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>MScs in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics
>Can't into a PhD
>No work experience
>$85k debt
>live with parents
Administrative roles need "know-how" of other fields, not "leaders" of said fields as an administrator.

Besides, what were you thinking your "job" of "doing Physics" would look like?
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And no...NOT SCHOOL.
Look, faggot.

There's what seems to be a wire leak.

Through the multiple frames I'm using (mind PCs), a few artefacts and other I am experiencing what seems to be 1,000,000 perceptions around my mind of what is a constant intelligence stream.

I have passed on into the fray with how religious I have become with all things in the multiverse. I am a walking intelligent gegamenchhyzenfo. I know every data in depth with every info, every field. For example, my chemistry knowledge ~doesn't even halt~ at x..........y........s with field and rotary included. And much more complex than that. I know how to make Dyson Spheres in minutes. I am really really intelligent and aware, I'm just injured and can't actually say what you're looking for. It all goes unregistered. Like having the ultimate black box with me.
Why would I want to be an administrator? Any woman would suffice.
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>Why would I want to be an administrator?
Because you cant hack a thesis.
>Any woman would suffice.
Andrew Tate. If you know...y'know.
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Show'em, Terry.


I had Amerixa Online in the 1990s...I know things.
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>ultimate black box
So...you still havnt accepted your Lord and Savior.

Most unborkunate news.
It is about the state of academia not the individual
I rejected multiple PhD programs and numerous finance jobs
I realized that academia is a waste of time
Jobs are for slaves
and if you're white your indian girlfriend will let you free load. She gave me a credit card. I've been having a great time. I can finally read books that aren't shitty pearson books. I read Aesop's fables for the first time. I'm learning spanish. I'm reading more math than ever. I've learned more programming in the past few weeks from ChatGPT than I ever did my entire minor in CS. I've memorized every bird in my state. I'm going to start breeding frogs too.
My life has never been better.
So here's my advice to you OP. Be tall, white, and handsome. Being handsome is very easy just wash your face, don't be fat, and it helps to have germanic and latin roots.
These are the things that matter.
uh anon...leave the frogs alone
Wow you are going to get to see the whole frog lifecycle, from tadpole to mature adult

To OP: Get on those neetbux asap and start paying off that debt, you should be able to pay it off in 8 years or so, at least that's what my lifestyle of smoking weed and saving free money the government gives me would allow me to budget
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>>MScs in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics

Both of these degrees pretty much REQUIRE PhD in order to get employed.
>to get employed
who the fuck would want to be employed?
>Both of these degrees pretty much REQUIRE PhD in order to get employed
only in universities, in general industry they can be useful without a phd
The US gov hires a shitload of entry level engineering and physical science/math/cs grads with only a BS degree every year, mainly in DOD acquisition workforce. They also offer student loan forgiveness if you make it through probation and work there long enough. I would be applying there if I were in your situation.
chances are OP is not from the US if he has a masters but not a PhD
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run and do your push ups and sit ups and chin ups until you meet asva requirements for the military

join the easiest branch as an officer, you have a degree, go to your local recruiter and look online for which branch is the better experience for 20 years.

keep a bottle of NAC handy for when they force vaccinations on us again

or follow picrelated and get a online masters in cs from austin
get a job once you jiin the military as an officer in intelligence so you don't have to break your back carrying heavy shit

i hear coast guard is ez, or army intelligence
just do something in intelligence so your job is mentally stimulating and challenging and you don't want to blow your brains out with a glock 19
and if you have any medical issues, never mention them to anyone, ever, no matter how much time has passed, never mention them until you are fully inducted as an officer

ie you secretly have heart issues but you do your cardio and pull your weight , then 3 yeaars laater you magically develop cardio issues and have to take medicine for it or soemthing

you get the idea, your smarter than me, you should know how to lie, otherwise they will kick you out

or join an alternative teaching certification program like iteach for like 99 dollars a month and get certified to teach as a teacher, you won't like it because its stressful, teaching has a greater than fifty percent chance of quiting within the first 5 years, you dont' have that attrition rate for intelligence officers in the army or coast guard or air force

if i were you the ex branch is airforce and coast guard, air force is said to be like working at a company level lax,
they'll kick you out if you have serious issues so just keep them a secret until you retire, use googel to know what can get you kicked out
I forgot to mention that you could teach for a year or 2 yaears and use the monoey you make from teaching to pay off those 85000 dollars you owe.

teach for 2 to 4 years, use the money to pay off loans then go back to online school or officer school immediately afterwards if you meet the age requirements for officer school still

you get a pension if you do twnety years in the mililtary or as a teacher
owari da
Go to defense.
Defense loves physicists
OP is simultaneously overqualified for the military and underqualified for research in a national lab.
Not in education. Not in education.
can confirm. am tall, white, handsome with latin roots. I just smile and get included onto papers. leading to great success in my career as a research mathematician. ugly chuds are also harder to look at for one hour during seminar. so if your topic isn't as relevant, at least be easy on the eyes. learn to smile

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