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It appears that my 7-year-old son likely has ADHD, as suggested by a recent conversation with one of his teachers. He's struggled with focus and hyperactivity for years, but we’ve often attributed it to "just being a boy." However, his behavior has recently become almost intolerable, and his school performance is beginning to suffer, which prompted us to consult a doctor. We're now faced with the challenge of managing his behavior, including the possibility of using amphetamines to help control his impulses and improve his focus.

Given the number of smart and high-achieving individuals here with ADD or ADHD, and the many threads we’ve had on this topic, an update could be useful.

How were you diagnosed with ADD/ADHD?
Did/do you take medication for it?
Does the medication help? What specific effects does it have—on behavior, focus, or cognition?
How long have you been taking the medication?
For everyone: What are your thoughts on using medication to manage ADD/ADHD? Do you believe medication is essential in treating ADD/ADHD, or can non-medication strategies alone be sufficient?

Thank you.
Long term medication is a scam. They would have you give him a lobotomy if they could.
except amphetamines are good for you and his addy prescription will make him the most popular child in his year
If you drug him he will become up to 5cm shorter, have low T, and even worse brain development.
Only use drugs when he is 18+, 10x your effort so he succeeds in school and his hobbies, but don't drug him. You will ruin him permanently
t. retards.
>he will become up to 5cm shorter, have low T, and even worse brain development.
any good studies that show this?
im nta but are you people new? even in 2005 this was known. It increases ur heart rate and makes u less hungry. Adderall does literally make you shorter than youre supposed to be. Crazy how new generations dont ignore the past
>Only use drugs when he is 18+,
Don't do that either. I was prescribed adderall at 18 and it turned me into a soulless zombie.
At LEAST 1 INCH. Do you want a manlet son? Stop trying to drug your kid and be a parent.
>Does he play a team sport?
>How much weekly outdoor physical exercise does he do?
>How much screen time does he get?
>How much caffeine and sugar does he consume?
>How regular is his routine?
I'd be trying everything else before bombing a 7 year old with fucking amphetamines.
Dont drug children.

I was diagnosed at 24. Yes I take the meds (sometimes). Ive had Tourettes my whole life and in my 20s they just got worse, along with my ADHD. Im elementary school I would impulsively draw on everything, all my schoolwork. Had trouble finishing tests before recess, would always bring little toys to fidget with or carve my pencils, basically never paid attention to really anything my whole childhood. I was in the advanced/accelerated class but really that just let me do less homework in my main class. In junoir high I got depressed because of getting older and just not knowing how to connect with people, autism basically.

So in high school when I was a little more confident and interested in doing my own thing, I found it very hard to actually figure out how to accomplish my goals, and reach the end of any project. And I was still trying to figure out how to maintain Ds and Cs and any amount of my homework, and never getting enough sleep for years (Not sleeping enough in high school genuinely fucked me up for years after).

I had no idea ADHD was a thing, I barely knew Tourettes was a thing, I just thought I was weird. Im still skeptical if "ADHD" is a real thing like Tourettes though because theres no actual test for it, its just a rhetorical diagnosis.

But after getting disgnosed and meds yadda yadda, I have a lot of different thoughts on it. Mostly how its not that bad. I can understand the argument that it more assists you in getting a better lifestyle. I do wish that maybe I grew up in a generation that understood these things more and the best way to handle it. I feel like I wasted so many years brute forcing myself to do/learn things that I probably was never going to (at least in that way). Maybe some caffeine in soda isnt that bad.
To more specifically answer your question: the medication helps me stay present and engaged with the real world. Im not inside my head just thinking and thinking and my actions arent just impulses from those thoughts. I can just absorb what people say to me in a conversation without having to trip over my own thoughts about it, and reply to them freely without having to rethinking about everything they said and what I want to say. I naturally feel very inclined to draw, or touch, or play with stuff that isnt relevant to what my main goal is, but on meds I dont feel those same impulses, they arent as alluring to me. This also helped me sleep a lot better. After starting them I had the most fulfilling sleep Ive had in fucking years.
>Given the number of smart and high-achieving individuals here
How does vaso construction hinder brain development nigger it’s neuroprotective and raises working memory temporarily
A doctor diagnosed me as being a super freak
CNS stimulants depletes your nutritients fast, not ideal for a developing child and not that simple to counteract. You can be feeding your child enough and they feel fine, but missing out on b12 or potassium will make their brain development suffer.

Also the lack of creative thinking from being wired on stimulants will make you a less intelligent person.
You know what my parents did? They took me outside.
I still have adhd and now I run 10 miles every day whilst listening to audio books.
When I was young, people were still somewhat Christian so they were still adverse to giving children demonic meth pills.
Give your son structure, the truth is people with high energy need structure more than anything. Do things with him, not every person is the same, understand his psychology and learn how to work with him. Make it seem like play.
Human children are actually very similar to dogs.
First of all school is fucking stupid, I don't know how to help with that because my mother would beat me if I failed and I was also extremely intelligent so really it was of very little importance: exert an iota of my cognition just to not get beaten.
giving your kid meth is like chopping his dick, consider giving him small coffee instead of hard drugs
Can you send a study
OP, excelling in (((school))) is not a metric in health, he is a boy. Stop listening to yapping women and have him play sports and help him enough to pass. Parenting is hard and giving your kid stimulants either makes you a gullible retard or a terrible lazy parent
definitely give him meth
i mean adderall
Make sure he gets exercise after school. Regular cardio has an effect comparable to medication for adhd. Also work with his teachers, buy him a bag of gummy bears to eat when he needs to focus. Wherever they're noticing issues, that's where he needs quick acting sugar. Counterintuitive but that's what worked for me. I own a company now and have a few employees and I still have a cycle of various gummies at my desk for when I need to focus. I regularly thank my dad for not letting my teachers put me on meds.
Always remember any medical professional recommending a product is a salesman that stands to benefit from a sale and should be regarded as such
Ritalin is your safest option, but from experience it's very mild.
Medication is pretty much the only viable treatment.
Concerta (ritalin) gave me the ability to think more than an hour into the future, but it also caused me to engage in compulsive online shopping. I wouldn't give it to a child. It's a drug for worker bees. The question is whether you want your son to be a worker bee or not.

For non-medical strategies, he needs to use a timer religiously. Egg timer, phone timer. He should have a dozen alarms. Try to get him to use the pomodoro method for studying. That's 20 minutes of study/homework and a five minute break in a cycle until the work is done.

For semi-medical treatment, see how he responds to caffeine. At his age he would prefer energy drinks. Buy a crate and see if disaster ensue. Sugar-free may be better or worse; try both on different days and take notes.

His sleep is probably poor. Restrict his internet access and try to get him to go on a walk or run in the evenings.
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Teach him a sport.
Amphetamines are just synthetic adrenaline.
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Reread the image attacked to the post.
Sounds like YOU might have porn-induced hypofrontality/ADHD
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Quit copying me nigger I’m the only Allah
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Sounds like he needs a paddlin'
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Nothin’ like some good ol tough love
thats what happens when theres no cure you just have to supress overt symptoms
nvm hes bullshitting

its just futility its me the same person kek
How is it possible that constricting the flow of blood and nutrients/oxygen therein to the brain is neuroprotective? Wouldn't that just impede regular neuronal function?
>It appears that my 7-year-old son likely has ADHD, as suggested by a recent conversation with one of his teachers.
Teachers can't diagnose ADHD.
>However, his behavior has recently become almost intolerable, and his school performance is beginning to suffer, which prompted us to consult a doctor.
Doctors can't meaningfully help your kid because ADHD isn't an actual condition that can be treated. It's a metaphor for a cluster of undesireable behavior.
>Given the number of smart and high-achieving individuals here with ADD or ADHD
If you're not disabled by your ADD or ADHD, you don't have it, by definition. Stop mistaking a metaphor for a real thing.

>How were you diagnosed with ADD/ADHD?
5 minute consultation at the age of 8. Was undiagnosed with it a couple years later
>Did/do you take medication for it?
The "medication", read: amphetamine treatment, caused numbness in my limbs.
>Does the medication help?
Most long-term studies suggest, no.
>What specific effects does it have—on behavior, focus, or cognition?
It can cause heart palpitations, circulatory problems (high blood pressure, tachycardia) up to heart failure, swelling of the tongue, it suppresses hunger which, if not counterbalanced, can cause malnutrition in kids, it stunts natural growth in kids by inhibiting growth hormones, it can cause psychotic and manic-depressive episodes in kids and has been found causative of obsessive behavior in a couple of kids.
>How long have you been taking the medication?
Couple of weeks before starting to refuse it at the age of 8.
You gave your kid brain damage you dumbass. Your stupid wife while pregnant either smoked weed or drank alcohol or smoked tobacco or took anti depressants or took acid. That or while the kid was young you gave him weed or acid or alcohol to stop him from crying.

I hope you burn in hell for ruining his life dumbass.
I am a software engineer in my mid twenties, and I was diagnosed when I was 23. I dropped out of college due to simply being unable to control my impulses. When I would engage with an activity, be it video games, a book, or a sport, I would take it to the extreme every time. I would read my book until 6AM, unable to go to sleep. I would forget to eat for days at a time, because the new DLC was just released for whatever my terminally online friends were into. If I got excited about a software project, I wouldn't stop until it was completed, and then I would promptly forget about it for years.

I was suffering at work, constantly pulling out my phone to check something or making excuses to work from home so I could indulge my desires to stimulate my brain. I spoke with a psychiatrist, and was diagnosed after 6 months. I take off brand Adderall on weekdays, but skip it on weekends so I don't build a tolerance. It helps me tremendously, I remember the first week I was on it I felt like I did 3 months worth of work, it was amazing to finally get a feeling like I should check my phone, but be able to stop myself from doing it. I just ignored the part of my brain that always whispers "you're doing good enough to slack off for a bit", which I have never been able to do before.
consult a doctor faggot
reminds me of this vid
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For you, that’s a pretty big word.
I can't imagine emotional situation you're in, but remember, crystal meth is better on liver than atomoxetine or simillar "modern" approach. Amfetamine is quite safe in therapeutic doses, and it may spark neurogenesis.

Also you should read about 7,8-DHF, NSI-189.
Literally this is good example.

I don't have prescribed meth, but I do a lot of work while I'm on it, otherwise I do lot of procrastination.
Consult my post here >>16363610
drugging children makes me want to hang myself
He doesn't have a mental disability, he's just a boy.
You blame him when in reality the problem is likely that the activities you put in front of him aren't stimulating enough to keep his attention.
To put it another way: it's fucking boring. You're expecting a 7-year-old to rationalize why it's necessary? Who's the one with the mental disability out of the two of you?

Instead of poisoning your child with unnecessary chemicals, why don't you sit in on a class or try to find an alternative that is more hands-on instead?
Kids have a shit ton of energy. This isn't news, it's common sense.
Taking the time to truly help or care for their children intrudes on the things they want to do. It's easier to drug them into oblivion. Posts like OP's are essentially looking for consent through other people; seeking confirmation bias about the best course, essentially.
You're the bigger retard. Tolerance will occur to stimulants and you sacrificed their use for things that matter like college and graduate school so he can learn how to eat paste and crayons in elementary school. Even high school they're stupid. Nothing valuable is learned in these periods.

Imagine ruining these in the future so your dumb elementary school teacher can give him a heckin gold star. Don't care about the height crap. Total red herring. Doesn't matter if it's true or false. What is true is tolerance and especially an entire decade in an institution with no other purpose than to make you a docile, obedient worker bee.
Maybe don't take such a high dosage?
dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice dont listen to fucking 4chan for medical advice
this is a fake thread because the premise of drugging a 7 year old CHILD IS FUCKING INSANE
As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers? As opposed to listening to pharma-funded health care providers?
Sometimes I wonder how many people are even aware of the incestuous relationship between Doctors and pharma, as well as the financial/material incentives pharma representatives offer Doctor's offices to prescribe certain amounts of their medicines.

Did people forget about the opioid crisis? That was the direct result of pharma and physician collusion.
Did they forget about the vaccine and the astronomical amount of people affected by adverse reactions -- or deaths?
There's so many examples that it's staggering. Not even mentioning the insanely gross and corrupt relationships between the FDA and pharma either.
You shouldn't seek medical advice from 4chan or any place as the primary determining factor, but I'd argue you that you absolutely should still seek it to widen your perspective from other people's experiences. At the very least, it's a far more authentic representation of reality than anything a doctor will tell you.
Even in the best of scenarios, their advice will always be to repeat whatever the literature says is truth.
Even outside of stimulants treatment would be to strongly limit his screentime, make sure he gets proper sleep, make sure he gets proper levels of exercise, and make sure he has a healthy diet. Especially screentime and sleep
>Did people forget about the opioid crisis?
People don't care about that because mainly poor people die of it.
>Did they forget about the vaccine
Either it's "all vaccines are 100 % safe. How DARE you?" or shitbags mixing vaccine skepticism with "Muh ufos" and "some over the top super food advertisement"
>Not even mentioning the insanely gross and corrupt relationships between the FDA and pharma either.
Most people can't cognitively handle process chains that involve more than two agents.
>You shouldn't seek medical advice from 4chan or any place as the primary determining factor
There are certain things that one can objectively state as "medical advice", even without any training. One such thing is that a condition without a known etiology or associated causative biological dysfunction, you cannot claim that some chemical substance poses an adequate treatment for the condition. It makes no sense. At best, it's an enhancive drug. Usually, it just does nothing or gives you a lot of adverse effects.
This could be avoided if they just make him eat enough food. The drug should ware off by dinner time. Have him take a protein supplement if necessary.
If you care at all about your son you won't give him a chemical lobotomy. He'll cease to be the boy you raised if you do.
Stims are far from lobotomy... AP's are lobotomy.

Get shit straight or keep your keyboard shut.
The fact that OP came to this site shows that he is at least willing to listen to controversial thoughts.
He has also come to one of the smartest boards and even though there are many retarded people here, we are still proudly hovering a magnitude above the peasants social media.
If he was solely looking for a moral excuse, then he could have gone to Reddit and gotten 40 degenerates telling him to drug his child ASAP, calling him irresponsible if he didn't do it and trying to diagnose the kid with as many additional mental disorders as possible.
You know this is true.
Cattle believe every controversial, every contrarian view here to be an expression of intense fashism. Hence they would only come here to disrupt, troll, slide and shill, not for serious discussion.
Those who aren't complete slaves see it as a relatively uncensored space, something of which there isn't much on today's internet.
I reckon he may actually be interested in the most ideal course of action and consider a variety of viewpoints.

TL;DR: Anyone who is stupid enough to look for an excuse to drug their child would not come to this board.
look into low carb diets for your kid
adhd-pi here
wish i got pills as a child
my life is completely ruined
Why is your life ruined?
Must be very dysphoric discovering your “true” self that late
I dropped out of 3 different universities
got pretty good at bullshitting and coasting off self-taught shit at the last one but it only went so far
especially the covid years were horrible
if you live in the US meds are going to be expensive and a bitch to get
if i'm going to be honest, for right now just put him into sports, and find a natural venue for him to get dopamine. if he doesn't find something he gets fulfilment from, he's going to end up trying to get that dopamine fix somewhere else. (caffeine, social media, drugs, porn, etc.) wait until middle school or high school to get him on meds.
until then, make sure he creates good habits. it's going to be pretty hard, but at least try. don't be disappointed if it doesn't work out, just try something else until he gets it. and definitely don't blame it on him.
>once he's older
go get a diagnosis and get an expert's opinion
they're probably going to tell you to get him medication, and start therapy.
which is what's best. not just therapy, not just medication, but medication AND therapy.
keep in mind that this isn't going to be something that just goes away. you're going to have to stick with it until after he's out of the house. if after a year nothing is working and you ditch medication, at least keep him in therapy. it's pretty common that ADHD is comorbid with depression, just a heads up.
if you're serious about medication, it's going to probably take a while to determine what's right for him. i doubt he's going to need stimulants until he's in high school/independent. there are a couple of non stimulant medications out now that aren't as expensive/such a hassle to get as stims
no meds until he's older, just try to focus on forming good habits
medication AND therapy.
his brain works different than yours, so it would behoove you to learn why and how that is.
Putting a 7 year old child on speed for life is insane. Does he eat well? Nope. Does he have a regular, challenging physical hobby/exercise? Nope. Does he have an artistic outlet (music, drawing, etc....)? Nope. Do you and your wife spend enough time with him? Nope.

Until all of these things are in good order, don't even think about drugging your child. He's 7, ffs. Nothing he does in school academically now will matter. Focus on his social, emotional development instead.

ADHD is bullshit. There are no clinical indicators of any kind. No genes. No blood test. No labs to confirm or monitor. No curative treatment. No formal/chemical/biological definition. No nothing.

It's anti-science. Nothing more.
Get him a 504 or IEP, it basically it a set of rules for the teacher to follow for teaching him. Mine was something like
>Can use the bathroom whenever for how long it takes
Because I have IBS
>Can submit work late with no penalty
Because it takes me longer to do work with ADHD
>Only had to do half the homework
Again because it took me forever to do my math work with ADHD
>Seated in the front of the class
So I could focus better with ADHD
>It appears that my 7-year-old son likely has ADHD
My parents thought the same thing and couldn't accept that I was just a fucking retard. Now I'm a retard whose life is even worse because he had to recover from an amphetamine dependency.
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It's called being a parent ,retard.
People today are so braindead consoomerized that they think of marriage / parenting as some sort of trend or commodity.
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He just needs a spankin'
I have the inattentive type, and I finally tried stimulants a few years ago for the first time (well into adulthood). Mostly Adderall, then briefly Vyvanse, then briefly Ritalin.

Adderall and Ritalin felt great at times, and I had more energy than I'd ever had, even with very little caffeine. I worked much longer hours, never took a nap, and even spent less time in bed at night. But I eventually realized I wasn't working efficiently. I would spend hours and hours fucking around with a spreadsheet, making it beautiful, when it really wasn't necessary for the main objective.

I also noticed I lost sight of the forest for the trees in just about everything I did. I'd get lost in the details and lose the bigger picture.

It also increased my anxiety and caused facial tics. And weirdest of all, it made me horny all the time but I couldn't get a proper boner. Very frustrating.

So I eventually decided to just rely on coffee and live with the symptoms of the disorder as best I can. (I do take an SSRI though, which makes my life a lot more tolerable. I'm an agitated, seething mess without it.)
I used to take Adderall. Found out energy drinks and coffee work just as good without the adverse effects of amphetamines. Cns stimulats like caffeine achieve the same objective as amphetamines just not as powerful.
I have a videogame and terminally online addiction, does adderal help with that or not?

Considering youre all on 4chan and some of you said you take amphetamines I think the answer is probably no

No such thing. Do you see any niggers being forced drugged because boomer teachers don't want to deal with aggressive males?
>Long term medication is a scam. They would have you give him a lobotomy if they could

Based. The closest they can get to a lobotomy in the current year meme is genital mutilation.
Why do people fall for such bullshit
Based teaching the youth. Add bs is heavily pushed in the Jew media. All the problems it causes are memory holes.
But if ADHD meds are so good, why don't they drug up the orcs?
>OP, excelling in (((school))) is not a metric in health, he is a boy

Exactly. Ideally she wants him to father grandkids. Women want aggressive men. So why force him on drugs to remove that aggression. You are ending your genetic line.
Also its his body and therefore his choice. No women should ever decide what a man does with his body
Based. Fuck all the shills
>Sometimes I wonder how many people are even aware of the incestuous relationship between Doctors and pharma, as well as the financial/material incentives pharma representatives offer Doctor's offices to prescribe certain amounts of their medicines

Only those that work in the industry or related fields.
Most don't know doctors need continuing education hours. Instead of reading academic studies or taking academic courses;
Doctors are sent to conferences paid by big pharma to watch presentations on their new meds. These conferences are always at nice hotels in vacation areas.
The bribery is so vast it's easier to call doctors an employee of big pharma
>Not even mentioning the insanely gross and corrupt relationships between the FDA and pharma either.

Is there any example of the FDA doing something in the public interest? It seems they pass whatever big business wants and reject whatever small business wants
Funny how so many shills are giving chat bot sob stories to take the bs pill.
Everyone and I mean everyone I talked to on bs add meds hates it and stopped talking them once the got away from toxic boomers
Put a kid full of energy and imagination into an industrial education system that wants to stamp him into the mould of thoughtless drone so he fits into the machine. Consider poisoning child so he can continue to have his soul crushed and not make such a stink about it.
And they don't give orc children the ADHD meds. You wonder why orcs act out of control
>son has adhd
>source is teacher
Awful parent. You should be ashamed of yourself
Try to hold off on the drugs as long as you can, there are side effects associated with them (mood, appetite related, etc) and he's not old enough to make the choice about whether he wants to deal with them.

Until then do your best to study with him and be patient with him, maybe offer to do his homework with him or buy him little rewards or things after he finishes every day even if it seems infantile for his age bracket. Once he's 16 or so you can talk to him about the medication and see if he wants to trial it for a year or two before university when you and mom won't be around to be his external motivator as often.
I have ADHD. Not medicated in childhood. I'm not sure about permanent medication, but it's good to have something in hand to break up the brain fog when you need it. Also I have poor short term memory. If you tell me something I might immediately forget it. Apparently this is related to ADHD. The cope for that was acquiring a culture of keeping a to-do list. Both a backlog of tasks ordered by priority and calendar tasks ordered date. If he gets a coke or a coffee addiction, he's just substituting better stims for caffeine. Might as well switch to drugs at that point unless he's going to stop caffeine.
It depends on the medication and the kid.

I took Strattera in middle school to help me focus and it did the opposite, it only made it harder to focus and stay awake, it drained me of energy and made me sometimes feel like I wasn't even "there".

Adderall was better, but I didn't start taking that until college. It helped me focus, but if I took it more than 2-3 times a week it had the opposite effect and made me feel burnt out and exhausted. If I took addy one day I'd blaze through the day just fine but I'd need at least 2 days of recovery without addy for it to have that effect again, taking it two days in a row made it hard to think at all.

Of course these are just my experiences, everyone responds differently so no matter what he ends up taking make sure you communicate it with him and ask him how he's reacting to it and observe his behavior. (I wish my parents did that rather than just shove a pill down my throat and hope it worked.)

In any case, the best recommendation is don't listen to the doctor and don't give your kids medication. They wanna sell you a drug because they get money for it. Maybe he does have ADD or ADHD but in my experience I can guarantee drugs are not a good solution, and I think everyone here can attest to that if these replies are anything to go off of.

My sister used to display ADHD tendencies when she was 8, then my parents cut dyes out of her diet and noticed a complete 180 in behavior in a matter of weeks.

I went to bible camp for the first time in 2nd grade and I came back a changed kid. I was never more focused in my life. It unironically did me more good than any drug I could ever take.

>Cut out dyes from his diet.
>Give him Fish oil and B-Complex vitamins.
>Sign him up for a sport
>Send him to summer camp (Christian preferred as they are one of the few places in the world a kid can escape the LGBTQ shit and experience what life is like without all that nonsense)

Do literally anything before drugging your kid.
>don't give child drugs
>do give child energy drinks

nigga are you dumb? I don't know which is worse to give a child...
>I went to bible camp for the first time in 2nd grade and I came back a changed kid. I was never more focused in my life
this is underestimated. just a trip away from your daily life makes you feel so fresh and focused and aware
>Give him Fish oil and B-Complex vitamins.
also accurate. I wonder if you had issues taking adderall because it depletes your nutrients so fast. Kids don't realize when their not getting enough nutrients and how it affects your cognition. fuck most adults don't even know that
absolutely based
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Second week in normal school after accepting my fate as a science teacher. Yesterday, we learned that stuffing a boy full of amphetamines and taking him away from his parents could result him attending university at later life. Is not that so hecking cool and valid!?
None of the people here have a clue what they are talking about. Being unmedicated sucks; it measurably and drastically decreases quality of life in numerous ways. Have him see a psychiatrist. Try different meds to see what work. CBT would also be great to start at his age. But he is your son, so pay attention to the differences meds make. Use your best judgment. Just be inquisitive and ask him and his teachers what they think.
Before hooking kid on drugs, you should try phenylalanine and tryptophan, and make sure kid is on proper diet.
I was 28 when I was diagnosed. Mine was mild, but since taking my meds, I've done a lot better for myself.

I highly recommend him not taking it one or two days out of the week. I still have the same low dose after 5 years. It keeps the efficacy in check and I don't personally notice the side effects until 3-4 days off it.
Oh, and you'll want to emphasize that the drugs are a tool to control it. They don't fix it in the same way a flashlight doesn't illuminate a whole room, but it's better than stumbling in the dark. You gotta point the light in the right direction though.
So can you post something that justifies meth habbit not being a first person experience?
As an adult. It was a lengthy process with multiple in person meetings, and questionaires my parents and I had to fill out separately.
Yes, a low dosis. But that alone makes a massive difference as the medication lets me feel and behave normally. Which was a first for me, as until then all the issues ADD causes were my normal. When I don't take it my thinking becomes scatterbrained again.
>how long
16cm...I mean 3 years. I had a couple different medications. What works best for me are the slow release pills.
>my thoughts
If you have ADD your brain is messed up in some way. Getting enough sleep, regular sport and healthy food helps, but only to a certain extend. Medication can help you reach a normal. Giving children this medication is a double sided sword. On one hand, there can be side effects. On the other hand, child brains have still high plasticity and probably see the most longterm benefits from ADD medication and the child experiences what normal thinking feels like while growing up. Never having experienced the norm made it very hard for me to realise many of the negative effects ADD had on my behaviour, habits and life outcomes.

If your child really has ADD the medication should calm it down, maybe even make it sleepy. That's the opposite of what you would see from a healthy person taking amphetamines and shows that something's going on with your little mutts brain.
ADD can cause sleep deficiencies and make a person prone to seek out cheap, quick endorphines in say videogames. The downsides of the medication may be made up for by treating ADD.

The appetite loss is largely temporary. The body gets used to it. That's one side effect of medication that discipline and routine make a massive difference. It also goes against the general trend in the population to become more and more obese. So a slightly reduced appetite shouldn't really have a negative effect.
op here, i appreciate the replies. thanks.
>I wonder if you had issues taking adderall because it depletes your nutrients so fast. Kids don't realize when their not getting enough nutrients and how it affects your cognition. fuck most adults don't even know that
that's an interesting hypothesis, I had never even considered that as a possibility until now but maybe I'll experiment with it to see if there's any merit to the idea, thanks for bringing it up.

I'm no professional on this topic. When I say "ADHD" I mean all disorders on the attention-deficit spectrum:

> What are your thoughts on using medication to manage ADD/ADHD?

As to whether the medication is essential, it depends on the specific individual, their circumstances and needs. So no one here can really vouch for whether or not your child should take ADHD medication, that's for you, your child and their doctor to determine. Your child's teacher may be onto something but they can't make that determination.

ADHD is a disorder affecting the development and structure and function of the brain when compared to a "neurotypical" brain. The issues relate to neurotransmitters (primarily catecholamines), the signals required for executive function - the internal processes and skills, which one needs for orderly behaviour. As a result, attention and awareness are compromised, and that affects more of someone's life than I can describe - emotional regulation, how one relates to their environment, the sleep-wake cycle, decision making.

For these people stimulant medications enable the body to compensate for those neurotransmitters and associated structures. That's the rationale for using stimulants, what they ultimately modify is behaviour and the catecholamine system is how. Keep in mind though that everyone's brain+body is unique, not all types of ADHD are identical (some present as hyperactive, some appear hypoactive) and some will adapt in their own way and cope fine without the meds, but also know that to "cope" isn't the same as to "thrive".

For some amphetamines are the most effective, for others methylphenidate, there's more but those are the big two.


> Do you believe medication is essential in treating ADD/ADHD, or can non-medication strategies alone be sufficient?

The ADHD medication is the 'either-or'. Often but not always, yes it is essential for people who genuinely have this disorder, they will be to some extent functionally handicapped without it.

Non-pharma strategies are absolutely essential no matter what. One may very well need the stimulants as well just to operate at a baseline. But the strategies you form allow one to truly wield this 'disorder' and realise this gift that disguises as a weakness. These strategies could be devised by trial-and-error or "therapy".

Where I've seen ADHD treatment go wrong comes are the following:

Firstly, I see the label "ADHD" assigned by normies to kids who "act out" as a normal response to other white elephants at home, ie. dysfunctional parenting, those expecting the child to bend to THEIR desires rather than looking out for their kid's real needs. The television's constant background noise, a cluttered hoarder house one must *fight* against to navigate, letting some company's algorithm do the "parenting", leaving them to their own devices to do whatever they feel.

Second, when people don't actively involve themselves in treatment and expect the stimulant med to be the panacea that will instantly make everything better in all cases. If one's "strategies" aren't there you've missed half the point.
Ive taken every single form of ADHD medications and if anything temporarily "fixes" the problem, but at adult age, its ... grim, I agree with
Your personal problems may be going toward his failures, you have to put a lot of effort and listen to him carefully and understand where his frustration comes from, the medications don't help long term.
you fucking retarded nigger, it turns into excitotoxic quinolinic acid
microglia is extremely active in children
How do you want to make serotonin without it?
Okey okey, 5HTP then.
Don't do it. Once he quits the meds he will suffer.
Yeah everyone here is clueless but an elementary school teacher is somehow more qualified to give input
it's insane how many people here are on the "stimulants bad!!!" mindset
/pol/ really ruined this site
>ADHD is a disorder affecting the development and structure and function of the brain when compared to a "neurotypical" brain.
A disorder that is "supposedly" (this has never been proven) a result of abnormal brain structure and function cannot be in itself the cause of it.
>The issues relate to neurotransmitters (primarily catecholamines), the signals required for executive function
Not proven and no such tests are used to diagnose ADHD.
>the internal processes and skills, which one needs for orderly behaviour.
Ignoring the lack of evidence here, the notion of "orderly behavior" is socially constructed.
>As a result, attention and awareness are compromised
1. Studies suggest that attention/awareness is not compromised in "ADHD" when the subject is actually interested.
2. Because the premise is false, it follows: ex falso quodlibet
>For these people stimulant medications enable the body to compensate for those neurotransmitters and associated structures
Not proven. Secondary administration of signal hormones causes desensitiviation of the neuronal system to the same hormones, leading to potentially severe withdrawal effects.
>but also know that to "cope" isn't the same as to "thrive".
The presence of a medical condition, a theoretically physical issue, is made solely dependent on fulfilling socio-economic functions.
>,yes it is essential for people who genuinely have this disorder
See my point above. From no medical evidence, no actual treatment plans can follow.
>But the strategies you form allow one to truly wield this 'disorder' and realise this gift that disguises as a weakness
If it's a gift, it is by definition not a disorder, hence not a disability, hence, even by accepting the gross violation of misappropriating medical terms to push socioeconomic politics, no necessity for medical intervention would follow.
I have two diagnosed with ADHD. One we went with meds, the other we haven’t. Why the difference? The one we went with meds with was because he couldn’t conceptualize “calm”. Every trick and technique we attempted to work through with him ended in failure. And it still took two years to convince me to even try. So we got him on some meds, and I’ll say this about them, find a doctor that will work with you and him. It took us three different doses and schedules to figure it out. We also didn’t give it to him all the time. Weekends and holidays he went without (except for that Grand Canyon trip). He’s in highschool now and he’s weened himself off completely.

The other (younger) one seems to not need the meds and can control himself better when the situation calls for it. And I’ll say this, the neurologist who diagnosed him started the conversation by trying to dissuade us from meds. Maybe I got lucky or maybe some in the medical community are coming around.

Anyway. Use your discretion. Not everyone needs meds, some just need better coping skills. Also, sports. For whatever reason those chinky takwando instructors can get them all to stand still without moving for long periods of time.
>Does the medication help? What specific effects does it have—on behavior, focus, or cognition?

To add to my experience with my son. The first meds he got would last about halfway through the day and would drop so fast it would get violent. So then we got him a booster to take after lunch but that would last too long into the night. Basically, because it’s meth, he wasn’t eating unless he had something for breakfast. We eventually found an extended release that would last from about 9am~4pm, so perfect for school. I never liked seeing him on it, he never seemed like my kid. Always looked depressed or subdued or some sci-fi shit where you phase out of existence. He eventually was able to describe how he felt to me and he said when he was on the pills he just wanted to sit down and learn quietly. Cognitively I don’t notice any difference. He’s been in gifted/accelerated classes since I convinced his fourth grade teacher to just give him the fifth grade math book and leave him alone. He’s a sophomore in highschool taking college classes (without the meds). The meds seemed to let him focus on what he needs to focus on instead of the birds err grashop err pencil sharpener is doing.

At the beginning of all this his doc said ideally he wouldn’t be on them his whole life, that he should start weening off around middle school and completely off them around 15. As an aside, if you’re still on them after 16 the military won’t take you (unless that’s changed recently). May not matter, but options.

I talked to an adult I knew who had pretty sever ADHD and asked him how he managed it. He’s in the more artistic sphere of design. He said he’s still prescribed meds but only takes them when he needs to get some bookkeeping or accounting done. So that informed me about the weekend and holidays off.
Go to the doctor and get amphetamines for your son. Then, keep them for yourself to get high. They're pretty awesome and your son should not be taking that poison anyway.
Its literally just amphetamines. Did not end well for Hitler
I’ll explain how this works. In ADHD there is a disconnect between the prefrontal cortex and the rest of the brain causing there to be slowed communication. Ever watch a little kid get bored waiting for his mom to finish a task and wander off? That’s what happens inside the brain of someone with ADHD. The front part of the brain is taking too long so the rest of the brain just wanders off. Stimulants help bridge the communication. It doesn’t always need to be amphetamines. Caffein and nicotine also helps. So does sugar. So does music. That’s how the ADD kids can get their homework done while blasting metal.
Best place to do homework is your class 5 minutes before session start, like that you learn how to work effectively under stress.
Procrastination bros we have a meeting tomorrow.
>My son is bored in school. Meds?
No. Fuckin hell, man, did you not know anyone that got put on that shit? Do not.
>Not proven and no such tests are used to diagnose ADHD.
Proven.Brain imagining shows abnormal (in)activity in certain brain regions.
>1. Studies suggest that attention/awareness is not compromised in "ADHD" when the subject is actually interested.
Yeah, if the subject is interested. Issue is that interest is not there for many rudimentary tasks of daily routine. Hence ADHD causes issues.
>the effect of stimulants is not proven
Wrong. Or they wouldn't be able to cause withdrawal effects, fucktard.
>The presence of a medical condition, a theoretically physical issue, is made solely dependent on fulfilling socio-economic functions.
Untrue. You don't know shit about ADHD. The social aspects are just as important as failing in job and studies.

Take your pills, schizo retard.
have you tried slapping him?
This. Speaking as a psychiatrist, medication treatment should only be considered once all other treatments are maximized and proven ineffective.

No screen time. Outside and playing from the end of school till bedtime (with exception of dinner). No refined sugars (not cuz they make kids hyper, it's neuroinflammatory). And in-school recess and 20minute quiet time/nap time, twice a day.

And if that fails, fuck yes drug your kid. Better he is a soulless manlet than a drug using, school drop out felon (all things increased by untreated ADHD). Choice is simple.
Doctor here. You are in fact super freaky. Yeah.
Would you rather have your 7 year old child disrupt the every living fuck out of a classroom of kids, or have them put in special ed? Because if conservative measure fail, these are you options.
Yes, this is why you are so many lawsuits from people who were irreversibly and severely earned by ADHD medication. Lol. Fucking idiot.
If you're actually a psych, do you tend to see serious improvements in those with ADHD/ADD with amphetamine treatments? I've heard such a massive array of differing reports to their efficacy that I am interested in a medical professional's view.
coffee is healthy

vaso constriction from caffeine

bam neuroprotective properties

i dont have a pmid
For a lot of kids and adults, the difference is night and day. If it isn't, then you need to rethink the diagnosis.

Fun story. I had an adult patient come into clinic for anxiety/depression. Never diagnosed with ADHD, but it was so severe and obvious that he could barely be interviewed. I said "hey, you obviously have ADHD, and I cant really even assess your depression and anxiety it's so severe". I put him on Adderall and had him come back in a week. At that appointment he hugged me and sobbed, saying that he always just assumed he was a fuck up piece of garbage. The only additional treatment he needed was psychotherapy. All of his depression and anxiety were secondary to the stressors he was having in life because of his ADHD.
I have unmedicated ADHD and it has thoroughly destroyed my life. Get the medication, get anything you can because nothing is worse than this
>Brain imagining shows abnormal (in)activity in certain brain regions.
ADHD diagnostics do not really on any biological markers. I am not interested in whether or not some ADHD patients are slightly brain-damaged. Many of them probably are (but for completely different reasons), from what I've seen. It's the industrially-funded diagnosis that is utterly worthless.
>if the subject is interested. Issue is that interest is not there for many rudimentary tasks of daily routine. Hence ADHD causes issues
Socio-political expectations are, again, superimposed on universally human aspects. It's natural for people to disengage from activities they find boring. If the person considers school or work to be boring, then that's a natural reaction to a personal aversion.
>Or they wouldn't be able to cause withdrawal effects, fucktard.
If I take heroine, I will also suffer withdrawal effects. Does that mean, I have heroine-deficiency disorder?
>You don't know shit about ADHD
It's a make-believe concept, an invented diagnosis, it's bullshit meant to peddle powerful drugs to children.
>The social aspects are just as important as failing in job and studies.
For your information. When medical professionals speak of social functioning, they usually mean whether or not you can successfully hold down a full-time job. Only the rampant excess in pointless therapy-speak (a fraudulent business scheme) has resulted in "ADHD experts" now claiming that ADHD is the cause of every problem in your life. That alone, btw, strongly suggests to me again that ADHD is just commercialized bullcrap.
>At that appointment he hugged me and sobbed, saying that he always just assumed he was a fuck up piece of garbage.
That happened.

The ADHD delusion goes on. Create junkies and pretend it's about helping them.
dubs of truth
His teacher probably did well in school, but ended up being a teacher. Listen to him/her/it if you want the same thing for your kid.
Teachers are retards they barely finished university undergraduate course. ADHD is a meme dumb sluts, jews and -beta-males came up with.

Youre a faggot op I hope your son lets you die alone of starvation.
>arguing with a schizo retard
classic mistake
you can't change their viewpoints even with facts
they will also never relent on their righteous crusade against psychiatric conditions
the best you can do is give up on this dogshit board
>Fun story. I had an adult patient come into clinic for anxiety/depression. Never diagnosed with ADHD, but it was so severe and obvious that he could barely be interviewed. I said "hey, you obviously have ADHD, and I cant really even assess your depression and anxiety it's so severe". I put him on Adderall and had him come back in a week. At that appointment he hugged me and sobbed, saying that he always just assumed he was a fuck up piece of garbage. The only additional treatment he needed was psychotherapy. All of his depression and anxiety were secondary to the stressors he was having in life because of his ADHD.
This never fucking happened.
Take away the devices. Yeah, that means no youtube either; anything on demand is fucking with his attention span. Him and everyone else in the modern world.
Am I saying ADD/ADHD isn't real? I'm not saying it is or isn't, but it's a clinically diagnosed disorder with no robust biomarkers. One thing that's certain is that everything is designed to game your attention, kids develop their prefrontal cortex (which allows them to defer gratification and delay discount) over a span of 25 years, and the number of kids and adults being diagnosed with the disorder is increasing. Stands to reason that there's some relationship.
Surely we can at least *help* our kids by controlling their environment to help them develop their attention, regardless of diagnosis?
is this one of those "and then everyone clapped" storytime tumblr shitposts I keep hearing about? Fuck off back to tumblr or reddit or whatever other hole you crawled out of you unwashed poorly-bred tiktok-brain-rotted swine-herding peasant.
It's not so hard to believe. Amphetamines are quick acting and hit right where the ADHD brain doesn't work. People have changed entirely on them.
That doesn't answer my question, how is vasoconstriction neuroprotective?
Hahahahaha he got another one out of it suck I off
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beat you with a shovel beat beat you with a shovel with a shovel i beat you with a shovel i beat you with it the shovel that i beat you with it the shovel the shovel the shovel i strike.
What do you mean when you say it was so severe and obvious? What kind of behaviours was he exhibiting?
children should be drugged and controlled

i feed pills to 5 year olds
Just feed him a protein and vegetables rich diet. Another thing, just like you wouldn’t let him drink coffee , don’t give him pharma stimulants just because his teachers are lazy (and ignorant).
Fuck you troglodytes. That shit happened. Dude spent his whole life being told by his parents and later his wife that he was basically a low achieving piece of garbage, and he really internalized that stuff. Dude had some core belief issues for sure. And yeah, sometimes patients need a hug and I'm not an asshole. Sorry that my medical practice doesn't fit into your basement dwelling narrative.
Dude looked like he was on crack. Super talkative/expressive/distractible. Nonlinear thought process. Fidgety. I know ADHD gets over diagnosed, but it's a real diagnosis, and the low achieving idiots on this thread that believe that these kids just need to go frolic in nature and eat nothing but steak and sun their assholes are choosing a weird fucking hill to die on.
>no bro I'm serious it really happened
okay, I believe you.
>Sometimes I wonder how many people are even aware of the incestuous relationship between Doctors and pharma
I've seen The Fugitive, I know how it works
True and real. Only morons believe in pill pushers.
Fuck off you stupid idiot, you deserve to be boiled alive.
LMAO, only a complete moron asks for evidence of corporate greed.
>Asking 4chan for medical advice
Take him to the vet!
Based, though even 18 is young. Also imo there is definitely a connection between adhd drugs and the trans stuff.

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