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I started med school a couple of weeks ago and I have fell in love with one of my colleagues - she evidently likes me as well, a few of my other colleagues have commented on it. We had known each other in undergrad but we didn't talk much at that time. I had previously not wanted to date/marry a fellow medical student due to the likely difficulties in family planning, but the temptation is very strong.

She is 24 and I am 26, so at minimum, she will graduating when she is 28 and finishing residency when she is 30 at the earliest (Assuming family med). If she pursues any other specialty (which she seems to want to do), then I guess we wouldn't be able to start a family till 33 (assuming 5-yrs of residency and no fellowships).

Is it futile and a waste of time or should I proceed and avoid having regrets of letting the chance slide by? Does anyone make this sort of thing work?
Personally, I'd do it to not have regrets in life, but be prepared for social bullshit when you break up.
Frankly, I have very little concern about an ugly breakup and more-so of potentially the incompatibility of wanting to have at least 2-3 kids and a wife who may not be finishing residency until she is 33 (depending on type of residency). It feels like I could be kicking myself in four years for "wasting my time" so to speak, if she matches into a ENT surgery program and it makes starting a family nearly impossible due to age/fertility/time constraints.
Just finished writing my PhD now and it feels wonderful. Fucking hell I can finally live normally again
Thanks chatgpt

>she will graduating when she is 28 and finishing residency when she is 30 at the earliest
there is nothing that stops her from getting pregnant before she is a full doctor. Only cucks like you spoil a good woman because they don't get a kid from her when she can, and wait like dorks until she is withered away and too bitter to be a proper wife and mother

ultimately she has to decide if she wants to put career over family - it NEVER works better when the roastie chooses career
>Just finished writing my PhD
Lol, literal slave. Kneel before your PI (who is also a slave), faggot. Imagine falling for the PhD meme in the present year. Tell me about how you had to include a statement of how your research furthers DEI while desperately begging for grant money.

>ultimately she has to decide if she wants to put career over family - it NEVER works better when the roastie chooses career
obviously, that is the principal point that I am making. It is a question of whether she is deferential/malleable enough to acknowledge the contradiction of career vs family OR perhaps she has sperg tendencies and no interest in kids. I suppose I will have to identify whether the former is true rather quickly while dating.
You seem like a bit of a sperg yourself anon, no offense
Well, I am here - aren't I? I am sperg enough to have unfiltered sperg thoughts but not sperg enough for anybody IRL to get any inkling that I am autistic.
Why did the previous /med/ generals get deleted lol?
You will soon come to realize dating outside of medicine is more of a hassle anyways. And personally, very few people outside this plantation-tier job can understand how tedious or hard it can get sometimes. So don't worry about that. What I do worry is getting cheated on, as I am in a similar boat as you, though I'm way younger. Which is why I keep things casual.
>Does anyone make this sort of thing work?
Oh yeah, but as I say, you got to watch out.
medicine is a humanity not science
plenty of women get pregnant while becoming a doctor and handle it just fine. if you guys are serious, just do it and hope it goes well.
Should I do Health Informatics to make up for failing med school?
How are you meant to time the pregnancy? During residency? I believe programs only give something like 8-weeks maternity leave… I am going to have to seek some mentorship from faculty at my school to see if they have any general advice for such things. Life would certainly be easier if I found a high IQ girlfriend, eager to become a stay at home mom
Janny trannies didn't like the return of Harold Shipman posting
>high IQ girlfriend, eager to become a stay at home mom
Doesn't exist. Optimal strategy is part-timers.
Why is it that all the people who come onto my unit with advanced Parkinson's dementia are Italian? Does eating too much gnocchi, pasta, and gelato predispose you? I thought the Mediterranean diet was supposed to be good for you.
>t. resident in int. med
>I thought the Mediterranean diet was supposed to be good for you
Not since like the 1980s lol
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To the anon who suggested seizure disorder which presents like mood disorder:
That was a good guess at least on the first half
I had to go to the fucking ER again for focal motor seizures, I had 8 really bad ones in a row, I was honestly wondering if it was going to generalize and if I would just die alone in bed like that from inhaling puke, once I could move again I was too fucking mortified by the situation to call 911 (I used to work on the fire dept and I absolutely could not let my old coworkers to know I have this extremely embarrassing problem, I would die of shame)
So I drove to the ER fucking praying nothing would happen while driving, they checked me out, had 2 more seizures then they took away my drivers license right then and there
So I had to ditch my fucking car
And I can't go back to work
I am absolutely fucked
So much for working EMS

To the anon who told me I was being a hypochondriac and a retard and that I should never seek treatment
I told you so
What's the earliest you've seen someone leave school? I'm in my 4th week and I already DROP OUT lol.
Wtf why would you do that? Assuming you mean medical school. It's a lot of work to get in and you couldn't even persist for more than a month?
>Wtf why would you do that?
I don't actually need to work. I'm sort of in medical school just to do something I guess and I kind of want to go back to my easy NEET life now.
the SCZhazard must be contained
i saw the only nigger in optometry school drop out after 3weeks
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can dihexa treat brain injury? i had brain surgery recently for a huge cyst like A in pic related.
any other supplements to help? mainly ADHD like symptoms, depression, psychosis (thought disorder)
also thunderclap headaches with auras
Fine nobody wants to reply to my thread so maybe I will actually get a few non meme answers here
Serious posters only

A patient whose family history is unknown takes a prescription medication associated with mania (could be SSRI, corticosteroid, sympathomimetic, etc).
This medication induces manic symptoms in the patient.
In situation A, the presentation is typical of mania.
In situation B the presentation is atypical.
In either case the patient now presents as manic.
How would one determine in either case which of the following is true:
1. The medication triggered a primary manic episode in an undetected bipolar patient
2. The manic symptoms merely represent intoxication by the medication
3. The medication caused a secondary manic episode in a patient without any mood disorder
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>anon comes in with history of BPAD
>give him lethal dose of morphine
so this is the end of another thread
>anon comes in wanting a quality 300 post /med/ thread
>give him a lethal dose of morphine instead
>tfw still haven't written my personal statement
I'll do it tomorrow, I swear
Do you have anyone that can help give a more detailed history like a relative neighbor friend etc? I feel like a good history would go a long way in helping answer this, so you can see if they have acted like this before or if they have acted bipolar before. I don't know if you mean unclear family history as in they don't want to or can't talk about their family at all, or unclear as in you don't know if it runs in the family. It would probably take too long to help the patient in an acute context but if you have time to post on 4chan I assume its not an emergency.
But I'm just a student not a resident or attending so definitely take what I say with a grain of salt.
Assuming that those persons would not lie is dumbfuckery.
What do you think the success rate is of a minor surface (skin-deep) surgical procedure is? Like, I know major surgeries like knee surgeries etc. have a pretty unreliable rate of success. But I wonder if the same is true for the minor procedure I am about to describe:
I have scar tissue on the bottom of my feet that has never correctly healed. I now feel it constantly (sometimes painfully).

I now want to visit a podiatrist with this. I am of course not sure if surgery is even needed, but I am just interested what in your experience the success rate is of such minor stuff (not necessarily related to my problem). It seems like a high rate of them aren't really a good idea.
It's a purely hypothetical situation I invented. In the case of family history pretend the patient was adopted and has no idea what their biological family medical history is like
I base this exercise on my own case, have had this happen on multiple medications but difficult to say I've had any unprovoked manic symptoms as I went without treatment for 10 years and could be retroactive confirmation bias the times I do recall experiencing it
orientation week
>for last minute offer from waitlist to another better school
it's 50%. it either works or it doesnt. pretty simple, dude.
nothing will grow you a new brain
none of those questions are medically relevant in practice, you think you are hotshit for this but honestly give it a break House MChud
you know you can ask Chat GPT to write you one right? and it will be way better than whatever you come up with
all me btw
Just go for it and figure it out as you go. You do not want to be the guy looking for a wife or partner in his thirties
I am in orthopedics, I don't do psychiatry and the only drugs I do are vitamin D and cefazolin.
I'm going to ask this question sincerely and the point of it is not to blame you but to have a discussion in which it could be me who's wrong. Why are the people who work in medicine not doing everything they can in their power to prevent health problems caused by the environment people live. That could it be food, air, water quality etc. so everyone can be in their peak health and only the people who actually had the misfortune to need you are helped. You actually have the authority and are respected enough to change that and isn't that the best prevention there is, for people to be as healthy as possible? That's simply impossible with all the low quality food and pollution in general and it's only going to get worse.
>why are you wasting your time forcing people to do the things you think are good for them??
morons with a saviour complex that feel the need to impose their will on others usually become priests, politicians
honestly you are probably underage with this kind of dumb questions, low IQ, or both
How is making sure that all people being at their peak health is imposing your will on others? If anything, the opposite way is true and probably has a malicious intent behind it.
not after the corona virus lmao.
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god damn did I hate your type during the bat coof, like >>16353133 said
>Janny comes to my clinic saying he thinks he's a woman born in a man's body
>Give him a lethal dose of morphine
That's probably what I'll end up doing, then revise it in my own words later. What a pain in the ass, I wish I could just be honest and put "I like the work, the specialty is interesting to me, and the program is in an area I like" but everything has to be a fucking higher calling these days.
I already live in a nanny state thank you very much
You wanna see these nannies I do beforehand.

You laff at yourself
Are MD students more nerdy than DO students on average? I go to a DO school and there are a surprising amount of parties where I go to.
Also, there's more jacked people in my school than I was expecting.
cryotherapy and enzymatic debridement with pineapple extract is far better for scar tissue than surgery.

>also phototherapy, hydrocortisone, adapalene, vitamin E, glycolic acid and calcium hydroxide

>t. looksmaxxer on steroids who specially medically educated the last two dermatologists I had the misfortune of seeing
See my post
And actually yes in practice those are relevant questions as it determines the patient's treatment going forward, for instance due to my latest medication provoked manic episode my GP put me on mood stabilizers while my psychiatrist said that's entirely unnecessary and got me off of them
Which one is correct? Who knows
In my case however both my father and his father have bipolar so there is definite reason to suspect I do as well
yes they are.
Not really. Had plently of parties and events and jacked people too (such as myself :^))
Holy shit, is every hospital in America just an awful place that primarily exists to line pockets? I got a job as patient care tech at a hospital while I’m in nursing school and it’s making re-consider going into nursing. I’m full time staff on an oncology unit. I usually have 11-12 patients per shift, which is too many for me to properly care for all of them. We’re always understaffed. We’re always low on supplies. Management is incompetent. The only thing keeping me here is the fact that it’s a consistent paycheck that also gives me a lot of flexibility with scheduling and time off. I’ll be able to switch units in January, but if I get one of the ones I actually want and still don’t like it, I’ll probably start thinking about a different line of work.
>11-12 patients per shift, which is too many for me to properly care for
>always understaffed
>low on supplies
>management is incompetent
No different to public healthcare in Australia or UK. It's not to line pockets. It's just the nature of large systems and bureaucracy.
Not really. I’ve worked for companies in other industries as big as and larger than my hospital group. I’ll admit I had a few bad mangers there too, but they didn’t have a problem scheduling enough people or keeping their supply rooms full, so I don’t understand why a hospital of all places finds that hard to do.
Also the reason I mentioned lining pockets is that the board members and senior executives take home $1M+ every year, but meanwhile I’m doing the work of 3 people and have to hunt down shit as simple as blankets and water cups
And that’s not even getting into the insurance and pharma companies. My bad for triple posting, I bought a jar of crown royal and cake from a RT last night so I’m a little drunk. She was walking around to the nurses stations selling them. I bought one because I felt bad for her since everyone else was ignoring her, but it was also kind of a WTF moment. I’m sure management would be pissed if they knew a licensed staff member was walking around selling product on the clock, especially booze. Perks of night shift
i will save the thread
200ccs of morphine, stat
OK speaking of retard treatments without killing your patients.
>Radical surgery
I know masectomies were the major one, but were there any other surgeries where cutting out a huge portion of muscle and lymph nodes beyond the central tumour/foci was done. And if radical surgery ultimately imploded because of recurrence at the lymph border, what's the current system for marking what is sufficient margin?
>Milwaukee protocol
Is this ever actually used or is the patient just left die naturally of rabies?
>were there any other surgeries where cutting out a huge portion of muscle and lymph nodes beyond the central tumour/foci was done
What do you mean? There are still a lot of radical procedures in use, cancer surgery is full of radical procedures
>Is this ever actually used or is the patient just left die naturally of rabies?
Full blown rabies are very rare in the developed world, but depending on the patient some places will probably opt for supportive care in an ICU. The Milwaukee protocol is just the supportive care regiment they used in the one case that survived and hasn't worked again since, any specific treatment beyond post exposure immunisation is really just fucking around and hoping it works
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Are surgery and medicine as fun as they seem? (ignoring outside factors like workload, politics, etc.) Or does it soon become like any other job once the novelty wears off?

PhD student here who is thinking about quitting and applying to veterinary medical school. I would do vet med over human med because of the ability to do GP/ER work without residency and the broad scope of practice you get in those positions. (surgery, management of literally any disease/condition for which you have the comfort and experience, radiology, pathology, etc.) Whereas in human medicine you have to slave away in residency for 4+ years and your scope is incredibly narrow. Plus if you do still want to specialize (still with a much broader scope of practice) there are vet med residencies too.
i would never want to deal with people's pets. what a giant hassle. just be a midlevel instead.
But as a midlevel you mostly do scutwork. The job market is also questionable because of the drive-thru NP programs.
As a veterinary doctor you are the surgeon, instead of just first assist. You are fully in charge and can delegate all scutwork to your techs. You can open your own practice. You can make big bucks if you opt to specialize or work your ass off.
I remember there was a Mongolian guy on /b/ a week or so ago who was in med school but needed money to continue, his parents were both dead and he wanted to be a pediatric intensivist. I hope he's doing okay.
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What is the process by which medical personnel can declare it illegal for someone to drive?
In the ER for seizures, ER doc told me I was not allowed to drive home, and that any driving from that point onward is illegal for 90 days
One would assume that means driver's license suspension but I checked my driving status on the DMV website and I'm clear
At my follow up appointment with my GP she said they do not have the authority to declare it illegal, in that scenario I would have to be the one to report it to the DMV optionally, and actually I am okay to drive but very strongly discouraged from doing so
Is there a chance the ER doc reported me to the DMV and the paperwork simply hasn't processed yet? Or do they really not give a shit, wouldn't bother, and just say those things to scare you off the road? For reference according to the laws in my state there is no mandated reporting of that stuff so it would be entirely at the discretion of the doctor
What are the chances of somebody giving a shit at all and going out of their way to do that?
That's so sad. How far was he in medical school? Did he say what he does now?
he's still in medical school, but he needs the equivalent of a few thousand USD in mongolian money to continue.
he's in his last year, people were saying he should take out a loan or ask his relatives
wish there was a way to donate some genghisbuxx to him. he seemed like a nice guy
>he's in his last year
Oh my lord, that's awful. All that effort and the dude could get the boot over being too poor to afford school. I presume getting loans for medical school isn't a thing in Mongolia.
apparently not. I hope he can get like a financial scholarship or something, that's a thing in my country. There are companies that will sponsor you if you keep your grades above a certain average, there are government programs too but in return you have to work for 3 years in the middle of nowhere/some dirt poor area. hopefully there's something like that in Mongolia for him
I'm American so anyone can just simply take out a loan. Sucks but there's fear of getting the boot over not being able to pay for school.
no fear*
MS1 here, how do you guys stay motivated to study?
>inb4 Adderall.
don't use adderall for motivation unless you want to go into an amphetamine abuse death spiral
I think about earning lots of money sitting in my chair reading as the surgeon cuck slaves away. (no CRNAs exist in my country btw)
gunning for pathology?
Nah, the only choice for a 4chan autist: anaesthesia
I think guiding how to use would be more effective preventing abuse than saying: "Don't abuse".

Maybe at some point people understood there is use and abuse, but they diverged from that opinion somehow, and now they somehow cannot distinguish and are triggered by any use of drug.
hope you switch to a bike at least so you have less chance of killing someone else
Well, your case formulation was not a good one, given the medication used is very important to answer you, as well as what symptoms you refer to when you say "mania".
If you are talking about cocaine, stimulants or corticoid, you cannot consider it a true manic episode, HOWEVER if you are using antidepressant treatment and that persists at a FULLY SYNDROMAL LEVEL beyond what was expected for that substance, you can consider it a manic/hypomanic episode of a bipolar patient
>t. psychiatry resident
To any hospitalist fags in here: you WILL accept my patient upstairs.
it doesn't even help much because it makes your memory worse
Help me Anons, I'm going to have a MRI of my fucked-up knees (according to USG I ruined my menisci) and since it's my first MRI I have few questions:
1. Should I do creatinine blood test and/or any other blood tests before? (MRI will be without contrast.)
2. I have 25+ years old amalgam tooth filling. Will it be any issue?
3. My idiot orthopedic gave me two referrals (one per knee) and I'll have two MRIs. Should I get another doctor?
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>My idiot orthopedic gave me two referrals (one per knee) and I'll have two MRIs. Should I get another doctor?

"me ortho. me fix bone."
>racist retard forgot to take meds
classic ortho.
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If you don't go for it you will regret it for the rest of your life, anon.
Don't give up so easily.
The world is depressing, but you don't have to be depressed.
The world isn't full of love, but you can be.
Be hopeful. Give it a chance.
What did he say that was racist, idiot?
I agree that I will almost certainly regret not pursuing her if I don't make a clear move of asking her to a dinner date this week. The idea of her dating one of my classmates would crush my soul. I am going to ask her out someday this week after class... thank you for the push, anons <3
always so tired....
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she's ran through, go pick up a hot 18 year old, you're a doctor
>you're a doctor
No one cares if you're a doctor anymore.
At 5days straight at normal dose, which is what people don't do, they do it for shorter and then they pause.

Or at 30mg/kg, which people also don't do.

Meth pretty much filters people which don't read scientific studies.
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Alright, question to any lurking neurochads:
In practice, how does one discriminate between a patient with frontal lobe simple partial seizures and "pseudoseizures" (malingering)?
In both cases:
>no interictal EEG abnormalities
>no ictal EEG abnormalities
>presents strangely compared to other seizures, like with asymmetrical bilateral motor symptoms in the presence of preserved awareness
>no postictal confusion
>can onset during apparent sleep
>gets diagnosed as PNES
In one paper I read about video EEG recording, they found a few clues:
>teddy bear sign in PNES/malingerers
>frontal lobe epileptics had seizure onsets during EEG confirmed sleep, while PNES/malingerers only had onset during "pseudosleep" (outwardly appearing to sleep but completely awake on EEG)
>placebo suggestion works in PNES/malingerers
Some impediments to diagnosis:
>frontal lobe epileptic foci can be difficult to detect on MRI so may initially appear to be missing
>some epileptic seizures can be induced by placebo
>seizures and malingering can exist in the same individual and present at different times
Are there any specific observable clues you or your medical peers use to help discriminate between the two?
For reference I am using up to date information which rationally concludes there is no such independent entity as "psychogenic" neurologic symptoms (as proposed by the concept of "conversion disorder"), either they are consciously malingering or they are misdiagnosed neurologic patients, no exceptions
Medicine in America
>ridiculously difficult to get into a good school
>expensive the entire way through
>residency becoming a crapshoot where you might be sent halfway across the country because of a single licensing exam score (which is as bad for determining clinical knowledge as the social security card is as a national ID) and nothing else
>many attendings in prestigious (and not prestigious) programs extremely rude, hazing of residents is common part of the culture because "in my day" boomerisms
>work 24 hr+ shifts because boomers, even for surgeons
>once you're out, basically impossible to run an independent private practice as a single family doc due to rising costs
>have to enslave yourself to a hospital system to get paid consistent peanuts and finish mountain of notes at home every night while struggling to pay down student debt
>OR go into private practice surgery and sell your soul to scamming old people with useless tests and procedures they probably don't need yet ("fee for service") because there's a chance that they might recover medically and you'll never collect that procedure $$$

Clown country, is it this bad in the rest of the world
>>ridiculously difficult to get into a good school
>t. at a T20 despite being poor and being homeless at points in life
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Also for reference, again I am using up to date information which rationally concludes there is absolutely no meaningful distinction between malingering and "factitious disorder" (munchausen's), they represent the same behavior (conscious simulation of illness) usually presenting in different contexts by sex, with men more interested in immediate tangible rewards and women most interested in manipulating others into giving them attention
So use those interchangeably in my above post
Accusations of simulation are historically most often leveled at homosexuals, young adults, females, and psychiatric patients, regardless of if they have any basis in reality
So members of those groups who suffer from difficult to diagnose neurologic illnesses are most often identified as "conversion disorder"ed or flat out malingerers
When really the only patients one can have a reasonable cause to immediately suspect of such behavior are cluster B personalities
I'm at a T20 too, but coming from a regular middle class family I definitely felt the bite of competition - especially for places with merit and general scholarships it was rough going
>I'm at a T20 too, but coming from a regular middle class family
Respect. I kind of hate the bratty rich people in medicine desu.
>I definitely felt the bite of competition - especially for places with merit and general scholarships it was rough going
Damn, my school was pretty generous with financial aid, I just got scholarships automatically. I'm not even URM by the way.
People are going on nice vacations every chance they get, meanwhile I'm panicking over my stipend coming a little late and did scholarship-funded summer stuff so I could afford a few small trips. It is what it is, my parents make decent money but there are so many people here who entirely live off their parents. Which is something totally alien to me
>pretty generous with financial aid
I got an excellent merit SS as an admission hook which I didn't even know was a thing when applying tbqh
I was just looking at in state tuition lol
And for further reference
I have twice received such erroneous labels ("psychogenic movement disorder" and "pseudoseizures") by uneducated medical staff and yes I am extremely butthurt about it
As given the above deliniation (intended malingering vs occult pathology), and the fact that I am not a cluster B malingerer, I do have very good reason to believe I have been misdiagnosed
Especially given the fact my seizures have woken me up from sleep on plenty of occasions, which does not occur in the case of movement disorder or malingering
And the fact that in the second case in the emergency department when I attempted to explain I was having partial seizures I was met with the staggeringly ignorant statement "you can't have a 'partial' seizure, you either have a full one or you don't"
The nearest neurology appointment is 5 months away but I hope I am able to have an intelligent and well informed conversation with someone who knows what the fuck I'm talking about and can possibly expedite the extraction of the very probable tumor impinging on my frontal lobe
>It is what it is, my parents make decent money but there are so many people here who entirely live off their parents. Which is something totally alien to me
Yeah, I agree with you. There's an often-cited statistic about how the average student has a debt of $200k but it's literally brought down by people whose parents are paying for everything. I know a dude who's had to repeat 2 years and he's chill with it because his parents are paying everything for him in CASH. I wish I had parents like that lol.
Totally agreed. I guess the state school to good instate T20 med school is what my lot in life is. Hopefully I can see another part of the country in residency.
>I guess the state school to good instate T20 med school is what my lot in life is.
I think it's pretty respectable that you made it this far coming from a middle class family. If we ever have kids (unlikely since we're on 4chan lol) at least we can provide for them like the rich people in our schools in the future.

Best of luck in your medical school journey, anon.
I will provide for my kids, but I don't want to give them too nice of a lifestyle when they're still growing and get them spoiled. That's a recipe for disaster.
I will also be putting rules in my will to make sure my kids are productive and compassionate members of society instead of professional rich kids (or god forbid, bankers) if they want to inherit.
This fucking biochemistry exam man. Those geniuses at my uni decided to condense all biochemistry exams into one (usually here they split it into two/three separate exams) and I have to learn like 300 fucking reactions with their regulation stuff. I want to fucking shoot myself.
If it makes you feel any better, I never had to learn that in detail in med school and it hasn't affected my clinical practice in the slightest.
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24 m, nephew complains about chest pain, is there something anomalous in his x-ray could the doc have overseen something especially the heart?
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from the side
Blepharitis anymore? I guess I should have been washing my eyelids.
not like there's any practical reason to learn that stuff by memory. Even if ever need to check a metabolic reaction i would always prefer to look it up than to rely on my memory.
>LDL extremely elevated (>200), triglycerides and HDL normal
>ALT slightly elevated, AST and AP normal
>overweight male, no obesity
What the hell even is this? Genetically inherited hypercholesterolemia?
actually, don't answer this dogshit question
i'll do it regardless
See you tommorow.
PA and Lateral view of the chest.

Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal in size

Bilateral apices are excluded from field of view. Lungs are clear. No pleural effusions. No pneumothorax.

No acute osseous abnormality.

No acute disease of the chest.
Can someone please answer this?
Are surgery and medicine as fun as they seem? (ignoring outside factors like workload, politics, etc.) Or does it soon become like any other job once the novelty wears off?
get some OTC tea tree oil eyelid scrubs (dont get it in your eye, retard) or some erythromycin ophthalmic ointment
>ignoring outside factors
you cant ignore those as that's a part of what ruins your job if you didnt calculate their impact correctly depending on where you become employed.
no matter your specialty, you are going to be seeing/treating the same few diseases routinely and sometimes see something rarer. if you like treating the routine stuff, then it won't be half bad but if you only want to be treating rare conditions, then that'd be tough to find. it all just depends on what type of person you are if you'll find medicine fun or just like any other job.
Could be possible, type IIa familial hyperlipidemia. Does he have characteristic signs (e.g. xanthomas, corneal arcus)?
Neither. He's a 1st gen immigrant so little family lipid panel data in his third world country.
Father has slightly elevated LDL (100-something) despite being obese, mother does not.
Totally asymptomatic.
Yeah pretty much anon. Bedside nursing fucking sucks, I suggest you make plans in advance to move to insurance, informatics, maybe outpatient or really anything non-bedside once you graduate.

> I’m full time staff on an oncology unit.
Oncology must be rough, don't break your back working it. 11-12 on a medical unit sounds about right for a tech in medical sadly.
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Thank you so much fren, his pain is then prolly not heart related his ekg turned out to be normal too
Why is it, that when I have a bad tooth it's the the one that dentist scratched in previous session?
Bros I have to choose and apply for a specialty in a week. I got top score on LEK ( polish equivalent of STEP i guess ) so I can get everything. Derm vs optho. I would choose Optho in a heartbeat Because cataract surgery scratch that autistic itch for me but from what I have heard here in EU older doctors won’t teach you surgery if you aren’t their family/family of other doctors that they know, so yeah nepotism and I don’t have that. Derm was a pretty chill rotation but no autistic surgeries unfortunately. Maybe you can suggest something else aside those 2 but I can’t handle emergency - got burned out so hard after I had to lead ER for a week as an intern in small town hospital, because the doctor there decided not to show up, it’s a miracle noone died because I’m pretty retarded desu
Mohs surgery in derm is pretty 'tissic, but derm is mostly just lasers and creams these days. You might like reproductive endocrinology, lots of 'tissic hormones to manage that always keep doing unexpected things.
huge caveat is a cxr doesn't show much.
Try asking around anon, if you did well in that test, surely an Opto bro would like you enough to teach you. Radiology seems very autistic too.
Thoughts on Uptodate?
ophthalmology would be the best, but i've heard the same thing about cataract surgery from other places. would be better off asking local pol/med/bros to get a better lay of the land.
be real, are family doctors/GP's the tards of medicine? The guys that couldn't cut it in the ER/hospital?
Hospital life is absolute garbage. You have to be a sadistic person to like that. Some people want meaningful lives and just go to whatever pays close to their homes. Others can't play the fake friends game well so they skip it by going to positions that will take anyone.
It's good for a lazy intern like me who didn't study much during clinical years
What journals do you guys use? I wanna start be more in the know regarding recent developments in healthcare but dont really know which journals but academic and public are best for this
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Medbros... I keep getting blood running down my throat (nosebleed further down the nasal passage). Should I go see a doctor or just stick to my saline nasal spray for a while?
do you shove the saline spray roughly up your nose? you might unintentionally be poking around too hard, if the nosebleeds tend to occur when you use the spray then maybe that might be causing it
why the fuck do you give H2 for acute urticaria? I understand it's an adjunct but i still don't understand its point when its role is mainly gastric?
Good criminal. Very good. Hair. Unpredictable.
I'm stressed, I need to work through school to pay tuition fees, I've saved up enough for half though. All this in a country that barely scrapes six figs for full surgeon.
Starting med school in a few weeks, how much stock to put into the speciality quizzes ? I took one provided by an official medical organisation, I answered and it gave me:

>Clinical radiology
>Vascular Surgery
>Gen Surg

How are these speacialities ?
It's telling you that you've never had sex and never will
>t. anesthesiology cuck
Go back behind your curtain.
The most human of sciences, the most scientific of the humanities.
That's the point
most are good
Way to early to even consider that what specialty you're going into man, just get in, do your best and let life teach you what you like. The range on that list goes from Radiology to Vascular, those two entire different lifestyles, two specialties that basically sit at oposite ends of the spectrum of practicing medicine. I wouldn't take it seriously being real
First year fag here, how's mine?
>Internal Medicine - Medical Oncology
>Internal Medicine - Pulmonary Disease
>Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
>Radiology - Radiation Oncology
>Preventative Medicine - Public Health and General
I am severely depressed but not a virgin. I think most modern anime is dogshit and I want a 90's benz.
Hey doctors, please stop writing papers where all you do is take some variables, do a regression, find one that looks related to your response variable, and pat yourselves on the back for a job well done.
Permavirgin ms3 applying vascular but okay, don't listen to me
>I am severely depressed but not a virgin.
>but not a virgin.
Why did you feel the need to put that out there?
That little bony area right below and in front of the ankle but in the arch of the foot hurts like a mf when I walk and squat and rotate foot outward. How fucked am I? Is it a tendon, a minor fracture in the bone? Tender to the touch, no bruising. Doubt it's a muscle.
When I push on it at an angle I can hear a very faint kind of vicious sound. I don't hear it on the other foot
niggers I'm going to be employed as a medical intern in a couple months and I just can't be fucked studying. My knowledge is worsening by the second.
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any radiologybros here that can help me out? i've had a root canal procedure done a few months ago, since then i've had two episodes of pain that came and then went, currently having the third episode
the pain is sometimes dull and something strong, i can't pinpoint it exactly except that i know it's somewhere in the upper right quadrant; the tooth i had my procedure done on is the 1st premolar in the upper right quadrant, i feel strong pain when i press on the uppermost part of the gums that are above that tooth plus the tooth is sensitive to touch
i've finally done a 3d orthopan today but i have no one to interpret it for me and i've opened it myself to see if i can spot anything curious
pic related looks like abscess to me but i could be wrong, maybe the dentist i went to missed a nerve canal or something?
the bottom right picture illustrates where i have to press to feel the strong pain in that 1st premolar i had root canal done on
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Healing wounds without scarring. Let's say you applied this novel drug to an existing scar, say a large burn wound, 6 by 2 inch area, and you excise the scar as you would skin from a full thickness skin graft, then bandage and allowing healing with aid of this new drug, would there be any complications you can think of? Could this drug and minor surgery's be the cure for all existing scars?
Kek wrong image upload. Oh well
Once ai gets it's brain boost from nuclear fusion, estimated to be online around 2028 according to Microsoft and helion energy partnership, ai will become actually smart and worthwhile, come that time docs are in trouble.
Write your will
I have a ALT (SGPT) of 154 and a AST (SGOT) 183 how long would it take for it to go down if i stop drinking?
Sinus tachycardia
Incomplete right bundle branch block
Cannot rule out Inferior infarct , age undetermined
Abnormal ECG
No previous ECGs available
Is the Abnormal ECG from a increased heart rate? 110 was where it was at during the test
Why do the lottery? Do a skill based Hydra.
6 weeks

Just show the ECG dipshit. This computer output is useless.

Become an opthalmologist and teach yourself with YouTube videos Phakoemulsification takes four minutes and inserting the lens one. Looks easy enough. If you don't feel confident enough from that just go to Africa and do some of those "make the blind see" surgeries for 15$

No creatinine required, Amalgam is fine, two referrals sounds stupid

Actually orthopedic surgery (think artificial hip joint) has a huge success rate because it's always the same procedure. What you're describing is much less standardized so I'd expect worse overall results.
To determine wether you're suited for a speciality or not, answer three simple question
Would you rather be a butcher or a pill pusher?
Do you mind working with with assholes? (anatomically speaking, the literal asshole)
Would you rather have a sad or disgusting patient? (refers to your feelings toward the patient)
>Both but leaning more towards butcher sounds more hands on and direct in terms of helping the patient
>If they're respectable then only somewhat. Literal buttholes, never had much of an interest.
>Sad, if I can help that patient get better then that's great.

I don't have too much experience to determine if frequent sad patients will wear me out though.
I think the ultimate specialty is athletic performance enhancement, where u just trying to get healthy "patients" healthier.
i dont want to study.... i just want to see easy patients and sleep....
>tfw looked like a complete dumbass in front of an attending I was hoping to bum a letter from
At least my bottle of kirkland vodka won't judge me
Vet is literally shit tier work. Seriously you have to work with some awful owners, and every day you'll have to put down beloved pets. It really gets to you.
Veternarians also have an extraordinarily high suicide rate compared to the general public.
>high suicide rate
isnt it just because women cant handle it?
Is their suicide rate much higher than doctors? Doctors' suicide rates are pretty high compared to the general public too.
Family Medicine anon
>Family Medicine anon
Isn't that a bunch of paper work?
File deleted.
what is the treatment if someone gets polio? i mean if they get sick with a fever and its already known they have polio somehow - how is it treated before or while it fades away, before it comes back? and how it is treated when it comes back - all forms
As a loser, NEET, Incel, I just want to say I have no respect for the field of Dermatology
It seems like government doctors don't take your symptoms seriously when you're young. They give you painkiller or muscle relaxants or benzo. I can't afford private doctor. Fuck those money hungry assholes.

But they have to see 300 patients everyday in this 3rd world shithole. So I don't know, maybe they're not assholes and they're right for taking it as a day job. But I don't know. I'm so desperate, broken and tired.
and they dont know lots about vitamins
Bolloxed them off with some hydra
how the fuck can I lower chronic brain inflammation other than with exercise
Dermatologists be like...

>skin problem? oh antibiotics, come back and we'll laser it if that don't work.
i believe the young men. i don't believe young women because they just make shit up all the time, so then when one comes in with a real problem it's hard to tell the difference.
In my country dermatology is: Referral? The next available dates are for March. 2026.
>finally get accepted to medical school
>three hour ‘social justice and equity” lecture
>one guest speaker runs an organization that allows “sex workers” to visit a “safe space” (drug den) to access HIV-free crack pipes and needles
>Student raises hand and asks if the organization offers any mentorship/guidance to help “sex workers” eventually become gainfully employed
>90 IQ organization representative retorts by saying “sex work IS gainful employment for many women, chud”

How does one survive continually being lectured by retarded amoral freaks? It’s all so tiresome. Surely nobody genuinely believes the stuff being said during these mandatory attendance lectures?
Just don't turn up to those lectures and study important content instead dumbass
>mandatory lectures
I wouldn’t be attending if we weren’t forced to, of course
just sit in the back and do ankis man
>not "gainful employment"
>half of 4chan relies on them for sex
Knowing that if you fail Step 1 you are forced into family practice slavery.
I'm a board certified forensic psychiatrist and I've been on 4chan since 2009
Pediatrics are the tards of medicine. Most people who go into family medicine really love the variety. Psychiatry used the be the retard silo, but that changed like 10 years ago
The entire job of a good doctor involved in their community is to make it so that entire communities of people never have to consider choosing sex work in the first place. Not tell sex workers to heckin stop or else, that's retarded and counterproductive
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i agree with him that you could sit and study
Then how should I convince the government doctor to take my symptoms seriously? Most of them are stone faced. At most they'll check your BP. Otherwise they check nothing. Even if you have chest infection they don't bother getting up from their chair to listen the chest sounds. You tell them your symptoms and they write medicine all within 30 seconds to one minute.

I am having severe dizziness from few months which is ruining whatever life I have left and my stomach issues are decade old. When I tell I have dizziness they just assume that I'm mentally ill.
kek u must really give off an aura then...
is dizziness constant/getting worse, if not what brings it on, is there lightheadness with it, any hearing issues/ringing, pins or needles, any medical conditions, are u on medications ?
>kek u must really give off an aura then...
Yeah strong of fear and sadness kek

>is dizziness constant
not getting worst but it is constant after I wake up
>if not what brings it on
I don't know. when I wake up I'm alright but when I move a little it appears and I remain locked in that state for the rest of the day
>any hearing issues/ringing
yes, I have ringing ear. every now and then my ear go blank and eeeeee sound. but yes I tinnitus
>pins or needles
not pins and needles but my legs go numb rather quickly if put them in complicated position
>any medical conditions
I do admit that I have health anxiety and severe death anxiety so I don't know how many of these symptoms are due to anxiety and me being a NEET. my stomach issues are 100 percent real i.e bloating, loose stools, lower abdomen pain, gut not feeling empty, burps etc. also my heart beat go very up when I lying on the bed to when I get up(yeah I diagnosed myself with POTS, the classic BPD woman self diagnosis but I am man). I use to hike easily now I absolutely get exhausted, my heartbeat is through the roof and I sweat like a dog maybe this is due to me being underweight and NEET. I get these weird tremors on the front and back of my chest. I also sweat A LOT sometimes even under fan. Therefore I piss very little on hot days.
>are u on medications
no I use to take concor 2.5 to slow down my heart(my ecgs are fine but I have heartrate of 80+ in all of them).
Also every night I wake up from intense nightmares
I chose medicine to be a doctor and not a scientist. Please fuck off with research requirements for specialist college entry. Academic doctors are always shitter practitioners.
>family practice slavery
Is FM really that bad besides the lower pay? I can live with $250k honestly.
And aren't there pretty generous loan repayment things to kind of help off put the low pay of FM? I know FM ain't pretty but is it really "slavery"?
Hi /med/ first time listener long time caller

I sit for my day job and for my night job, when not working I sit an play video game, Im not overweight

When I workout, or dont walk, or sit too much and then POOP my ass (sphincter? no idea) hurts for hours and seems like my prostate hurts too, the veins in my cock get way less blood (noticeably) as well and theres a lot of pain

Ive been to every fancy doctor in SF as well, thanks for reading my blog
>not overweight

Fattie detected.
Just lose the weight, fatso
I hope your sister/daughter becomes a drug abusing prostitute and upon trying to get her help to reintegrate her back into a life of dignity, you are continually told by your peers and professionals that she is in fact gainfully employed + you’re a dumb bigot.
Any eye issues coinciding with the timeline or respiratory infections beforehand? If it's constant vertigo and tinnitus for several months, might be labyrinthitis. But anxiety does exacerbate shit... for the stool ... what colour and are you're sure your not intolerant to gluten or lactose
It's a grind. High burn out rates, having to meet metrics, prior authorizations. I know some that moved to part time and are still working 60 hours weeks.
>Any eye issues coinciding with the timeline
I get bloodshot eyes in the morning but gradually that go away. I also get dry eyes from time to time from last few years. There are some bloated red veins in my eyes that come and go. I think I am seceptiable to hay fever too. Because when I get sick I spent whole day sneezing my brains out with runny nose.
>respiratory infections beforehand
I don't know I sometimes have breathing difficulty but I am not sure if it's due my anxious manual breathing or no most probably it is. When I had a chest x-ray doctor took a good little doubtful second look at that but then said it's alright.
>If it's constant vertigo and tinnitus for several months, might be labyrinthitis.
Thanks I'll look into it
>But anxiety does exacerbate shit... for the stool ...
Kek, sometimes I get yellow stool and sometimes I get dark brown. But never those healthy light brown logs on Bristol stool scale.
I am not sure about gluten or lactose. I do eat grain heavy diet. And I have semi hard stools when I eat red meat but I also get constipated with that.
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Have you considered therapy?
False. Academic doctors keep up to date with changes in the field, can properly interpret statistics, and are less liable to be influenced by cognitive biases and anecdotal experiences.
Put more succinctly, they take a scientific approach to diagnosis and treatment, versus the retarded, archaic shit that less educated doctors call "medicine".
To come back to this, in an imaginary world where you can practice medicine and surgery without any of the bullshit (e.g. as a hobby), would they get boring once they become routine? I am trying to figure out if they are actually more enjoyable than most other career fields or if it is just because they are novel to me. I would rather not go down the long, arduous training path of human/vet medicine if after 10 years I am getting no more enjoyment out of the core work than I would be in other things that interest me.
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>False. Academic doctors keep up to date with changes in the field, can properly interpret statistics, and are less liable to be influenced by cognitive biases and anecdotal experiences.
Put more succinctly, they take a scientific approach to diagnosis and treatment, versus the retarded, archaic shit that less educated doctors call "medicine".
Non-academic doctors have seen more patients because they haven't been splitting their time. They are better procedurally. The age-old advice of never see a surgeon with the professor title is part of this. Btw, most research output has no clinical relevance :)
hey apparently quite a lot of people with dementia and related illnesses, just when they're at their very last stage of life, make a brief yet amazing recovery in terms of memory and recognition, which lasts a couple hours or days, before they then finally fall back into their terminal state and die
can any of you theorise as to why that happens?
thoughts on ozempic/similar drug use for weight loss?
it appeas tirzepatide may be the same or even better than ozempic for weight loss, but all this trials compared to placebo and not against each other so anyway take it with grains of salt for now
> Our data show that s.c. tirzepatide had a more pronounced effect on HbA1c and weight reduction compared with s.c. semaglutide in people with type 2 diabetes.
nvm there were 2 trials in this study who did compared the two head to head, it seems tirzepatide it's noninferior to ozempic or may be better but probably not enough to claim clinical significance for now anyway
Hey buddy, I think you should psychoanalyze YOURSELF
try 2 weeks off gluten and see if your shits/bloating is any better,
Medicine is fake and gay
how much haloperidol do i need to consume to become a hylic
Is burnout real or is it just a thing since most medstudents are women these days?
depressed 3rd year of undergrad got some bad grades in some online community college classes (F's (I literally did no work)), is it over? Decent grades in everything else like prereqs are all decent, MCAT 507, retaking it, should I even bother doing a postbac and trying to get in or is it over?
Lads is spending another 2 years in training to get dual fellowship in ICU and anaesthesia worth it?
you might be fine for DO schools, especially some of the private rural ones that beg for applicants. If you're really shooting for MD, look into retroactive withdrawal, some CCs allow that and it basically expunges the grades
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Always amazes me that people smart enough to be at med school are socially retarded enough to believe that moralizing to sex workers will achieve any sort of behavioral change.
I wrote mine in one night, day before i submitted my primaries, got 4 As
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Is there a way to identify pills by the packaging? From britain if it makes a difference.
Fine with DO
don't. field is saturated as fuck; I had to work like a dog at a HIM help desk for all of COVID before they'd even let me do anything remotely analyst-related. I got 3 years of research and 2 in bedside care.

go for PA instead, midlevel boom is real.
you can fantasize all you want about specialty, whether you'll match is a different story. You can ponder this once you're done with your first year.
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Post your favourite membrane-bound protein.
I'll start:
This little guy keeps everything going.
That’s the standard specialty in EU, and I would do anesthesia if it weren’t. I’m not made for ICU
Absolutely NOT a neuroCHVD but I'll try my best.

1) Not all EEG results rule out a seizure, so it could be a false negative. It doesn't seem like you've done a serial EEG but if you have the opportunity to bring it up next appointment do so.

2)If it presents as bilateral, and if it has done so since the beginning, then it's a weird presentation if you are aware during them (as you yourself have said). is it asymmetric as in "one side first then second" or " one side is less paralyzed than the other". Dumb question ik but just to be clear.

3) Moreover, on the possibility of it being a brain tumor, if you've already done an MRI and saw nothing then it's very unlikely there's a brain tumor, even a CT can reveal enough to make a good guess. I would absolutely assume they gave you a CT at least, so if there was no visible foreign mass or midline shift, I would rule out a brain tumor (also factoring in that, seeing you're a 4channer, you're more likely to be young and probably without cancer anyhow). Do you have other symptoms besides the seizures?

I am guessing you either have some strange form of MS, a genetic problem, a cardiac problem (I assume they gave you an ECG tho), or are indeed pseudo-epileptic.
become an NP instead.
>become an NP instead.
This guy's right. Low effort and high-ish pay. Enjoy your life.
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got banned for posting an image of a cartoon mouse i like because someone here who is not wanting to be a doctor (now is he one) but rather he is here because he follows me around this site reported the post, and thats sad
why are there so many midwit doctors

is there just not a strong enough system for weeding out the unimpressive?
Medical schools fill your head with so many mechanisms doctors just focus on memorizing so much stuff they forget about actually testing those things in clinical trials with outcome data which is what actually matters
kind of misogynist, anon.
>28 years old
>icu nurse w/ 2.5 years experience in California, get $90/hr
>original goal was CRNA
>feeling too burnt out from healthcare in general
Additionally my undergrad GPA was shit cause I was going through some stuff so I’d have to retake about a years worth of science classes while working full time just to apply with no guarantee of getting in and then another 3 years of intense schooling. Is it even worth it at this point? I make good money already and enjoy my job.
A medic stole my ex gf. We engineers and doctors were always destined to be mortal enemies. Fuck y'all
can i ask you for help anon? i went to a psych nurse a few months ago because i thought i had schizophrenia and i have an extensive family history of it. but now i'm not even sure if i have the symptoms in great enough intensity to warrant that. i did have auditory and visual hallucinations but it rarely happens now with medication. now i feel like a liar and an idiot.
anybody know why I can't get under the influence of amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine, MDMA? These drugs seem to have very little effect on me. And yes I had them tested. I'm not on any medication
Just not taking enough mate
I'm taking enough. Even got a scale n stuff.
On the topic.
>the shaking will be different. real seizures have a contraction usually flexing arms and extending legs, pnes the patients do circular motion shit

if the seizures are distractable or the patient can remember their seizures, its also bullshit
also good history taking, if theres no classic signs like incontinence, tongue biting or post ictal confusion, probably bullshit>>16369290
>you can fantasize all you want about specialty, whether you'll match is a different story.
and also WHERE you match
no one consistently gets their number one choice anymore unless its FM
depends on the school but sometimes
MD schools tend to have more "woke" students

you also DO NOT regularly get black students at a DO school

remember DO school is full of people (like myself) that just didnt get good GPAs (or MCAT scores)
>to a dinner date
its dinner, or a date
So you can't do the bare minimum for online community college, yet you think you can do medical school?

Filter isn't that high. The credentialing nature of current education system means you only need slightly above average undergrad level intelligence to get into medical school so long as you put in the work.
Does silicic acid really take aluminum out of the body? What is the best source of it?
>I want to consign myself to more debt and misery for dogshit pay until I become a fully licensed physician only to get fucked in the ass by the complete absence of support for new docs who just want to do PCP or run their own business

don't do it if you have any sense. go for a healthcare admin cert or medical sales if you want to leave bedside forever, don't do MD.
CRNA is not MD, it’s an advanced practice nurse.
Excuse me, we use the term "nursoid" around here.
my bad, I thought you were giving up CRNA for MD.
>patient comes in with diplopia
>70yo+, diabeetus
>doesnt get double w/o specs too often
>more often with
>hard time focusing for motilities but look normal
>do refraction
>moderate change, still double
>big long binocular workup
>trial few prisms but starting to doze off more
>gib up
>finish exam
>no ophthalmic complications of diabeetus
kill me. binocular workups suck ass since most people cant focus for a long time and older individuals are even worse
The date is completed in the context of a dinner. Not difficult. I bet you also prefer the needless ambiguity of referring to your spouse as a “partner” rather simply saying “wife”.
>go to private mixer with faculty and other students
>spill food all over myself and the floor within the first 30 minutes
>have to clean the area and go through the rest of the event with a stained shirt
Holy shit why am I such a sperg
lol, you will never live this down and be viewed as the class tard for the rest of your time there
I already am
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How the fuck do I get better at anatomy? Top of my class in biochem, histology, and physiology, but failed my anatomy practical. I can barely distinguish a nerve from an artery
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I hate anki but if I have no other choice put me in the cuck cage restraints
how come even Pajeets know better than white doctors?
>have poor depth perception
>can never tell when something is barely elevated
>always have to rely on imaging to tell when everyone else says it's obvious just be normal examination
what does your private bullshit has to do with anything
If you suck at visualizing anatomical space, go study the topographical regions as individual units and just memorize the stuff inbetween. Cadaver exams still rely on the access points of preparation, if you know what should be visible in these regions you can start differentiating the structures that should be there and just rattle off how they get there by memory without really "getting it". Should be doable for a top of the class super genius. If you actually want to improve your visualization capabilities (practically useless for non-surgeons), you should try to work on cadavers as much as possible. If you can't do that, stick to studying topographical anatomy while using CT/MRI images and 3D models to help with getting a feel for the actual space
lol my ICU consultant was just telling us the other day to withhold if under 140 systolic
horrifying that my your doctor may be a 4chan poster
I got a scrape on my finger which turned deep red but didn't bleed which hurt so much more than me accidentally cutting my nose with thumbnail which bled profusely but barely hurt, which got me thinking, where would be the best place to torture someone to elucidate information as fast as possible? Knife under fingernails perhaps? Crushing fingertips with pliers? Asking for a friend of course haha, its not like I'm a cia operative first day on the job haha
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triggered by having a doctor who is persuaded by facts and reason? hmmmmmm? But really, there are doctors with much more disturbing circumstances. If only you were aware how retarded most medical students/doctors are. The least of your worries should be a semi-autistic doctor who is intrigued by crime stats and the racial genetic differences.
>But really, there are doctors with much more disturbing circumstances.
Like what? Also the autists on here who subscribe to /pol/tard politics should not be caring for people
Who cares if your doctor is red pilled, and no, they're not necessarily your /pol/ caricature of being red pilled. You should prefer to have a doctor who is hyper-competent in his domain of medicine and also happens to understand the evolutionary reasoning for black misbehaviour/undevelopment, rather than having a 108 IQ normie who is incapable of problem solving well.


Cool scene from a scifi movie. How long realistically can you survive with your face blown off without medical care?
I'm sorry sweaty but they do and they do a better job than Dr. Shaniqua.
ED reg here. In my country, we tell them that it is illegal to drive, and that they have to report it to the equiv of your DMV. If I suspect they will not, then I have a duty to report them myself, which always works out a lot worse for the patient than if they self report. I suggest you look up your laws regarding this, you might have to report yourself - I'm sure there would have been a statement when you signed for your licence that you are free from any medical conditions that would hinder your driving; well, now you aren't.

I also usually tell them that they shouldn't do stuff that would kill them if they had a seizure - swimming, baths, ladders, powertools etc. Not illegal, but I'd rather not have to crack out the arterial tourniquet after you thought it was a great idea to use a chainsaw right after your diagnosis.

Do you have any follow up with a neurologist? Generally I refer for an outpatient EEG and MRI and a referral to a first seizure clinic; and sometimes the Hx and Ix doesn't add up enough and the neurologist clears them from having a true seizure disorder.
The one given more attention was the shitiest looking tooth, are you fucking stupid?
No, it's a combination topical antibiotic/antifungal and steroid, and if that doesn't work, permutations of the above 3.
This entire general is full of crakkkahs
is it stupid to send a thank you note to your doctor.. he's a dermatologist but i consider him to have saved my life idk if they get many thinks like that
Only yts talk to they doctor bout summ bull like dat
Nah send it mate. It means a lot
>saved life
yes i know it sounds silly :{
what did he do?
No amount of IQ is enough to make you capable of med school if you can't do the bare minimum of online CC courses. Also, you go to Community College which means you also don't have the IQ anyways. Find a new profession.
>Also, you go to Community College which means you also don't have the IQ anyways.
He got a 507 on his MCAT. It's not an astonishingly high score but he's intelligent enough for a DO school.
Psychoanalysis is a separate subspecialty. Plus, no need. I piss excellence.

If the hallucinations improved with medication, that means you are receiving treatment for your illness, anon.
I've been here since I was in undergrad. I'm not autistic. I like that people are more honest as anons. The amount of woke mind virus bullshit at work is exhausting and it's nice to hear counterpoints
I keep all my thank you cards. We don't get them enough.
it's covid mate
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>How is making sure that all people being at their peak health is imposing your will on others?
Sounds good to me

Yea maybe. Apparently fingers and the fucking forehead? of all places, is the most sensitive to pain. You'd think it would be like fingers and eyes...forehead sounds like BS, dunno how they quantified that accurately
Anyone has any experience making anatomical scale models? Specifically, brain models.
I don't want to 3D print anything, I'm thinking of doing it with cardboard or clay but I have 0 experience working with those materials.
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this might be more related to dentistry, but i'll still ask - i'm having a dull pain which is hard to localize but is stemming from somewhere around my first upper premolar, the pain increases when i press on the uppermost part of my gums (that's covered by my upper lip) - i used the green dot to showcase the location, but imagine that it's below that lip and not on the lip itself
the tooth has been extracted but i'm still having pain, there are no outward signs of abscess, no gum boils, the tooth itself wasn't abscessed (there would have been visual signs of that)
NSAIDs aren't helping whatsoever, can someone please help me out on this? it's been more than two weeks
I want to ask something like this as well.

Anybody knows if there are TPE laringoscopy training sets available or should I order bocca della verita for that?
do you honest to god think i want to be here?
Why would you give an answer to that retard. That's the ataxiamutt, some anally obsessed ragtag ass bum american that can't pay for a proper specialist appointment. Hopeless excuse of a human being looking for to sue some physician with ill intentions.
Deserving of zero sympathy. His biggest and most unforgiving sin was being born.
Been here since I was a 15 year old wee lad back in 08'. I don't know any better and probably will never do.
>can onset during apparent sleep

implying you have the resources, why not do a polysomnography and actually control the sleep factor to see if the seizures happen when the patient is actually asleep
Do you think I'll reach 60 if I've drunk hundreds of bottles of whiskey? It was a really bad time for me, my girlfriend had left, my family was mean to me and I had lost my job. I have almost stopped smoking a pack a day and I try to drink two bottles a week only now. I don't want to die prematurely and leave a family alone.
what specialty did you (or are planning to) pick and why?
Best way to study medicine as an absolute layman who is wildly fascinated by it? If I wanted to "start with the greeks" so to speak, where would you reccomend? History of medicine also appreciated though not as relevant.
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I just got discharged from the ER after getting a head CT for headaches and I found a big white spot in between my frontal lobes it’s there on many different slices and it looks like a stroke or tumor.

How was I discharged with a normal head CT if there’s a giant white lump in my brain???

most likely falx cerebri calcification.

It's a common finding and has no pathologic value.

adderall isn't meth schizo
Smartest UCLA med nigger
So what the fuck do we do now that Residency Explorer doesn't list anything useful? Hard to know where to spend signals.
>excellent future outlook, you can work anywhere in the country like primary care, and salary is slowing going up
>unlike primary care, you generally have more time per patient encounter, none of this 15-20 minute nonsense unless you're trying to move the meat
>its now the time to get into it now or never, because match rates are starting to slowly decrease for both DOs and MDs. that said, not a board score heavy specialty
>massive research, even in the last 5 years there are new therapeutics and diagnostic paradigms; MS and headache are two of the biggest ones currently, but even alzheimers has made some (controversial) progress
>the physical exam is pertinent and lets you build patient-physician relationship
>you never have to use a stethoscope and you never have to prescribe opioids
>you develop somewhat of a proficiency at reading your own imaging, especially important during storke codes
>neuro is not the hardest system but people get "neurophobia" and consult you anyway
>4-5 years instead of 6 like the IM subspecialties
>the general public immediately assumes you're "like a genius" if you tell them your specialty
>not resistant to midlevel encroachment but much safer compared to other specialties
>neurologists tend to be nicer than other specialists
>although its a specialty you're locked into, there are a shitload of fellowships and ways to practice
>rarely a procedural specialty but you can read EEGs from home and make bank. tele-stroke is also a way to make bank
i'm a DO so im mostly going by % of DOs interviewed or % of residents that are DOs
also if my aways require a signal then i'm signaling them
no one? any one input would be appreciated
Neuro seems like a good gig and for sure is desperately needed, but a lot of people in my class that I've talked to are put off by stroke call. It's supposed to be infamously brutal in the first few years of neuro residency, but I'm not sure if that's just my home institution or not.
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suppose hypothetically someone had surgery and received an implant. Suppose the implant was later removed and the incission site stitched up a second time.
Would special care be taken the second time to create a visually pleasing scar? Would that mean extra sutures would be placed in the site?
Suppose it looked like picrel. Would the dark spots marked be sutures in the wound? If one of those sites appeared to be an open wound, would that be a reason to be concerned?
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posting one omly wouldnt be spammy enough
here some fluid can be seen through the obening:ddd
its rough but its changing
lot of programs now use night float system
intern year also varies wildly between places

but yeah, our home institution is also malignant. 4 hour long tables rounds and q2 call...

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