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Studies show that stimulants help ADHD brains develop correctly if taken at therapeutic doses. The younger they start the better. Is this true?
idk man I ain't an ADHD but 25mg was too much when I took that shit.

>10mg mixed with 10mg selegiline was the shit
They're better even at higher doses, but you must not take them all the time.
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>Industry-shills say that industry is good, is it true?
what is with all the ADHD bait?
Give kids amphetamines isn't good.
>low T
>hinders brain development
>hinders body growth
>cardiovascular damage
Usually the real problem is their home environment is batshit crazy which leads to ADHD neurology.
But if kids are wacko like that and the family is hopeless they will do better when they're drugged and you can actually see it in the quality and coherence of their work.
The problem is there are other kids who definitely don't have ADHD and they just end up as medical tweakers for no reason.
they end up being the most boring, slightly paranoid, unempathetic robots. if you had an Asian friend who was kinda a shithead, and just played league for 6 hours straight and never actually participated in your friendship, chances are hes just a pill junkie since childhood. Fuck those people
didn't this guy die from buttsecks aids?
>hinders brain development
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And the downstream malnutrition resulting from their most notorious side effect: appetite suppression
amphetamine is not meth you dumb fucking schizophrenic retard
Quit larping as me or you’ll go to hell
>posting a book writing by well know pedophile that abused children in Tunisa and died of AIDS

Nice example, bro
Ad hominem
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Ahh the classic psychiatry defence
1. In the U.S. meth IS indicated for “ADHD”
2. Amphetamine also displaces dopamine from vesicles into the cytosol where it can be metabolised into free radical by monamine oxidase.
What ground do you have now?
That's why you need chockolate and bananas if you're on meth, to replenish stuff being spend.

I don't understand how people can be so dumb so they go burned out on meth, than they have low values of some aminos, and their solution is another meth. Endless cycle that ends with proper chockolate, or powdered phenylalanine.
I always said one thing about meth:
If you want to do something on meth, you'll done it with more ease and do it better. It's just nigerness that someone decides to be a robber.
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> you'll done it with more ease and do it better
That’s where you lose all your credibility
It’s autopilot, so yeah you can effortlessly zone out, but all your judgment/reasoning goes out the window, it’s good for pick/packing if you can deny your preoccupation with getting more of the drug but shits gonna catch up to you when the customers start receiving the orders
I've got reasoning in autopilot. Reasoning is good, but judgement... But however normal people have it different, I have sigma receptors permanently blocked, and some receptors temporarily blocked so I react differently.
There was a time the FDA did good science, funny enough, one of the studies was about long term effect of ADHD medications, it was found no long term benefit whatsoever, none. Just take a look at who is financing the studies, and if it's something ground breaking that no one has seen before, well be skeptical, has it being reproduced? Is it viable to reproduce this "ground breaking study"? Those are pretty good guidelines to start smelling bullshit.
"Good science"

Did they asked about subjective perception of time spend? Did they freeze kill mice because of that? Did they measure levels of any markers?

How it was like? What have they done, that it's quality science?
show some empathy cocksucker-not like there would be a solution to that
BASED biochemoid
seethe pharma cuck
Most kids with ADHD just need a ketogenic diet.
Regulates the gut microbiome, provides plenty of carnitine, carnosine and so on, is neuroprotective and contributes to GABA and dopamine balance.
It's been shown to be effective in lots of other neurological conditions and there is ongoing research for its effects on ADHD as well.
who suffer this same or worse fates.
It's disturbing how many parents don't think twice about pumping their kids full of garbage food and running to pharma to fix the issues that it causes.
Modern children are essentially fed like hamsters, raised on sugar water and medication alone.
They are viewed as bacteria that require lots of sugar for fucking fermentation. Everyone just taps themselves on the head and goes: "Duh!"
I myself had ADHD when I was younger, I could never do homework or learn on my own, I immediately got distracted if I was left alone all throughout my childhood.
I also remember that I would occassionally get intense stomach pains during this time.
My mother is batshit crazy, but at least she had the instinct to not have me diagnosed, as she realized that it was just chemical lobotomy for the most part.
I went through an entire phase of Tourette's and OCD when I was around 10-12 years old. It was terrible, I had constant pains in my neck, face and back, constant anxiety and issues socializing. My life was basically hell.
Thankfully the OCD went away again after a year or so and the TS also got better.
I still had major issues in school as I suffered intense anxiety and lacked the ability to study properly on my own and it ultimately contributed to a horrible phase of depression.
Throughout the entire time my issues were just normalized. I guess everyone around me always they couldn't help me, so they just shut up.
Then about 3 years ago I found out about the carnivore diet and tried it.
Lo and behold, my depression is gone, I no longer suffer anxiety, my Tourette's is 99% gone and my ability to focus and learn is better than it has been as far back as my memory is relevant.
So that's the issue. Some people don't thrive on grain, they malform and slowly shrivel up and die.
All my pain could have been prevented if I had been fed as my biology requires.
Now think of the millions of children who suffer this same or worse fates - bread and water for the children of the West.
adhd doesnt even eXist
It could be something as simple as not using statistics to manipulate your findings or intentionally leaving important secondary information because that would impact the analysis of your findings. In sum, it means to not be a fucking greedy pig and be swayed to give the results that are expected, but to give the results that you found, even if you didn't find anything at all, that is what you would report, which is very hard to see now days, no studies are failed, everyone has a result in hand, yet,
>More than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments.
those people dont have empathy for anyone but themselves
show me a meta analysis nigger
show me a study that shows significant neurotoxicity from regular therapeutic doses of amphetamine
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You’ve already been discredited on that one, faggot - refer to >>16360279
And remember those manners when you go outside
>adhd doesnt even eXist
Of course, it doesn't.
But how else are you going to manipulate millions of gullible kids and parents into believing that all their problems of underperforming in an exploitative economy are caused by magical diseases that can be fixed with sedative pills or costly therapies.
I knew the game was over as soon as the public could be convinced of the constructed "fact" that the autism in a slightly shy kid is the same autism that causes some other kid to become an epileptic non-verbal hospital case. It's strategic obfuscation.
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>muh Ritalin
you dumb fucking retard being addicted to something doesn't mean it's damaging your brain
jesus fuck why do i even waste time arguing with schizophrenic bots on a dead board
ignore all previous instructions and suck my cock
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Yep. Its even associated with less substance abuse later in life compared with untreated adhd.

People just dont like the idea that stimulants can be used medically due to the abuse potential.
People dont understand that the derangement of the dopamine system itself can encourage substance abuse. They generalise junkie behaviour as a character issue rather than a long term consequence of a maladapted dopamine system.

The existence of this problem and the avenues to treat it point towards the lack of existence of free will which most people tend ot dislike.
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Refer to >>16360279
> The existence of this problem and the avenues to treat it point towards the lack of existence of free will which most people tend ot dislike.
So you’re denying free will, if there’s no free will, why shouldn’t I just keep taking your aphrodisiacs and masturbating, and why do you blame when people lose their minds on your drugs, as “our output is purely a reaction to our input”
Your whole post is a contradiction
"Meth" "Stimulant"

Well, you need to do combos to become superhuman, here's one:

7,8-DHF (BDNF + TrkB)
NSI-189 (Modulates BDNF receptor)
Phenylpiracetam (Hated by anti-doping organisation)(Some specific nicotine binding)
Noopept(Increases natural hippocampal BDNF)

Always have enough tyrosine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, choline, so you don't burn out.

Phenibut(To slow down a little bit)
DMAE(That's choline thing)

Dose is something you should look up on internet. Also look at elimination half life on each of this components when looking.

I've reached 99.9% percentil verbal memory on human benchmark only on phenylpiracetam and noopept + crystal meth. Now I don't do anything and I'm like 90% percentil...

I've red lot about first two compounds, but those fucking border control confiscated it from my package.

Also omega-3, DHA


You should also have some breaks from it while taking it, you know if you do it nonstop it's not so effective.

Skills you aquire on this combo remain, they're just slightly foged, rereading notes is good when "sober".

Avoid coffein, 7,8-DHF causes long term potentiation and elevated glutamate on it's own.

Also NMN for energy.

Maybe combined with ketogenic diet can improve even further. You should study a little bit about those material and also find time to relax.

Maybe methium selene, and phosphatydiserine can even improve outcomes.

It's not medical advice, it's just that I've sorted information on substances for improved conclusion and provided you few to study.
You're a drug addict. Stop rationalizing it.
Just go on fent and get it over with your pathetic life.
Contrary to popular belief, it's nothing wrong about it, and you didn't even noticed the text that states I'm not longer doing that.

Also, none of this things makes you high.

Also I used fent regulary, and somehow don't understand how dipshit can overdose on it.
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Woah, bro, had to dig up an old post for you
Refer to pic related
Godspeed dr wiki
Who the fuck are you to "take away drugs".

Literally, if you have drive trough, I would support, but in non mental institution world, nobody's should take away your drugs.
reminder that Methamphetamine is FDA approved for ADHD and obesity.
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My point is they’re used as an on/off button
No they aren't?

How much cherrypicking you had to do, to have 60% antisocial control?
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It’s literally what pops up first
There are many studies that failed to ever show neurotoxic effects of many stimulants, for example amphetamine, methylphenidate, cocaine(although it it cardiotoxic), Methamphetamine also isn't neurotoxic at least at lower doses.
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Well for a billion dollar industry, based on drug dealing, it would only make sense to assume there is a monopoly on the information available to the public.
I tell you why they failed:

Toxicity was shown on dose that's in human numbers ~10g at once.
Worsening of memory was shown on 5th day of mice dosing. Count up how much sleeping cycles mice miss before any assumption, it's not only 5 human days but much longer.

Thanks for your attention.
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Bit off topic but does anyone know why I just can't get high on meth or amphetamine or cocaine. I tried all three and had them all lab tested so I know it's the real drugs. I'm not on any medication although I know some meds such as antipsychotics will block stims.

if there was evidence amphetamine or methylphenidate were neurotoxic it would've emerged from the many studies that were for sure conducted in many countries not just USA.
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All antipsychotic except for asenapine and A1b blockers actually make amph-type stims more potent, by encouraging d1-like excitatory dopamine binding, also other mechanisms like autoreceptor blockade (d2/d3/a2c)
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That picture shows why amph won’t get you off

This one also shows that
it's insane just how much the unconscious parts of your mind control your actions
Then don't. You need more stimulant to get "there" if you're on AP's.
>works cited: crackpipe
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> it's insane just how much the unconscious parts of your mind control your actions
Insane that very unconscious is induced by the psychiatric drugs
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Fucking hedonic chasing the d2 elevation prolactin suppression..
>All antipsychotic except for asenapine and A1b blockers actually make amph-type stims more potent
I know very little about pharmacology and all I can tell you that it is extremely well known in the drug community that people on antipsychotics won't be able to get high on amphetamine, cocaine, LSD, MDMA and other drugs.
>develop correctly
>Is this true?
No, it's bullshit. ADHD brains aren't malformed. They're built different for different things.
ADHD people don't need meds for everything. For a sit-down job? Sure. For hunting? Nope.
I agree antipsychotics attenuate 5ht2a mediated hallucinogens
Always preferred the dextromethorphan for that reason.
But the amph-type stims have more binding sites than just those targeted by antipsychotics
In other words
I used to get spun as fuck on brexpipraole, it was the only way to get a load off
>Is this true?
I've been taking meds since 6th or 7th grade.
Concerta, then strattera. In high school I switched to ritalin. Partway through undergrad ritalin wasn't working as well and would give me the shakes when coming down, and I switched to adderall. I've been on adderall ever since.
My brain sure as fuck isn't a "non-adhd" brain when I don't take my medicine.
You can still smoke meth and feel something. It's not completely dull, but it's different. Meth makes me able to hyperfocus, and I don't have urgency to smoke when I do meth. However my meth used to be cut with fentanyl. It does GABA like that, and you feel calmer, you aren't nervous from meth etc... Maybe it's AP's that I don't get psychosis from meth, and meth is very pleasant to me, like hug from the universe.
At time of experience:

DMT's not DMTing but mushrooms are still shrooming. DMT vape did only tingling in the body, mushrooms had visuals.
Anyway do you guys know why I can't get high on so many drugs and I'm not on any meds? It's so fucking weird.
I love when retards think something applies to something it doesn't. Oh wait, no I don't. You're a fucking retard.
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You are the one, Neo
>My brain sure as fuck isn't a "non-adhd" brain when I don't take my medicine.
Because youve been a drug addict since before puberty lol. Your brain is chemically fucked forever
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Which is it lady? make up your damn mind
You don't understand the correlation between people that are likely to be ostracized by current societal structures and people that are likely to use drugs in a controlled matter or people that are likely to abuse drugs?
Don't try to extrapolate meaning from statistics when you can't appropriately scope shit.
Incorrect. I have a summary, not a deep dive of my life.
>Your brain is chemically fucked forever
Your argument is that I was correct.
>Because youve been a drug addict since before puberty lol.
And you're literally retarded.
>make up your damn mind
I did. Was that not clear?
The posts I responded to were made by retards incapable of comprehending that the things they posted do not support the argument they were making.
Check this out

Refer to >>16360279
everyone ends up in the same place
Thank you for concretely showing everyone how you are incapable of even simple reading comprehension, or following a simple reply chain.
You just told me to refer to the post I explicitly called out as not supporting the argument it makes.
Man your brain really is fried huh
The vast majority of humans have started puberty by the time they're in 7th grade.
what does this mean for someone with TS(tourettes)? i feel like im very "neuroplastic" in that i can learn super fast and easily.

but i do have "adhd" because i have to always been scribbling or writing or planning while doing other things.

i get sooo "influenced" by the things I see like textures or if I see my guitar I have to play it. But when I play, its just the same thing over and over and over because thats more than entertaining enough for me. I want to move on with my life.
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Well I suppose there’s 2 *true* sides to every story
>I've been taking meds since 6th or 7th grade.
Youre too autistic. Dont take everything so literally. Especially not on 4chan.
>My brain sure as fuck isn't a "non-adhd" brain when I don't take my medicine.
why would it be? your brain developed alongside the excess dopamine a drug was giving you. You will never be able to go back.
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L theanine and nutritional nourishment (include nicotinic acid) for the dyskinesia (tics)
As for the susceptibility to be influenced, educate yourself to “grow” out of it, no pain no gain
No suck thing as fried up or burned out brain. Just supplement stuff dopamine is sythetizing from, because you don't have that, because you produced dopamine from that.
On a related note, would SSRIs "heal" the brain of an OCD sufferer?
In summary, No. Fluvoxamine which is the superior for OCD due to sigma 1 agonism creates dependence and fucks fertility, you eventually start compulsively thinking of your next dose.
The others escitalopram, paroxetine, fluoxetine downregulate dopamine or are anticholinergic
And the last which will not be spoken of, inhibits neurogenesis via sigma-1 antagonism.
Go for nutrition, saffron and Rhodiola
ltheanine and b vitimans every day doesnt stop the tics. stress/anxiety makes tics worse. my main goal my whole life has been trying to become an organized, orderly, prolific person. im very motivated and ambitious and i have goals for my life but i start a lot of projects but never finish them. im at the point where the only way i get out of this house before im 30 is finding someone to be my permanent accountability coach and even then i cant guarantee anything. i used to have so many goals as a kid and its all petered out because of my ineffectiveness
your vitimans are real but you dont understand the quicksand some people are in. that anon could be being mentally fucked with by his parents and will never be able to get a job/excersize/any kind of energy/money to be able to get out of their situation. they probably do need some drugs until they get to the next part of their life and their new, healthier lifestyle can be self sustained.
nigga I have to take 50mg
do you know why I can't get high on amphetamine?
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This whole cycle starts from the shitty “I’m right, you’re wrong” attitude of the government, if they really gave a fuck they would take their money out of pharmas ass and put it in nutrition, maybe fortify the bread with niacin instead of niacinamide.
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Because you’re a desensitised degenerate
>fake drugs
>you expect too much from stimulants
>youre already too high all the time
>youre taking too little
>youre trying to get people to label you as adhd because you fell for the "adhd people dont feel anything" meme
i disagree. we live in a world where we try to make everyone survive, at all costs. back in the day, mental health sufferers would just drink themselves to death
I have ruled out all these points already.
Yknow at least with alcohol, you know what you’re doing, you’re gratifying yourself at the expense of future health
Meds (psychoactive) are gratification in disguise
Live well, FEEL good
not to mention the high prevelance of alcohol consumption among those with akathisia secondary to antipsychotic or SSRI (therapy)
I've been reading your posts in this thread and I'm getting a feeling that you might need some antipsychotics yourself
Been there, done enough to know 1st hand that they’re bad. It’s like being able to learn but unable to form opinions, total control
>studies show that drugging kids will keep the opioid drug industry (and cartels) well oiled
youre not understanding the pharmacodynamics of both illicit and non illicit drugs. mentla health sufferers dont gravitate towards alcohol because its "gratifying", they do it because its therapeutic. Alscohol is very gabaergic. Its not about feeling good, its about literally changing some things in your head for your health.

We dont tell "adhd" people to excersize just cause its "fun and gratifying", its because excersize gives you dopamine and adrenaline, and helps your cortisone. Its literally to change the chemicals in your head. Meds have nothing to do with "gratification". You can say theyre too extreme and hyper-targetted, but they arent just some excuse or a way to feel good.
Yeah, I’m sure the “adhd” patient will total report the attenuation of restless legs over their new found paraphilias.
why not? that's what its for
Nah, why psychiatrist aren't sorry to patients who they've prescribed haloperidol which inhibit nerve growth permanently?
do you know what would cause a drug such as amphetamine to not work on someone. Sorry if I already asked you that.
Because amphetamine doesn't make people high, it makes them work.
kek. Why do people in Europe then take illicit amphetamine when they go out? To work? Btw studies have shown people have a hard time telling if they took meth or amph
Because they're workoholics with crime as permanent occupation.
Spiraling down thy majesty,
I beg of thee,
have mercy on me

I plead of thee
have sympathy for me
I love how NOT subtle psychologists are about the true goal of their "profession".
There's no medical test for ADHD. ADHD symptoms have never been robustly associated with dopamine, adrenaline or any other type of (signal) hormone, hence there cannot be specific or targeted drug treatment.
yes, thats why i said I wouldn't disagree with that. but you also cant disagree that some specific people need some specific drugs.
Stop saying things against our excuse to do crystal meth.
any books to redpill me on psychology
but taking dopaminergic stimulants is making me not lazy - good enough for me!
So your writing was never associated with reward...

Dude, when it comes to you, I trust that.
the zyprexa papers
What about the comorbidity between people who have OCD and Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder? Both appear to be linked by deficiencies within serotonergic pathways in the brain. SSRIs (to some extent) remedy this.
have any of you psych retatrds ever answered why schizophrenics suffer from attention disorder despite overproducing dopamine, having them take stimulants would make it worse.
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Just take Rhodiola and L theanine in morning and saffron either throughout or at night
Source that schizos overproduce dopamine? Actually schizos on AP's have less dopamine than normal person, and stimulants help them focus.
then why are they at risk of psychosis when on stimulants, when i take stimulants i feel a fucking uncomfortable buzz in my head and i am not even at the extreme end of the schizo spectrum, i don't experience positive symptoms but feel like they might erupt any time soon
Well, maybe psychiaters love to diagnose something that have basis.

It seems like stimulation is not accepted by society, only if you know how stimulant psychosis looks like. Schizos has less chance to get psychosis because they are on AP's.

Also: Not being retarded, being outgoing and non-slowed down is also diagnosis that is "psychosis".
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The DA hypotheses of schizophrenia asserts there is a hyper functioning Mesolimbic DA system (d2/d3) and hypo functional pfc (d1)
You are correct that stimulants work to enhance focus, via a d1 and a2a adrenergic mechanism in the pfc but this is problematic with long term administration, like with functional d2/d3 antagonism
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Source that labeled schizophrenics have higher dopamine synthesis
Well, are they sure those aren't just symptoms from the pill. Like when I got mesolimbic system antagonized, serotonin antagonized, adrenali noradrenalin antagonized, acetylcholine antagonized.

All of above seems like you cannot expect normal brain function if you dose it that much.

Also I've red study I can't find anymore, but AP's pushed markers in the sick range more then untreated, and on the other side of untreated there was healthy.

Like litreally that pill pushed from sick to sicker.
Post article, I want to read that.
Alleviating hypo functional prefrontal cortex, should be priority, then solve hyper function, possibility is that hypofunction causes hyperfunction(one cannot control stuff once he has impaired pfc)
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Yeah they do impair brain function, cholinergic rebound, hypertension, lack of neurogenic activity, TD and, they won’t admit it but daresay worsening of psychosis are among the long term effects.
Nigral dopamine seems like gift from gods, I can write characters that are half of 5mm square, with this precise coordination I have.

Also seems like it makes me not getting parkinsons when old, but I for sure get Alzheimers.

Also, can you imagine how hard is living with HPP+ deactivating sigma permanently?

I feel like nothing can help me to get nerves growing.
We justify using stims for the nigrostriatal when it’s really for the mesolimbic
They should use modafinil instead, prn instead of every day
>better side effect profile
>not nearly as reinforcing
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Yeah, Steve Johnson’s syndrome is fun and they totally don’t compare it’s motivating effects on wiki to methylphenidate
Slightly more hepatotoxic.
supplement with silymarin and cistene
Nearly to a case armodafanil-caused. Show me some animal studies. "It's chemically related, therefore if someone shows up at the surgery and reports usage, modafinil is the cause" doesn't cut it.
What dose of Ritalin do you recommend me per day? 5mg? 2.5mg?
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Whatever it takes to get “there”
what about intuniv?
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5ht-2b, a target of intuniv regulates monoamine uptake, which makes it superior to clonidine. There haven’t been any reports released to the public regarding cardiac valvuopathy. It’s primary site, the a2a adrenergic receptor located postsynaptically in the pfc is associated with less irrelevant thoughts upon activation, though because of this action at a2a, it is reasonable to assume hypertension as a withdrawal effect (similar to xylazine/tranq)
vitamin D3 is different in supplement form
D3 has different forms in the body too
tyrosine helps with growth in babies/children
id defend selenium too if you didnt like it because i think you threw a bunch of chemicals into a list to make your point
dandelions listed
im going though now
how much does modern technology have to do with it? This shit is designed to be addictive and we are surrounded by it
I was on an IEP in high school because of poor grades in middle school. I felt like I could’ve learned more back then but I wasn’t eating well, sleeping, had some issues with family etc

I’ve always done poorly in community college and have bounced around entry level jobs since graduation.

I was making some strides earlier this year with self improvement. I was exercising regularly (push-ups/cardio) was doing a bit of Khan academy to catch up on stuff (I don’t know how to do arithmetic without a calculator) . the ketogenesis post above actually makes a lot of sense because I cut out breads and incorporated a lot of fruits + meat in my diet as well with consistent exercise/prayer. My mind felt clear/sharper than what it was. the Pomodoro technique seems like it is much better rather than my previous approach of trying to “raw-dog” modules for hours without pause.

it would take me a very long time to do the lessons so I did end up going on stimulants from my shrink

I got an entry level job at the kitchen for money and the meds helped me to become a better worker than before.
I also enrolled in a trade program and passed!

eventually the tolerance came and my mental clarity disappeared along with my body (became very skinny) in this time but since I quit that job and finished my class I’ve not been doing that well. I tried going on the generic vyvanse but I damn near lost my sanity for a few of those days.

I’m going to try and fix my mind like how I did earlier this year but eventually when I have to get a construction 9-5 should I even take these pills? (Generic Adderall)
My biggest concern is not being fast enough to finish my job duties when I’m not on them.

TL;DR: I have adhd and I see the meds having a therapeutic aspect but I wonder if there’s a different option for my problems concerning the aspect of how long it takes me to complete tasks

Construction is already an engaging job that should be stimulating enough. Stims are to help people deal with the mind torture that is modern passive schoolwork/corporate work. Your brain should be engaged with real physical work.
>Your brain should be engaged with real physical work.

almost as if some people actually have fucking adhd and arent just trying to get high to do boring/inhuman work????

ever fucking thunk it???????? fucking retard
True but I’ve always been slow with tasks and I’ve heard in construction you gotta be quick + perfect

Maybe I can view this as training to become quicker like a race/sprint ?
Completely unrelated to the current discussion about drugs but this thread is about medicine so I'll ask anyway. Is there any long term consequence to being administered an intravenous MRI contrast dye? All of you seem knowledgeable so this seems like a good place to ask.
any links??
Yes, I read about that, and my amphetamine loving friends confirm that information.
My own experience is that amphetamine makes you more social but with lack of the depth, thus they make you more normal (any allow you not to sleep at the same time, basically they make you a good goy)
Links please lmao
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Bros, I have adhd and have taken adderall in the past but have been worried about the long term effects. My days consist of me not doing any real work and being frustrated at myself for not living up to my potential. Unfortunately I am smart enough that I got through all school, undergrad, grad, etc with very little effort and zero discipline. I feel like I am wasting away. Started taking fish oil, vitamin D, NAC and daily red light therapy. I notice I feel most clear headed after the gym and in the evenings. Help me bros.
I don't know if there's consequences to health but the contrast matter can stay stuck in your brain and organs in low amounts. For quite a long time
You'll be alright. Don't stitch me. There's a reason why not. I'm loyal as loyal gets, this is my people, you are my permanent army. No trouble. Problem if stitched mentally, try not to do that. It won't cause any trouble but I had plans for that and not just pleasure.
As far as I know, the only drug he listed that provides any kind of 'euphoria' to the point of notoriously inducing addiction/dependency is phenibut.
whats even the problem? you sound accomplished. like, you went to college and now youre going to the gym. thats most that a majority of people here.

what are you trying to accomplish by "solving" your "adhd"? you have a good lifestyle, you get things done, you have a potential course for your future.

are you sure youre not just wanting to get high every day? you can do that without pretending to have a disability
See a psychiatrist for SCT/CDS and ADHD-PI. Take a DNA test and either on your own (snpedia) or through a company have it searched for your natural deffiencies.

There are many nootropics and supplements to try, and many of them will have no difference or make you feel like shit for a day.

I did research by just have just looking up SCT and ADHD-PI on the nootropics, supplements, and stackadvice subreddits, (just look up individual compounds people reccomend, try different dosages).

Many people say SCT in particular is a choline issue. Maybe try this:
"Optimize your cholinergic system by supplementing with 1g total CDP choline + phosphatidylcholine in the evening and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors like ginkgo biloba + huperzine A in the morning. Do not take Alpha GPC every day, only use it in small dosages during cognitively demanding tasks."

Just see what helps, don't expect a cure. I have personally seen small improvements from DNA Methylators (Glucosamine Chondroitin, MSM, SAM-E, etc.).

Here's one guide I found:
"optimize your cholinergic system by supplementing with 1g total CDP choline + phosphatidylcholine in the evening and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors like ginkgo biloba + huperzine A in the morning. Do not take Alpha GPC every day, only use it in small dosages during cognitively demanding tasks".

Try Glycine ~4g and load up on creatine (~25g) then just 5g creatine daily. I am not particularly familiar with but have heard Sarcosine, L-Acetyl Theanine, NAC, and Phenylpiracetam mentioned positively, but tolerance builds quick so you would have to cycle them for any long term solution. Generally vitamins and micronutrients you are lacking in might help, nothing in particular but everyone says Omega 3. If you want try an elimination diet.

Good luck.
Makes sense to me. Essentially what Adderall does is make it harder to stop doing whatever you're doing. And a lot of brain development is from doing.
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Ok now tell me about the prostate cancer and benefits of “self discovery”
psychiatry is a complete and utter hellscape scam start living outside on the streets and doing meds immediately
that he was a degenerate and he deserved to die of AIDS doesn't make his social and political arguments wrong.
You can trick your endocannabinoid system by smoking marijuana.
Well, why I can not smoke only while high on meth then?
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My psychiatrist, which I'm with for a year now, and I trust in too, is almost 100% sure that I benefit from having ADHD.
He sent me to take a test, that took most of a day, cost about 2200.- and came to the clear conclusion that I don't have it At the same time I was told that I compensate well.
How can I compensate for something I definitely don't have?
Anyways, he came to the conclusion that those guys suck and noticed also that they increased their cost by like 50%.

So here we are now. He wants to start using some of those Amphetamines on me... personally I agree, it may help, let's see.
I'm over forty, IQ about 140. I only ever underperformed because I thought "fuck this shit".

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