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Why are math students worse at math than physics students? How is that even possible?
Math originally arose as physical applications. It was then culturally appropriated by plato and his pedo gang as completely divorced from the world.
Math has more women in it. There's more of a math --> teaching pipeline than there is for physics, which drags down the IQ. Physics chads keep winning.
was about to say this
Math start to work on very abstracts subjects meanwhile physics still do a lot basic algebra or computations.
Math just outperformance physics or 3d manipulations.
That 115 floor is very optimistic
>mfw CS tard with 140 (tested) IQ
>can't into physics
what do I win
Holy cope
What's up with 117 and 124 IQ's? Why are they happen to be outliers in their categories?
Philosophy chads strike again, tale as old as time.

>tfw the philosophy graduate has her panties wet talking about syphilitic Germans but she didn’t laugh at your coffee cups are donuts topology talking point
People with higher IQs over think problems on exams
This is a large part of the reason. At university math is nearly 50/50, but most of the women are there for teaching (my higher level analysis classes were all men).
In addition, the math in the SAT is applied. A physics student will likely be better than a pure maths student at the tips and tricks useful for applied math.
>the math in the SAT is applied.
Absolute bullshit take, because these score for highschoolers who apply ro university, they only know applied math and that's probably the only thing they should know
Don't be a nerd
During the last 5 years of my physics education (undergrad + master's), I've had to study fields such as topology, algebraic topology, Fourier analysis, functional analysis, Riemannian geometry, representation theory, etc, all just as backgrounds for my physics courses. Meanwhile my math counterparts don't get to learn ANY of these until they finish undergrad, and even then they only learn about half of these fields...
A free IQ test! Just sign up with your credit card and pay the monthly subscription fee.
the way math is taught to physics students is just shameful, I suppose the same happens to physics when taught in engineering courses, what you get is something completely butchered
Why are physics students better at math then?
I only have 24 hours in the day, anon.
Haha yes the subscription fee wasn't too outrageous so I'm happy ;D
I'm only applying to codemonkey jobs though
Still unemployment. This is the 15k/yr Indian and AI century, you are just living in it. Say hello to r/cscareerquestions for me.
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So, what's time?

(Cause you know probably that's good)
It's always a good time
I hear they're hiring Indonesian or Taiwanese workers now. Indians' Indians.
Taiwanese? They are a fairly wealthy country. Taiwanese companies are outsourcing to India if anything. 15k/yr or less is the sort of salary poos will do codemonkey work for. That makes the fairly wealthy in their shithole.
What are birds?

My bad, might not have been Taiwan then. All these Asian countries sound pretty similar. Although yeah, Taiwan's the one with the semiconductor manufacturing. Probably gets a lot of white talent to relocate.
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What is it about the Arts that gives them the edge over Social Science?
I study archaeology.
Kys mathlet
>Math student with lower iq than physics chads
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>Math and Compsci
>Math and Physics
Which would have the higher average iq? All good universities already over dual degrees.
Probably physics just to the nature of physics professors being impatient assholes
not in Europe
What sorting criteria does that table use?
Because Social Science is not a department. It does not exist.
Don't study physics.
t. physics student
You WILL be unemployed.
The physics graduate in stem and finance making 200k a year is a meme and exists for 2 people per university.
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>quant SAT
choose one and only one.
even a retarded pattern-matching chatbot can score well on the SAT.

take the same students, put them in real analysis 101 and watch the engineers and physicists drop like flies when actually forced to reason strictly and logically, instead of just applying tools that the smart people developed
>Bro thinks that math students are ramanujans who can do complex things, but can't outperform physicscels
modern physics is just math but more complicated
Turns out math without purpose is as bad as language without meaning
Hi, based department here.

I graduated from a physics program with a 2.7 GPA and make over $200k a year running a whorehouse in Nevada. School was always a distraction for me.

I'm 100 times as paranoid and schizo as the smartest other poster in this thread.

100% a nepotism hire though.
Apply to study physics at community college, dipshit. If you graduate and have interesting extracurriculars it still counts.

t. 2.7 GPA
Turns out cooming without a woman slowly makes you gay

It's actually related to hip movement, if have hip movement during coom you're A-ok
>> Fuckdolls aren't gay because I thrust into them
t. fuckdoll owner
No, fuckdolls definitely are gay and can become possessed. However, a fuckdoll won't lead you to watching gay porn. But if you're far enough to buy a fuckdoll then you probably watch gay porn anyway.
It also called sat math and it's such an elemental thing that the fact that math students dont receive 800 is a shame
Holy cope
>why are [pure math] students worse at [applied math] than [applied math] students?
why is economics so high?
they have word problems in that shit
I didn't study math to do word problems
The only difference between pure and applied math is that we we didn't find usefulness of pure math yet
>Muh word problems
There is an example of the problem from International math Olympics
>Turbo the snail plays a game on a board with 2024 rows and 2023 columns. There are hidden monsters in 2022 of the cells. Initially, Turbo does not know where any of the monsters are, but he knows that there is exactly one monster in each row except the first row and the last row, and that each column contains at most one monster.

Turbo makes a series of attempts to go from the first row to the last row. On each attempt, he chooses to start on any cell in the first row, then repeatedly moves to an adjacent cell sharing a common side. (He is allowed to return to a previously visited cell.) If he reaches a cell with a monster, his attempt ends and he is transported back to the first row to start a new attempt. The monsters do not move, and Turbo remembers whether or not each cell he has visited contains a monster. If he reaches any cell in the last row, his attempt ends and the game is over.

Determine the minimum value of $n$ for which Turbo has a strategy that guarantees reaching the last row on the $n^{th}$ attempt or earlier, regardless of the locations of the monsters.
the same reason that engineering programs are so famously "hard".
students are required to choose their major before they know what the subjects are actually about, which in the case of engineering would appear to be being paid well.

a not insignificant number of math majors are in the degree because they for some unknown reason liked their high school math teachers so much that they wanted to actually be them.

absolutely baffling to me. school math turned me off the subject so much. put your name on your paper, circle your answer, show your work blah blah blah and seemed to be taught by the most uninteresting people on the planet. chemistry and physics classes at least appeared to be telling you something about the actual world.

the real tragedy is that social sciences are such a bug lamp for idiots when theyre the subjects most sorely in need of the best and brightest (to the extent that they are subjects at all).
Weird problem, is there really a minimum n that is lower than pathological counters to all given algorithm?.
Are you Asian? Because almost all asians failed this problem
Philosophy chads win
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I bet most Math students are bored out of their mind with shit that has no real world use unlike what is taught in physics.
Especially a problem in math without framing.
For example?
Because Economics is, in fact, a Real Science.
because physics students are nerds who care about test scores
that being said sats are a joke
1269 sat is at most 115 iq, not 130+
these numbers are fake. the aerage graduate prolly has an iq of 110 at best.
many drop out, for Electrical Engineering where I live only ±30% get a degree, and of those who do, only like 60% in the 3 years
Philosophy is less female than math
>Stem fields except physics are mogged by philosophers
I bet that actuarial science majors would be better at math than math majors too. Because it's mostly men, like physics.
>t, dual math act. sci major in college
Women pulled down iq of math?
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Yes, more female-dominated majors tend to skew towards lower IQs. Math is kind of an exception, because a lot of female autists become math majors.
>Women pulled down iq of math
>Math is kind of an exception
Funny...Ive always forced it to have some connection to base reality.
Lol mathfags
i do have to kinda agree. ddnt appreciate abstract vector spaces and the motivation behind inner products in particular for quite a while. that being said physicists >>> mathematicians
15k USD jobs will have enough applicants to cause a stampede, sir. Most entry IT coolies here make sub $5000 a year if they're lucky enough to get a job
t. pajeet
I think of it as physics really hammering home its math, while pure math (maybe to its detriment) tries to teach very different classes of math very early on. For the first few years of physics, you focus on calculus (differential eq., line integrals, etc.) while math also does BUT they learn it from definition and have other far removed subjects where they don't practice the problems as much (analysis, computational theory, number theory, statistics, etc.).
Anyways, if you study any math intensive field you'll be forced to be studious and therefore smarter regardless. So it's a moot point regardless.
if this is the new sat then im laughing my ass off abysmal numbers
No it isn’t you don’t know how score converting works look it up

Think of it this way ceiling is 160 and it’s out of 1600 so 16=16

1300=130 Iq
Math in disguise
You are retarded
Still physicists>mathematicians
Explain me how women lower iq
there's a lot of women in my physics degree at a top school
>733 vs 736
Margin of error-tier difference
Only requires a couple of maths undergrads to score quite lot or a couple of physics undergrads to score quite high to bring the group avg to that margin
>Margin of error
No such margin of error if sample size is all undergrads


Until a literal fucking Royal Society Physicist can't fucking into basic integral notation. SAT lizard-brain Math calculations are literally for trained dogs and monkeys.
We’re talking about uterus havers not “women”
They don’t in general, the mean IQ for men and women overall is the same, there’s just higher variance among men than women. Math attracts top IQ men and too IQ women. The higher variance for men though means that top IQ men have a higher IQ than too IQ women
Why majors with more women have lower iq then?
College students aren't a representative sample of the male population. It's a higher IQ subset of the general population.
This is true of college women too, but as stated by the other anon, the wider IQ distribution among men means that the subset which attend college will be, on average, higher IQ than the women attending college.
Pic rel. The smarter half of men have higher IQs than the smarter half of women, hence the lower IQ in woman-dominated college majors.
>le meme graphic
How about you post an actual study retard, male variability hypothesis is greatly exaggerated to explain the lack of female geniuses
> male variability hypothesis is greatly exaggerated to explain the lack of female geniuses
It explains it perfectly though, you don’t need a new version of a theory every year when the old one works just fine
>Sex differences in central tendency, variability, and numbers of high scores on mental tests have been extensively studied. Research has not always seemed to yield consistent results, partly because most studies have not used representative samples of national populations. An analysis of mental test scores from six studies that used national probability samples provided evidence that although average sex differences have been generally small and stable over time, the test scores of males consistently have larger variance. Except in tests of reading comprehension, perceptual speed, and associative memory, males typically outnumber females substantially among high-scoring individuals.
>bullshit unsourced table

This is measuring the scores from a specific test, which does not represent the totality of "math" or of anything else.

"Better on the Math GRE" does not really mean "Better at Math"
>He can't find the source of sat data
>"Better on the Math GRE" does not really mean "Better at Math"

Literally all the coping faggots say this

>Just because you do better at the math test doesn't mean you are better at math.

Anon, how else are we supposed to fucking measure peoples math/quantitative ability? Measure their angular gyrus? Ask the math gods? For fucks sake.

Schools are a shit way of measuring ability because teachers are inclined to inflate grades and or mark people down for shit like not bringing in assignments (as if that has anything to do with your ability in the subject) So there's no use relying on them.

At the end of the day, a standardized test for everybody to receive in an accurate, non-biased way is the best way to assess someones ability with respect to others. END OF STORY. We have tests for a reason, and the good thing about standardized tests like the SAT, ACT, GRE, INVALSI, PISA etc, is that there is basically no way to fully study for it (memorize a bunch of shit, related to the topic of the test then do the test). You can only study what is believed to be on the test, meaning all else MUST come from pure reasoning.
Let him live in his fantasy world
Physics use math to solve real-world problems.
Mathematicians use math to solve abstract problems.
The former requires a significantly better understanding of mathematics than the latter.
Lol this
No margin of error here
Math is just a tool. Physics elite know they are better, they could do math degree just fine.
>how else are we supposed to fucking measure peoples math/quantitative ability
Use what math grad schools use, the math subject gre? If your post wasn't so long I'd assume it's bait
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I don't know. The smartest people I've met in my life were all unironically math majors in some capacity (undergrad at least). Most of the physishits I know are just okay at math and we're slightly more brainlet.
Being "good at math" has nothing to do with tests. That's great you can regurgitate your math homework on to paper and solve problems quickly, that's a bare minimum. If that's all you can do you're not a mathematician. You might be "good at math" in a way of learning and processing quickly but your merits are drawn from your ability to create mathematics and produce novel research. Nobody remembers Gauss or Reimann because they got high scores on their entrance exams, their names will be learned by all future mathematicians because they were able to produce novel research in reputable journals or at least have their work recognized by their peers. I'm not saying the goal should even be "muh fame" etc. but there is a clear difference.

>muh cope
okay sure. Trust me, I've seen this happen before. I've known people who excelled past me on tests but couldn't tear their way out of answering a basic research question or commit to follow through writing a paper. You need to understand what it is that mathematicians actually do. Most grad schools don't even want GRE, Math GRE anymore ( Princeton, Harvard, Berkely, etc.) as it's not really that great of a predictor of research output. A good preprint or publication is enough to show aptitude for research which is what ultimately matters.
there's just no way
You can't even read the table, retard
2 is next to 3 on most keyboards
they have higher iqs
you dont know shit mathmatical ability is g loaded on the stanford binet at .77
They are thought what to think, not how to think.
They want you smart enough to recite, but never smart enough to write a book.
Throughout history, several brilliant minds have faced skepticism or dismissal from their contemporaries, including professors and established experts. Here are a few notable examples:

1. **Albert Einstein**: Early in his academic career, Einstein struggled in school and was considered a poor student by some teachers. His unconventional ideas about physics, particularly his theory of relativity, were initially met with skepticism by many in the scientific community.

2. **Nikola Tesla**: Tesla was often seen as eccentric and was not always taken seriously by his peers. His ideas about wireless communication and alternating current were revolutionary, but he faced significant opposition from established figures like Thomas Edison, who favored direct current.

3. **Galileo Galilei**: Galileo's support for heliocentrism (the idea that the Earth revolves around the Sun) was met with strong resistance from the academic and religious authorities of his time. He was often ridiculed and faced persecution for his views.

4. **Charles Darwin**: When Darwin first presented his theory of evolution through natural selection, many scientists and theologians dismissed his ideas as radical and unfounded. It took years for his theories to gain acceptance.

5. **Richard Feynman**: Feynman was known for his unconventional approach to physics and his playful attitude towards learning. Some of his professors did not appreciate his style, but he went on to become a Nobel laureate and a highly respected physicist.
Thanks, chatgpt
>Being "good at math" has nothing to do with tests

I'm not saying Tests = math ability. I'm saying tests are the most accurate way of demonstrating that ability.

>That's great you can regurgitate your math homework on to paper and solve problems quickly, that's a bare minimum.

Standardized tests are often modeled after IQ tests. You cant "regurgitate" shit you must problem solve for in real time. Tell me, do you know what will be on the next SAT-M? Will there be 3 or 5 geometry questions? Will they be about area, volume, length? Or will they be about analytic geometry and graph transformations? Do you know? No, because there's nothing to regurgitate (mainly because the SAT isn't linked to the school curriculum and is instead a privately funded endeavor by the college board.)

>Nobody remembers Gauss or Reimann because they got high scores on their entrance exams

So? From my understand Gauss and Riemann still did really well with school tests (Gauss being a prodigy) despite both growing up poor. You're acting like 90% of people doing math are doing research, you'd be lucky if 10% were.

>Assessments/papers are better than tests for math appitude measurement.

You criticized tests for "regurgitation", failing to consider that assessments are the ultimate regurgitation source, hell you have the internet now so you can even regurgitate shit you learn on the internet, no undergrad required.

>Most grad schools don't even want GRE, Math GRE anymore ( Princeton, Harvard, Berkely, etc.) as it's not really that great of a predictor of research output.

So? MIT just brought back SAT testing. Does MIT not care about its research output? Actually kinda yeah, because research output isn't the point of universities, especially private ones. They are usually actually more interested in successful people after graduation, because they are who line up their pockets once they pay back their loans.
>You cant "regurgitate" shit you must problem solve for in real time
At least for the SAT they're almost all incredibly easy problems, the only difficult part is doing them quickly (which involves memorization)
>Tell me, do you know what will be on the next SAT-M?
Basic hs-level algebra and geometry
>assessments are the ultimate regurgitation source
If writing proofs is "regurgitation" I would have had an easier time in school
>MIT just brought back SAT testing. Does MIT not care about its research output
Not from its undergrads really. Also it's basically impossible to judge a high schoolers research capabilities unless they're a prodigy and had tons of resources. Weird point to bring up
>research output isn't the point of universities, especially private ones
Someone should tell universities that. Over 25% of mit's revenue comes from research grants, only 9% comes from donations (presumably from alum)
go to a math graduate program. like 30% women.
and the women faculty in those departments are free to discriminate and hire only female PhD students, incentivizing even more unqualified women in these program -> drag down the average IQ of math program even further.
for many reasons, women really doesn't like physics and engineering so you don't get as much invasion of unqualified female graduates as in math.
Not believing these numbers for a second. Blown out of proportion and doesn't make sense either. Why would graduate students be judged off their SATs from at least 6 years prior and when were all the students subject to the same IQ test?

Silly stuff, just fluff to make grads feel superior to another in some way
I failed everything in life, and my SAT scores were 770 English, and 515 math. This was for the new digital test that I was forced to take.
Never bothered revising, since it'd into my time for browsing 4chan, and playing games.
Must be why I also failed A-levels way back as well ( U for Math, U for CS, U for physics )
At least I have neetbux, but 0 skills at 28 probably isn't good.

I always feel bad for that teacher who once called me his best student, just because I kept my head down and occasionally did his work. Wonder how he reacted to these flops.

>At least for the SAT they're almost all incredibly easy problems, the only difficult part is doing them quickly (which involves memorization)

If its "too easy" you can find other standardized tests like the AP exams and GRE Mathematics (Subject test). There are also other tests in other countries like the GCE/GCSE's in England and the Gaokao in China. I must reiterate that the SAT and IQ are correlated 0.8, solidifying the SAT as a reasonable assessment of reasoning ability no matter how much you think memorization is involved.

>Inb4 IQ bad

There's a reason psychologists still use IQ. For its high reliability and validity. Without doubt it is the best test for intelligence assessment.

>If writing proofs is "regurgitation" I would have had an easier time in school

You have time to think over your proofs, with colleagues and the help of a professor. It can also accounted for a lot of memorized topics you would have learnt. I'm not saying writing proofs isn't an strong signifier of math ability, but again you are acting like 90% of people doing math are learning category theory and are currently in the business of math research. Tests are problem solving orientated and are under time limits made to accurately assess your problem solving skills.

>Not from its undergrads really.


Undergrads are included here.
Was about to say that.
Also how much of "mathematical sciences" is "math education"

Between these two you have your answer OP

Now do "pure math undergrads"
Math originally arose due to an Ancient Greek dude founding a cult. Math is a cult and has always been. According to the math cult which requires proofs, your stupid Babylonian Pythagorean triples does not count as real math.
Math was a thing before greeks brainlet
Average high verbal copecel
It doesn't.
Deversity is out strength
Calculation was. Mathematics was not.
>And I call the existing thing a different name and will act like those are different things
Proofs are the content of mathematics.
sat is crystalized
>And I will say random shit
It's not random, it's a reference to the lack of proofs before the greeks.
why dont you just work at a hedge fund you know all the math
nvm i read your comment
Women have physically smaller brains. They have less neurons in their brains compared to men. They are about 5 IQ lower than men on average as adults. They also tend to think 'intuitively' instead of 'logically'. This benefits them to some degree in humanities and arts, but not in math.

This board is always funny cause no one thinks critically, and you just slurp down study slops as religious dogma. If you read history or had any life experience you'd realize that women have always needed men to lead them. Wouldn't make sense for them to be led if they were smarter.
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I guess I would fall into the "Other Engineering" category. And surprise surprise, I'm a fucking retard. I probably single-handedly drag the average IQ down 10 points.
half of my mid-tier math classes (abstract algebra, diffy q) were women because it was the highest maths you needed to become a teacher
Was it good that it was full of women?
Get me online(doing) and starting from today we'll beginntontake every place everywhere and all what comes with it. In my mind is a deal I'm sure you'd be glad to check, and I don't want much for it. As said, I make a better professional in all fields than all of you. Looking for a position where I can show my potential, a high position will most probably ensue.
did you just have a stroke?
it was good. they werent super smart but they were also much less autistic and annoying than many of the the guys in the class

i ended up dating one for awhile and she's a middle school teacher now
you cannot do math without logic and you cannot do logic without words/concepts
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's all sat based
math has become jewish, thus it relies more on memory than logic compared to real physics calculus.
that's why only physicists learn real math.
Why can math become Jewish
Oh lol
It's just math
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It works
What are u?

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