care and i didnt ask you for this.
Now go find me papers that predict the saturation concentration of a salt.
>dont care and i didnt ask you for this.
Well, you should, because you can get solubility from solvation energy (.https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ct300345m). Regardless, it's an important quantity which characterises solubility.
>drug-like molecule
I have no idea what this is. Find me a paper that deals with sodium chloride
Shit really hit the fan when they started “renormalizing” divergent series.
“The necessary principles have already been figured out for predicting dissolution, even if it's computationally difficult. Therefore, it's of no interest to the field of fundamental physics, which is what those big colliders were built for.”

>Spews Occam’s razor whenever challenged for dogmatism
>When their religion’s equations can’t explain something simple, add another variable to obfuscate the equation being wrong
>”Just use the correct solution space, who cares if determining them is computationally intractable.”
>Why does no one care about particle physics anymore?
If we built the SSC our particle physics knowledge would be decades ahead of what it is now. was gonna be 3x as powerful as lhc
This isn't a problem for particle physics, because it's not of fundamental physical significance.
Continuum models such as COSMO have already been applied to drug production. I suggest you look at >>16354441
Which explains the general theory.
Fundamentally, nothing is learnt by constructing more accurate solvation models.
But.... what about string theory?
Perturbative series diverge regardless of renormalization, because it's an incomplete approximation.
Renormalization just indicates that classically-determined parameters such as mass and charge, change with scale, and become infinite at sufficiently small resolution.
Proof that the 99% chance of it being the higgs boson means we should accept that they found it?
>nothing is learnt by constructing more accurate solvation models.
Its still an open problem in physics, not everything has to be particle physics.
two more weeks
two more colliders
two more postdocs
two more funding rounds
two more theoretical extensions to the standard model
two more nonlocal hidden parameter bell's inequality breaking theories
two. MORE
Fermilab is currently running the G-2 experiment and doing a lot of interesting stuff with neutrinos. They are more likely to discover new physics than CERN imo.
>reconstructed the neural output in digital image

definitely a fake
they just slapped some static noise on that shit and called it a day

how anyone falls for this shit istg
>Sometime in 2022, former Operation Maintenance Superintendent Greg at the Infrastructure Services Division (ISD), under Mark T. Jeffers as Senior Director, assigned Randy an unofficial position of Foreman for a large group of electricians and other employees of an ISD shop. Randy, Greg and Jeffers were all former Military personnel or contractors. A few months later, Randy was officially promoted to Foreman without any interview or posting of the position. He was known for threatening/ harassing people by whispering bloody and graphic scenes in their ears, and also claimed to carry a loaded gun at all times, either on his ankle or in his truck.
Before the official promotion occurred, a majority of the team in the shop tried to prevent it. An electrician from this team brought Greg a petition signed by 12 employees (names available), over a total of 14 from the shop, asking to remove him from the position. After reading the petition, not only did Greg toss it back to the messenger, but he also broke confidentiality and informed Randy of that petition.
Nothing changed when the original electrician brought forward a female electrician and former veteran, to another private meeting on 12/12/2022 with Greg so she could testify to all kinds of harassment from Randy and Dave, another employee from the shop. In this case too, Greg immediately informed Randy what was said in this confidential meeting before the two witnesses even left Building 38 where Greg’s office was located. The witnesses were soon informed by colleagues that Randy was after them! At that point, the witnesses had no other recourse than going to HR and were told to leave the premises asap. Security and the Kane County Sheriff were called and they stopped Randy before he left the site. However, despite FNAL policies stating that Security has the right (and duty) to check a vehicle when on site, THEY DID NOT DO IT and let the guy leave. The female witness had bee
didnt we had enough?
what else do you demand for than finding a particle that was theorized, calculated and postulated 50 years before?
if its just some magic show to you, thats one difficult trick to perform.
i mean gpu scaling was a success. this smear campaign is retarded
If it's incomplete it can't be right, if it leads to unprovable assumptions we're just chasing a mirage
>because it's an incomplete approximation.
how is it incomplete?
Do you think completing all the orders until infinity would naturally yield some finite quantity?
>If it's incomplete it can't be right, i
Approximations are still correct in some regime of observations, like the classic Sin (x)=x approximation is very correct when x is small. Do you believe that special relativity is at least correct in some scale of observations?
Think of the lengths others go to protect scans. I mind needs cracking, there's a lot of em'
>we don't need to know the answer
>because we already thought of the answer
What did the empricist mean by this?
>dude muh IFLSºyence is gonna make the world perfect in two weeks, i promise
>you just need to give me infinite free money and it'll happen for sure
then 50 years pass an nothing of any worth at all is delivered by the science charlatans.
lmao if you're enough of a sucker to fall for their empty promises
good video, extremely apropos
Right? Decades wasted and literally billions upon billions flushed down the toilet and literally nothing to materially show for it.
It's a money sink to fund a never ending paper publishing machine. Paper after paper after paper of empty bullshit that serves no purpose other than to justify the jobs of retards who serve no societal utility.
The dude flipping burgers has objectively provided more for society than the people working at CERN. It's a complete joke.

Don't get me wrong either, I absolutely love physics and think it holds the potential for infinite possibilities, but between CERN and string theory bullshit, it's become a club for clowns to participate in mathematical fiction and stroking each others egos for who writes the best fantasy.
it will never hapoen, the people doing it want grants and nobel prizes for picking theor nose and eating it. the last thing was the higgs boson and im wondering if any of it is real, i mean, have any anons worked at the lhc? do any anons have an lhc? sworra fort
after roughly 13 billion years from that point we get an u funny comedy named after said event with a laugh track so awful we need another big bang to erase ot from memory
so why not just make one in a long straight line? maybe 30 miles long? fucking circles are for plebs scientists. im guessing big electric/magnet had men on the ground in the design phase.
Linear = every accelerating element accelerates only once.
Circular = every accelerating element may accelerate several times.
What if we pooled all our resources into making one really big collider? The final solution to the Particle Physics problem. We could make it the size of a country, but then we'd be left wondering if maybe it would've been better to make it the size of a continent or the Moon, or za warudo, etc. Best to make it infinitely long.
Probably never idk the predictions of string theory require the energy of the big bang to be put to test or at least that's one of its theoretical scenarios of how it can be tested, and this is actually not a negative because it tells us that we have reached a limit of physics overall
>The final solution to the Particle Physics problem.
There are no unsolved problems in particle physics. There are however speculative hypothesis at what may happen at higher energies, that is not the same as an actual scientific problem like unexplained observations. Everything observed at our achievable energy scales has been explained.
it's this close-mindedness that keeps this world in mediocrity.
you probably could find a better paid job elsewhere in private companies if you put some effort and patience in the search process. but instead you decided not to give a shit because the statu quo is ok-ish for you, even though you get paid shit.
how much resources of your own are you offering up? zero? why are science faggots always greedily imagining ostentatious ways of spending other people's money but never their own?
>nah, man, i'm good

i fucking love protons
>why are science faggots always greedily imagining ostentatious ways of spending other people's money but never their own?
You answered your own question, its because they're all extremely greedy and self centered people. They're so greedy and selfish they consider it a fundamental truth that the rest of world exists solely for the purpose of funding their own lazy sandbox games, they never ever question that idea, the idea that 'scientific research' deserves to be funded is an inarguable truth for them.
Thats how we end up with useless trillion dollar trash like LHC and JWST to begin with.
How would you know a proton has not decayed somewhere? Maybe every year a proton decays, somewhere in the universe
You're one of the dumbest newfag autists I've ever seen here.
All research is subject to diminishing returns
Why not just go all in and make a 20 trillion dollar collider that stretches across the entire circumference of the planet? No more what ifs, no more incremental 100km baby steps, just go all in and get it done with. The world is going to end up with 50 colliders at this rate
There are no unsolved problems in particle physics so idk why some new collider is meant to do. I hear many expect to discover "new physics" at higher energies but thats not really a current unsolved problem.
You are worse than those insufferable little faggots who want to build a $2.56 septillion lunar orbit collider. Sure its a lot bigger by faggot standards, and fabricating the zero friction ball bearings required to keep the moon on track would be a major engineering feat, yes, but at the end of the day its just another fucking collider than will open up more questions than it answers.
Jesus fucking Christ. Lets just put an end to all this baby steps incremental nonsense and just plunge in once and for all.
Build the Observable Universe Collider. The last fucking word in super colliders. Then we will fucking find out some shit for real.
Estimates at this time indicate a dollar cost exceeding the information value of the known Universe but I am sure some creative accounting and pay day loans with infinite terms could take of that.
The difference between the universe/moon collider and my earth circumference collider is that the costs become exponentially worse the moment you have to get materials into space and somehow perform construction/maintenance up there
If there is a final collider thats financially possible this millenia, its going to be the earth collider. No ones going to shut up until we have it so lets skip to it.
We all know that an Earth collider will just yield a bunch of extremely bizarre results that fucks physics up the ass, throws it upside down and then fucks it mouth as well. Without so much as a wet tissue in between, So then you are going to get all the text books consigned to the rubbish bin, guys like Newton and Einstein made to look like pagan priests worshiping standing stones, and a whole new bunch of gung ho scientists clamoring to have their exciting new theories tested by building a super collider around the rings of Saturn. All just to find out that we still know fuck all about anything and everything that we think we do know is just as likely to be superstitious hocus pocus.
Economically this is just not sustainable
Obviously the answer is to *promise* to build the Observable Universe collider, with its control center and headquarters on Bikini Atoll. Then collect all the scientists who are interested in this stuff and send them there. Then nuke the fucking place. We will get the Japanese to handle the PR side of things, they are very good at that.
"A most regrettable incidence has occurred. Yes, yes, very regrettable"
>We all know that an Earth collider will just yield a bunch of extremely bizarre results that fucks physics up the ass,
no, it might produce new physics as extensions of the standard model that in no way contradict anything currently known
I would hope we would get something better than more of the same. If its more of the same then its rather pointless. Just more of the same fuzzy "Oh that's interesting we aren't quite sure what it it is or what it means but we have some interesting ideas and its a good indication that what we previously thought might be right with a few tweaks to the constants, a couple of new variables added to the equations, and maybe a new adjunct theory thrown in for good measure. Oh, if only we had a lunar collider to test these new ideas...".
No. we want conceptually ground breaking, definite, no namby pamby, all encompassing GODDAMNED answers to Life, the Universe, and Everything. We want to know how to fire missiles at right angles to reality so we can take on the dreaded extra dimensional aliens if the need arises. Richard Adams was a visionary.
That's why we need the Known Universe sized collider or nothing at all. I hear the weather at Bikini Atoll is nice all year round.
>no, it might produce new physics as extensions of the standard model that in no way contradict anything currently known
This is the fantasy that's been fueling billions of dollars being wasted and countless papers being published that have nothing of value.
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>FCC hh is starting in 2070 if everything goes to plan
Bros I'm too young to even remember the Higgs discovery and I will be old and crusty when the high energy run starts, will I even see BSM™ physics in my lifetime?
>Quantum physics "prove" reality is random
"God does not plays dice" - Einstein
>More research
>Quantum physics does not prove shit, they were just lazy

Atheists are awful at science.
90% of brute forcers stop 10 minutes before they make a breakthrough
>mostly careerists
Tbh, if I worked at an expensive fuckhuge research lab that pays well and just doesn't really produce any interesting results, I'd become a pencil pusher too.
Scientists already know it is psychic fields.
These colliders exist to interfere in psychic fields.
Their industry is literally built around gaslighting and harassing psychic 10 year olds.
Ridiculous ass clown world shit lol.
This timeline is pretty shit, yea?
We need another collider to switch timelines.
lmao what??
science cant explain why salt dissolves in water?
at the saturation concentrations that they do
Mouf, now, I don't care.
how would anyone know
>Maybe things are like that because thats just the way they are
oh wow you figured it all out thank you!!! fucking idiot
>oh wow you figured it all out thank you!!! fucking idiot
People ask why theres more matter than antimatter. Well, same reason theres any energy.
Things just exist.
When I had 'rona I suffered a really bad fever dream during which I developed a model for unification. Unfortunately I forgot it by the next morning and only recall the subject of the dream now.
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>be a scientist working on baryonic asymmetry
>accidentally causes big bang due to electroweak symmetry breaking

not a new collider for a while
kek now order and chaos have a meaning
it's believed that understanding matter and energy at a low enough level will let us make materials with very unusual properties
you remember what happened to the indians when the spanish showed up?
imagine if they had been able to build ships like the europeans, world history would be completely different

most of the money isn't going to science projects, it's going to feed a bunch of brown invaders
write to your congressman about them and mention that we need a bigger collider while you're at it
build it along the southern border and raise a fence there
>it's believed that understanding matter and energy at a low enough level will let us make materials with very unusual properties
when Iran gets gets wmds
its just an infinite regress of particles within atoms retard
how much longer until cancer cure?
*laughs in pharmakeia*
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What about a muon collider? Would be cool, but who will figure out how to build one? Not me, certainly, I hate engineering and engineering adjacent tasks.
What about a ass collider, made specifically for you, out of infinite black cocks, searching for your universal center fuck off faggot mouf now
Just shut the fuck up. You'll get your fucking new iPhone in due time.
Of course not. Then you're just trading bullshit throwing particles at each other and instead just keeping brown people alive despite their tendency to unlike themselves.
So how do they know what is made in those collisions?
At this point cern is on par with deviantart fanfiction, its a hobby that leads to no useful knowledge. Problem is we are only funding the former.
>you remember what happened to the indians when the spanish showed up?
NTA, Yeah, they died unintentionally by the germs and virus's that the Spanish brought with them. It swept across nearly the whole of North America at the time, if anthropologists are to be believed.

But I get what you're saying otherwise. You're talking about meta-materials. Still, there's no indication that the discovery of different unknown particles will assist in any way. There's the prediction of the "island of stability" but there has to be better ways than what we're doing now.
Look at how many times we've smashed shit at this point. The LHC is a waste of money at this point. We'd probably have better luck creating and manipulating artificial neutrinos and working off those than praying to hit the lottery by smashing shit forever and wasting money.
I've been following that work of Malcom Bendall with his "plasmoid generator" just to see how, exactly, CO and CO2 are being "transformed" into O2. Working from there and understanding the process seems more likely to end up with better results than the LHC. At least it's a solid starting point.
But hell, the science community is slow as fuck in looking into his work because they simply don't believe it's possible, even as it happens right before their eyes.
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Everything they do, everything they measure, even the entire collider itself could not function were it not for an archaic hertzian waveform used over 140 years ago and lodestones.
100 years without chatgpt
Frequency will unlock the universe. Not colliding shit.
I pleased to present the super super collider of the future. I call it "Mother."
"Mother" is a massive super collider that shoots out regular super colliders towards each other. Just before impact the regular colliders then shoot out particles at each other.
Gentlemen. I have no doubt that "Mother" will reveal that Existence, the Universe, Everything, is entirely contained within the fullstop at the end of this sentence

god wouldn't let it happen .
What is the cost per run? I assume 2*(sub generator) at least.
You sound like someone who dreams of Mother getting smashed....

See what I did there? Eh? EH?
Just back of a dinner napkin calculations tells me it would cost the entire GNP of every country on Earth. For the next ten thousand years. I guess we would have to get used to the taste of cockroaches and dying at age 30. But its a small price to pay for discovering we exist inside a fullstop.
Very clever indeed. I foresee a bright future for you. A very bright future. I am pointing you in one of the regular super colliders inside "Mother".
>the entire GNP of every country on Earth. For the next ten thousand years
I have a high seat in government, I'll phone the president when I get the chance. We'll see this bill in the senate yet.

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