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Why has the science been so wrong for so long about the causes and treatment of conditions such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, auto immune disease, etc, etc


A talk given by David Diamond on his findings.
No one will go to jail for this.
How to nuke a dietary revolution
In modern Science™, any assertion can and likely will eventually turn out to be wrong.
There is essentially no way to predict which assertions will turn out to be false in the short or long term.
So basically, modern Science™ as ZERO predictive value.
This is what liberalism has done to science.
We would be better off going back to reading signs in entrails than continuing on this path.
>reading signs in entrails
oooh, look at this inflamation on you kidneys, you should really have stopped eating sugar, could have killed yo.....oh right
>medical and food companies threatened by reduced profits fear monger and lobby against the idea of people eating less carbs
It feels like the world is stacked against what should be a sensible resolution all for a few small profit margins
ray peat has some good insights, eating his diet hasn't done me any harm and it's been years.

Also our biology education is based on a lie, lol, lmao state of western civ


Based Ling poster.
The thing I don't understand is how this sort of dogmatic approach takes over, no one really knows what's real so how can people become so tribal over interpretations without ever doing the experiments themselves? Surely the objective is to understand the world better?
Science might seem wrong about diseases due to the complexity of these conditions, gradual advancements in knowledge, changes in data, and individual variability. Research is always evolving, and revisions of previous theories are part of the ongoing process of improving understanding.
12 eggs a day is a pretty ridiculous amount, but they are very effective in raising HDL.

>low HDL cholesterol is a bigger problem than high LDL
No person has a low carb diet, this is a particular niche case wherein someone who is in super keto from basically eating no carbs and still exercising regularly can have elevated LDL levels but isn't actually sick.
And also corruption. Can't forget to mention the corruption.
high ldl isn't a problem at all, it corresponds to longevity
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>nutrition """science""""
As scientific as social science or gender science
What exactly is sdLDL and why is ut so dangerous?
12 eggs isn't that much. 6 eggs is like a snack for an adult man who works out.
some guys only eat the yolks
left has viral damage from the flu as a child because his parents were anti vax.

right has no viral damage and a perfectly healthy body because his parents vaccinated him every year.
left is jewish right is english
Society is based on commerce, has been ever since the revolutions, which means it's all about fads, and dumping your bag on the next idiots willing to buy it.
right is english which means masonic which means jewish
>is associated with
Let me guess it's another one of those food choice questionaire epidemiological studues?
you know they read the entrails of sacrificed cows in order to predict the future, right? Not your own kidneys.
>ray peat
>rape eat
>rape it
what a funny name
Yes, but I thought this would be funnier
A little tangential but there's actually a kiwi woman who freezes a small dish of water and uses that to read the past and the future.

It's driving me crazy that I can't find her again I've speant close to ten minutes and it's not throwing up anything, I found Masaru Emoto's ice work but I can't find the woman all I remember is her dark brown hair and her son was called Rama or something.
Veda Austin

That took way more effort than I thought it would to find youtube is full of crap
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>high ldl is a bigger problem than hdl by miles
What do you think is in an LDL and why do you think it would be harmful?

Which fraction of the LDL range are you describing?
if I eat them raw I can easily gobble 20 and then move on to a t-bone
cooked..., yeah i'll be feeling full pretty fast
Anons, why is it nearly impossible to get fat off of eating coconuts when they're like 85% saturated?
Guess I should have specified that I recommend eating them raw. As long as they're from healthy chickens.

left is edited and doesnt go to the gym

right takes steroids, goes to gym and has heart disease that will effect him in a decade or two. its disappointing to see how many retards dont see this.
Your proof that right has heart disease is what?
>left is edited
No, that's as far as I can tell the orignal photo, the edit to make him look like an egg is more distorted
Although a some of the size of his gut appears to be a consequence of the posture he's definitely carrying weight around the belly as you can see it here
(didn't watch it only grabbed it to show his body, the comment section is full of the usual adoring crowds that seem to self select on any diet based youtube channel, it's such a polarising self reinforcing pattern irrespective of what the propinents actually claim)
I've not so far seen people dealing with the flaws in the science Greger relies on to say that eggs are bad or that you should only eat plants, hopefully he has more to rely on than epidemiology and distortions to make the claims he does.
Why did mainstream science and medicine get so wedded to the fat = bad meme? It can't just be money.
Have you heard of diatetics? They're effectively trained by the food industry to promote "healthy" diets, of course they set the ciriculum then they get themselves into control positions
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most vegans are skinny fat. Just look your average indian guy.
Which country had the most medals per capita?
How are you supposed to bait some vegan activist into arguing for 50 posts that saturated fat causes heart attacks when the OP links a paper disproving it?
Ambiguity and controversy generate long threads
I think it's more that the ones without morals float to the top. Much like seed oils.
Hey /sci/fags what is ldl cholesterol?
Why is it bad for me according to my blood test results?
this is a horrible graph
Is it horrible because its so big or because all browns are the same shade of poop?
the shading is awful, it's difficylt to distinguish
But I dislike cumulative graphs like these as they make it hard to distinguish the actual size of the bands which limits your ability to make comparisons, all they let you see is the trend.
How does IQ affect the format of this graph being bad?
Except for cholesterol actual data was showing no correlation with heart diseases from the start. The data was cherry picked to show that correlation.
>are scientists just a bunch of toxic parasitic propagandists or something?
certainly the ones who stand to make a lot of financial gain from their research.
Atkins was a retard who advocated for eating seed oil fried fries.
The psych ward is where it gets really fucked up, even basic shit has no real evidence to it.
I can read it, it's just a bad graph. The data can be better conveyed differently. How low is your IQ that the conrext cues didn't imply this to you?
So, what damages the glycocalyx?
Inhaled particulate matter such as smoking or air pollution would be one example.
Where did the posts go?
because sneed
>All those spammy posts.
>No capitals. No punctuation.

So is this a bot? I refuse to believe this anon is on EVERY board nowadays.
He even types the same way. Pure cancer and just there to annoy anons and derail threads.
because the divorce would mean admitting that multiple billion dollar industries have weak or nonexistent foundations
Some anon on /fit/ posted these, thought I would share them here.

>Importance of Coagulation Factors as Critical Components of Premature Cardiovascular Disease in Familial Hypercholesterolemia
>Dietary Recommendations for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: an Evidence-Free Zone
>Serious flaws in targeting LDL-C reduction in the management of cardiovascular disease in familial hypercholesterolemia
>Inborn coagulation factors are more important cardiovascular risk factors than high LDL-cholesterol in familial hypercholesterolemia
>Saturated Fats and Health: A Reassessment and Proposal for Food-Based Recommendations: JACC State-of-the-Art Review
also scientists hate admitting that they're wrong since their entire identity is wrapped up in their know-it-allism
If the cholesterol rich fatty streaks are not causative then why are they associated with the disease what is their function and cause?
While this seems like an argument, it actually isn't. The assertion and onus is on the initial group of kikes that told humans to stop eating the things they have been eating forever and to guzzle sneed oils. The question should be turned onto those claims.
It's not an argument, it is a query. I'd like to know what causes observed outcome.
cholesterol is good for you
If the body synthesises it naturally what benefit is there from eating it?
Is it just more efficient to eat it or something? What's the involved biochemistry.
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Cholesterol, just like many other biomarkers, works best when it is in a middle range. Eating a ton of it will push levels up, causing more cholesterol deposits in the body over time, even eventually showing up in the skin, not just arteries and organs. Of course it's not a real concern if you check your cholesterol numbers and they look okay. If numbers are shitty then shift to more salads and oatmeal.
i was in the psych ward for telling officers i got scammed at a hotel by a nigger and i dont even have schiziophrenia shit was infuriating i was locked for 2 weeks and i couldnt use the phone
you are one stupid mother fucker to deny the lipid hypothesis anon

statins only increase calcification of plaque in the arterial lining thats it

regressing plaque is done through lifestyle or statin and a coq10 supplement
Shut up nigger your body makes 3000mg of cholesterol a day
>Eating a ton of it will push levels up, causing more cholesterol deposits in the body over time, even eventually showing up in the skin, not just arteries and organs
Nah, there is literally no evidence of this happeneing, cholesterol doesn't rise above a certain range the body just excretes it.
So cholesterol is good for you yes?
This is genetic and they know it from family
Seed oils are cardioprotective they’re unsaturated fats
Saturated fats raise ldl which causes plaque progression
External isn’t needed
>Seed oils are cardioprotective they’re unsaturated fats
>Saturated fats raise ldl which causes plaque progression

what evidence do you have to back these assertions?
That's true otherwise vegans would die, but is there an advantage to consuming dietary cholesterol instead of synthesising it?
What is Ling's contention?
Nigger this data is old as fuck it’s the lipid hypothesis by ancel keys
> https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Log-linear-association-of-per-unit-change-in-LDL-C-and-CVD-risk-Data-reproduced-with_fig24_322607509
Are you serious?
Atkins was a high protein diet craze

If you don’t believe in the lipid hypothesis you’re low iq
Belief is required because there is no factual basis
then why do people with hyperlipidemia die of cvd early as shit anon

LDL progresses atherosclorotic plaque retard
cite a study that supports this.
HL is caused by IR, which is caused by seed oils and fructose, more so in some people.
>HL is caused by IR
What are these code for?
Anon made it up to act like he knows what he’s talking about

I’m right he’s wrong he’s being a nigger
>eating cholesterol causes cholesterol deposits
food goes through the digestive system, the body creates it's own cholesterol. thinking that eating cholesterol causes cholesterol deposits is the same as thinking that eating bananas will cause your arteries to be blocked by banana deposits. where do animals which consume no cholesterol whatsoever such as cows get all their cholesterol from?
does this mean i can continue eating 12 eggs per day?
HyperLipidemia, Insulin Resistance.

Why do you have a name? You aren't special at all, let alone special enough for a name like
>Ambiguity and controversy generate long threads
Baiting faggots into arguments that shows just how retarded they are, ain't that what 4chan's all about
and vegan... they're just some of the dumbest faggots around
low hanging fruit, yes but sweet nonetheless
I have FH but every time I get my blood tested my platelet count is borderline low or even below normal levels. I think this is why I don't have any CVD even though I didn't get diagnosed with FH until I was like 40.
My real name is raphael

You don’t know shit about physiology you linked a meme dieting channel
>a meme dieting channel
Low Carb Downunder hosts lectures by leaders in low carb nutritional research. You're some variety high carb hipster, ideologically motivated by something like veganism.
Please state what you mean by the lipid hypothesis and cite relevant evidence that supports this lipid hypoethsis
Just lookup vLDL and reference range

Most people that don’t have cvd are within it
I’m not high carb or a LCD fag I’m a omnivorous balanced diet master race

Cravings are controlled by your pre programmed free will so I’m not arguing that
Read this faggot

>hasnt heard of lipid hypothesis

>I’m a omnivorous balanced diet
>master race
randle cycle

I'm well aware of the concept but I want to hear in your own words what you think it means.
Dumbass type 2 is mainly genetic and if that isn’t enough law of thermodynamics calories in calories out
You don’t know shit
Is this a very dumb chatbot?
Shut up nigger
they were lying to you
because industrial seed oil producers paid them to

eggs are good
Indistinguishable from a bot.
But are the eggs actually good if the hens are fed on seed oils?
there's a big issue with the high linoleic content of pig lard because of the oil seed heavy diets they're fed, I think some composition ratios came back at 35% linoleic which is ridiculously high. so I wonder how much gets to chickens?
>seed oils
Meant high oil content seeds.
chicken and pig diets are really heavily grain based
the truth is no one knows except for me
Make an actual argument what's the problem with lard?
I hate this term, it's so fucking stupid.
>banana deposits
LMAO. I'm stealing this
"Science" hasn't been wrong (it can't dance or sing, either). Men with pecuniary interests have been fraudulent, enabled by captured regulatory agencies.
>Gilbert Ling
Humanity is not ready for this level of red pill. I am sorry. Maybe if we can instate a few generations of ubermenschen breeding we can get someone who can build off his work.
>Low mass hyper responder
I agree but what to replace it with?
It's Lean Mass HR. It refers to gigachads who have high cholesterol when on a low carb diet.
ApoB is a stronger predictor than LDL-c. Although they correlate nearly 1:1
Except we also ate organ meat, fish and tons of fiber.
>tons of fiber.
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Natural fruit looking like this means you had to eat a shitton to get any substantial calories. So there was a lot more fiber per kcal of fruit meat ingested.
How much of the year was fruit available for in a non tropical region
Tropical regions have fruit, non-tropical regions have berries. Natural berries are also fiber dense with little fruit meat, compare wild blueberries with selectively bred ones for example.
show study
this would disprove the lipid hypothesis for an amount of error

LDL has a near linear correlation with cvd and plaque progression
Please would you be so kind as to read my question again, I don't think you understood what I was asking.
>It feels like the world is stacked against what should be a sensible resolution all for a few small profit margins
same as it ever was
researchers were culled by their leaders if the research threatens their leaders. generations by generations and boom. it is in the scientists' blood
triumph of the dogmatic over the pragmatic.
thats just shit genetics

im kekistani and i eat tons of meat and saturated fat and my ldl is 94-99 kek rolling "sharpe"
It's a hot topic because the most recent research says that it doesn't matter. Current LDL tests mix small and large ldl into one value. It's only the small LDL particles that are associated with atherosclerosis.
its already established anon quit coping
What is already established? What are you accusing anon of coping with?
99 LDL is not good and basically your arterial plaques are growing at that level. Sub 50 LDL your plaques won’t progress at all at. I suggest you take a fiber supplement with every fatty meal.
ApoB is the stronger predictor for atherosclerosis but it correlates nearly 1:1 with LDL. Cheap blood test to make so you might as well check it.
Given LDL isn't measured directly and incorporates a swathe of different molecules of similar weight range you are making a false claim
Medical data is junk

Right so just check your ApoB instead. It’s the stronger predictor and they measure it directly.
Why not just test for glycated/oxidised/sd ldl, and triglycerides?
Triglycerides is a good test, I don’t know how relevant the others are. If you measure triglycerides + ApoB you probably gain sufficient information to approximate the rate of atherosclerotic progression. There are thresholds where you get 0 progression and basically become immunized to cardiovascular disease.
ApoB isn't what you seem to think it is.
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It is exactly what I think it is and it is the strongest predictor for atherosclerotic plaque buildup. An ApoB blood test costs like 5USD.
I'm not sure it is if as you admitted you don't know what glycated ldl is, perhaps you should clarify your understanding first.
You have autism. Terminally conflict seeking when you shouldn’t be, making some sort of autist duel out of what blood tests to make, spaz.
I just want to be sure we're on the right page here, but what data are you relying on to make your association with apoB?
What is your ultimate reading of the causative process of atheroscleroses?
For several years now I have eaten 2 eggs a day (cooked with EVOO) and have had 1.5 cups of milk per day (as part of a smoothie with fruits and nuts). As you can see my Cholesterol and LDL/HDL numbers are phenomenal. My doctor even told me that he's never seen such good numbers before naturally and he usually only sees numbers like this if he puts someone on drugs to fix their levels.

If eggs were bad for you, they'd have shown up in my bloodwork. As a caveat, I do lots of cardio every week. Incline walking and running, at high speeds for both and for good distance. This may also be doing something to my chol + hdl/ldl levels.

2x a week Incline Walk: 3.8 mph @ 12 incline @ 50 minutes
2x a week Running: 8 to 8.5 mph @ 16-20 minutes depending on how hard I feel like going.

I have also recently started having 3 eggs a day and I'll be getting bloodwork at the start of next year to see if bumping to 3 eggs has affected me in a negative way or not.
Why does this thread get shorter everytime I see it?
>paul mason
Quack retard, has been challenged multiple times to debate but never accepts
why do flat earthers love debates?
This is total BS lol. Fat is the one thing that clogs sewer pipes but sure must be wonderful for your arteries lol
Do you have to show off your 80iq points?
Fat/cholesterol clogs the arteries moron. When they do autopsies of people who die of coronary artery disease they always find them clogged with fat and cholesterol, this is uncontroversial. But sure it's all a GONSBIRASY, except the 4-5 quack doctors who tell you that high cholesterol is actually good for you and that you should buy their book/supplement.
Basically this shit only exist because people like to eat food with high fat and cholesterol content, so they need the validation of some quack ''renegade'' doctor to continue stuffing their faces with burgers
>Alzheimers up 12000%
You keep drinking the sneed oil
This is a grey area pol tard

Btw what’s your Iq I eat PUFA rich seed oils and my ldl is 94-96
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I take it back, 80iq might be overshooting.
>Fat/cholesterol clogs the arteries
>Fat/cholesterol clogs the arteries moron.
Can you explain why my high fat high cholesterol diet isn't clogging my arteries? Can you explain why my bloodwork mogs yours?

See: >>16388129
>Btw what’s your Iq I eat PUFA rich seed oils and my ldl is 94-96
Weird your ldl is borderline acceptable on your seed oil diet and my ldl is 64 on my no seed oil diet:

None of you seed oil no eggs no milk freaks can explain why my bloodwork is mogging yours so hard. What gives?
Your genes are really good

I eat saturated fat and meat and my total cholesterol is 170s but I’m fat so it’s still fine for a fat person
It’s genes nigger

If I eat a bunch of saturated fat it’ll up to 100 nn/dl which can cause Atheromas to form
In before non Aryan cope with 150+ LDL shitty ass metabolism their ancestors passed down from eating too much grain
Genes nigga

Admit your Aryan and got the good ones

Most anerimutts have shitty genes their bmi goes 30+ and have an a1c of 6.4+ with 130 ldl so you have innate ability like iq is innate kek
I don't think it is just genes. I do not over eat and my diet has no junk food in it. Milk, eggs, chicken, potatoes, carrots, wild blueberries, bananas, strawberries, pomegrenate chia, flax, hemp seed, EVOO. Just eating a balanced diet and exercising will result in excellent bloodwork and a lean fit body.
tell me about the apob?
Once their hell sets in, it will last under 20 years because of sloppy application. We're now in the war before the hell. Due to the amount of crimes they committed and the weaknesses they take for each crime, if any of us ever turn the tables, over 60,000 years can be taken from them. Look at the toolkit, look what's around you, study deeply your type - you may be a certain sate/race, you may be AYRAN sate and a certain genetic(one of the factors of race). So much so you would be a AYRAN who uses the mode, or Bicameral, and many other options. I have affected society with many things, if you can discover what's mine, maybe you can use it. Helping me is number 1 obj because I'll apply over 60,000 years and free us all...
Go on then. If you paid a year per person, I'm not lying. 200,000 years is something that honestly can be TAKEN from you. You better hope I don't work out this problem
It may actually be soon aha, no problem in it either. You never feared me and even if you became fluent in pain and agility you'd struggle to get passed my upcoming pacification and even defeat me.
As you can see I have made a jump. I have tried every combination under the sun via 'cameral' or 'normal' with no avail. I studied bi-cameral in the serious sense and this is where I'm at now. I understand my type, therefore you can look up and be hopeful of a resolution today.
Where did these new schizos come from?
The digestive system absorbs cholesterol like a sponge as long as you have bile acids allowing it, if you consume no cholesterol (like a cow) you can synthesize it through your liver.
If the digestive system could filter out all non needed nutriments it would be nice, we would not have obese people or gout or many other health issues but that's not how it works.
In fact colestyramine (a drug used to reduce cholesterol in the blood) works by blocking absorption in the intestine.

Also "banana deposits" don't exist, it's carbs so your analogy is bad.
Are you an autist? Did you not get the joke?
cholesterol is not getting put in your vessel walls because you ate cholesterol which is why banana deposits also don't build up
Jew particles.

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