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Does IQ measure intelligence? Or is it fake?
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IQ tests determine your intelligence and abilities on what you are being tested on. if you took some rando "test your IQ" test online, chances are you are being tested on pattern recognition and spacial reasoning with a sprinkle of math thrown in. """general"""" Intelligence is determined by how well you absorb and apply knowledge given to you. however, this is also flawed because intelligence is fundamentally contextual. an electrical engineer isn't the person you'd ask to help you fix your car. and a mechanic isn't the guy you'd ask to have your knee looked at.
this guy is stupid

IQ tests measure general intelligence, or someones ability to operationalize information in real time. IQ is highly correlated with things like test scores generally and life outcomes. "Intelligence" as an abstract colloquial concept used in daily speech cannot be measured by any kind of test in the same way that kindness or sincerity cannot be measured by a test, and this creates confusion amongst the general population because the two terms are used interchangeably erroneously.

IQ scores above 140 provide diminishing returns, and IQ cannot be accurately measured above 160 (SD 15). 125 is the minimum required for "genius" or the ability to make breakthroughs in any domain in a decent amount of time and with a decent amount of work.
I'd like to know the answer as well. I thought it was either C or D.
bitch ass transfer learning is in ML

its based on knowledge you learn and store in long term memory

holy shit you are retarded
there are sub tests that can be measured past 160 nigger its called the old sat, old gre, and see30

see30 is a MR test that measures non verbal fluid reasoning up to 190 with cronbachs alpha of .91 which is a measure of test reliability
does old sat/gre mog cait?
for sure

cait is a proxy for FSIQ since its a wais estimator without a subtest MR

take old sat

but cait is a FSIQ test where as old sat is 4 sub tests out of FSIQ
And a fag isn't who you'd expect to give you serious answers to questions, so this post will be ignored and submitted to the janny for ban
All wrong.
D: columns don't change
its F
>getting this butthurt over being told your score on a glorified multiple choice puzzle quiz is irrelevant in the real world.
how does it feel knowing you'd get intelectually mogged by some barely literate redneck if the topic was sports trivia or automotive repair?
I haven't done any research on what the see30 is but there is no way you're not completely full of shit since 0.91 reliability in measuring IQ beyond 160 would be impossible due to the incredibly tiny sample size of subjects to study beyond the 1/30000 mark

What SAT or GRE went beyond 163 or 160? They both capped out there.
I wouldn't care because I could easily memorize a bunch of sports trivia or an automotive repair instruction manual but I have better things to do with my time. I have a friend who has 98 IQ (confirmed by the OSP-FSIQ) and he once had a compendium of aircraft facts memorized because he studied to be a pilot. I felt nothing even close to narcissistic injury upon learning this because I knew extensive training on a single task was no sign of general intelligence.
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IQ 180+ here. (Don't even bother to ask for a proof)
Let me deboonk the most common midwit misconceptions about IQ.

>but intelligence is multifaceted
IQ tests numerical and symbolic pattern recognition, verbal comprehension, short term memory, spatial visualization and logical reasoning. Wanna add something? Then present a rigorous test and justify why it should be included in the definition of intelligence.
>but what about emotional intelligence, social intelligence, twerking skills, number of followers on tiktok/onlyfans
Sorry sweaty, we're measuring intelligence here, not your ability to copy NPC behaviour.
>why didn't you win a Nobel prize/Fields medal? IQ means nothing when you're a loser
Intelligence comes with no obligation to contribute anything to the industrial-technological system. Acadummic success is mainly determined by obedience and social networking. A shitload of midwits (and in social "sciences" even actual brainlets) have a PhD nowadays.
>but what is your IQ good for then?
IQ enables you to quickly learn, understand, connect and creatively play with abstract concepts and to analyze, question and improve theories. Unlike a midwit whose highest achievement is superficially regurgitating what he's told.
>but IQ is racist
No, IQ is a factual statement. It doesn't tell you morally how to treat others.
>if you're so smart why aren't you rich?
Because I wasn't born rich and our economy wants obedient workers, not smart workers. You don't get rich by being smart, you get rich by being popular and sociopathic.
>if you're so smart why don't you get laid?
Attractiveness is determined by looks and status. Women are generally anti-intellectual and think of an intelligent man as a nerd in the negative sense, unless he's a gigachad. I say this as a married man btw.
>isn't this just cope?
The only ones coping here are the IQ denialists. If they didn't need to cope they'd just accept that there are people who are rightfully proud of scoring high on the IQ test
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>180+ iq
>Sorry sweaty

stopped reading there
I mean everything you said was true except the stuff about being rich. You could just turn to cybercrime easily with an IQ of 180 and make millions without getting your hands dirty. That's cope man.
High IQ comes with high morality. I could never become a criminal. I am incapable of lying.
This is what I was talking about when I said IQ above 140 comes with diminishing returns.
>IQ 180+ here. (Don't even bother to ask for a proof)
>still posts frogs
Midwit LARPING as a "genius" confirmed
kek, it's kino!
An extract of me or this situation such as my amputated nipple, seems in order, but it was one of those complex things at a later time probably thought much earlier.
You are coping

Job performance is g loaded at .55 nigger

And the Wonderlic collects data and publishes it you can watch Jordan Petersons video

Wonderlic is a proxy for FSIQ
Not for physics and math nigger
You are fucking stupid

If you knew Iq you’d know the Gk items are culturally bias not deterministic of how racist someone will be

The implied argument for Iq tests being racist is that blacks and whites and Asians will score differently when they don’t given same background and upbringing

> t. 100 FSIQ neet
Richard Feynman having a 125 FSIQ (don't bother telling me his quantitative reasoning was in the 99.97th percentile) proves you wrong pal
Rednecks also take out loans for trucks that’s more than their mortgage nigger

Not to take you literally but literally kek
He had autism nigger his verbal was lower than PRI

Every midwit appeals to him when Iq comes up and you don’t know how cognitive profiles work
What discoveries did Feynman make nigger name 1
You're just equivocally repeating back what I just said and acting like it was a counterpoint. His full spectrum IQ was 125 and nothing you say is gonna change that.
>inb4 you reply to me again about how his scores on quantitative reasoning tests were astronomically higher
Feynman diagrams and his QED work comes to mind
Norms are on Reddit nigger
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> trivia
Old gre has a ceiling of 172

In all fairness the gre isn’t a fsiq test nigger
Hack smart contracts kek

But only shitcoins not stable coins
Average noble laureate is 145 FSIQ

Don’t appeal to some physicist that just explained shit
Did I say that the "average" IQ for genius was 125? Go back to indian twitter or whatever shithole you came from you ESL namefag
>remaking and formalizing QED is just "explaining shit"
It’s an outlier faggot

If you don’t believe in Iq just say it
>My friend is studying to be a pilot, but he's the brainlet cause i scored higher on an online quiz than him.
you realize your friend is doing better things than you as we speak. not to mention studying sports facts and an autmotive manual isn't going to catch up to a live time of watching football and working on cars, dude. get real.
>jobs require a certain IQ
last i checked, jobs require certificates / degrees and experience in the specific field (all contextual). a biology degree and three years working at a clinic mean nothing to a company hiring structural engineers. try getting a job at Cern with your Mensa membership card, and see what they say.
high IQ theoretical math majors take out student loans with aggressive interest rates that compound into multiple mortgages. then seeth when the only job they can get is at the same university they studied at, making just enough to pay the interest.
>you realize your friend is doing better things than you as we speak
i make waaaaaay more money than him and work in a more important field than him bud, probably cause I've got 48 IQ points on him

you harping on "contextual" intelligence is nonsensical and is a literal asspull with no basis in reality. The speed with which you can learn in any context and the degree of achievement possible is heavily determined by IQ because, as stated earlier, IQ is a measure of general intelligence which is your ability to operationalize information, therefore in any context the person with the highest IQ (controlling for work ethic) will be the person with the greatest level of "contextual intelligence" amongst others in his field.
>theoretical math majors
please direct me to the theoretical math majors my nigga
so what do you do?
i make sure that plane he flies doesn't fall out of the sky because of some gook cyberattack pal
Holy shit you are stupid

The average iq incrementally goes up from simple to complex tasks like ravens matrices which is a proxy for g and elementary school is g loaded at .77 with Gv so you’re wrong as shit

And why does Iq follow a normal distribution curve? It measures rarity nigger
You are fucking stupid physics grads want to contribute to science and figure out if god exists

If you want to make money go to a tier 1 school (while being 145+ FSIQ otherwise impossible if <140 there’s some variance no shit for discipline) get a PhD in physics then go to 2 sigma or rentec if you’re exceptionally gifted (155+)
"To which degree?"
Can you please do me a favor and add this to your logic/vocabulary?

t. someone with 135 IQ. Yes, it maps onto intelligence to a more than adequate degree.
You get it

These liberal faggots don’t

t. > 100 FSIQ anti memer
IQ tests are very culture specific. They measure what we think as "smart". In western cultures it's usually logic puzzles, word puzzles / vocabulary, memory and how good you are at arithmetic (and maybe some combinatorics).
If you agree that this constitutes the broad definition of intelligence than yes it does measure that. It does not measure quick thinking in survival situations, problem solving, methodology, etc that might be more valued in other cultures. It also has massive overlap with education (about 20-40%) and how prepared you are + stress (5%).
And if you wanna reach on the realm of genetics, all I'll say is that the skills tested are very compound in the way of what cognitive function there is, so thousands of genes are probably at play for each type of test.
The wais is made in many languages nigga the Gk items are normed accordingly
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Intelligence is something most of these pseuds on this board (one of the worst boards on 4chan) think they have and yet still come up with 50/50.
if its just randomly picking a ball from box one wouldn't it be a 1/3 chance?
Gooks aren’t that smart

That’s some Russian shit
1.1% chance?

Keep in mind my FSIQ is 100
Nvm I divided the probability Kek
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>IQ enables you to quickly learn, understand, connect and creatively play with abstract concepts and to analyze, question and improve theories. Unlike a midwit whose highest achievement is superficially regurgitating what he's told.
I'm very happy you put this thought into words. As a child I tested over 130 in order to be accepted into gifted programs (wish I knew the actual number but whatever).
In my free time for the last decade I've studied a couple of fields of medicine and the theories I've synthesized from the mountains of information I've sought out align serendipitously with a few textbook authors (all practicing physicians) I've stumbled across. We've come to the same exact conclusions independently so must have found something worth pursuing.
When I attempt to have intelligent conversations in medical contexts (with doctors treating me) their eyes glaze over like the infamous fluoride stare and the responses I receive remind me of the beginning of Brave New World.
>What is a mitochondria?
>(reflexively repeats the phonemes) the-mitochondria-is-the-powerhouse-of-the-cell
>Explain in your own words how a mitochondria functions.
>I DON'T KNOW!!! *crying*
Their words are mere rote memorization, the equivalent of playing back a cassette tape, talking to an animatronic. They are glaringly obviously devoid of curiosity or the urge to seek out more knowledge than their classes passively crammed into them. Any deviation from the dichotomous keys implanted in their brains results in syntax error. They cannot produce an independent thought on any topic. Any attempt to introduce contradictory facts or evidence is simply ignored out of discomfort. Any attempt to prove a mistake has been made becomes a sharp slight to their ego and percieved intellectual authority. They are animals. They are below my intellectual level. I don't even mean that in an arrogant way. It is an observation. Somehow legions of midwits slip past increasingly low test standards.
130 is midwit show something you know
We've actually been talking in another thread...
I am an autodidact in the fields of neurology and psychiatry
The specific nosology I've developed is mirrored by that of other neurologists in their publications
I can type it out if you like, I've got it memorized by now with all the thousands of edits and tweaks I've made to it over the years
Mainstream psychiatry is a joke and my theories are indisputably superior
Are we making up definitions now or is this /biz/ where $500k is poorfag tier?
thats a pretty shit plane if its vulnerable to a remote exploit like that, shouldn't the stuff that keeps it running properly be airgapped?
plz dont kill my mom :(
Cybersecurity is more complicated than that, pal. Even an airgapped system could potentially be vulnerable to a multitude of attacks introduced somewhere along its development cycle or in the supply chain.
Also, you'd think they'd be airgapped, right? Yep. They're all totally airgapped and impenetrable.
You don't come out of this position without becoming tolerant to pain and immune to fear. Fag. Now eat my fart juice.
First answer to OP got deleted by jannies/mods:


>Inclusive scientist here. IQ tests are totally flawed, illegitimate, and debunked, with one exception: they're sound, legitimate, and well established when doing COVID studies, where there's a need to write alarmist headlines about drops in IQ scores:


This is the inconvenient fact that makes the IQ denialists seethe and go on reporting/deleting sprees. Never forget that.
lmao you sound like you’re making all of this shit up and in reality you probably are a neet who can’t code and doesn’t know how tcp ip works
Shiee cuh my bad
More like 80 IQ
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>Does IQ measure intelligence?
Did any of the worlds great artists get their IQ tested? Why are IQ only published for scientists?
Not trying to bait, I'm curious about it. There seems to be correlation between science and intelligence, yet there doesn't seem to be any data supporting "genius IQ" for artists.
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Me think IQ is psyop personally
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Wanna fart on me?
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Its not going to be very big
IQ tests measure general intelligence (g factor in psychometrics) which correlates heavily with your ability to conduct abstract reasoning and apply knowledge to solve novel problems. Essentially if you're better than average at solving one set of novel problems, you're likely to be better than average at solving every set of novel problems

"Intelligence" is a nebulous term and is fundamentally contextual and unmeasurable
You didn't even see it *surprise coming*
>you didn't even see it
I'm blind you inconsiderate fuck
>memorize a bunch of sports trivia or an automotive repair instruction manual
You can't test for creativity, even in the sciences. The man with the highest IQ ever recorded did nothing but learn a shit ton of languages but he didn't develop anything. No new inventions, no new ideas, fucking nothing.

Generally creative people are pretty smart but I doubt they have super high IQs.
IQ is a talent. Some like to stress 'genetics' in the talent discussion.

IQ is a learnable skill. Although you may read some cases claiming that IQ and it's testing is impossible to learn, improve, prepare for, etc... You absolutely can prep and 'learn' the testing.

IQ has an aspect of 'wisdom'.
Teachable, learnable. In some fundamental mentioned in this post, also in the application of IQ to decisively capitalize on value.
Tell me about it fag for I am blind. I only experienced the image of the interlocuter, what do you see in 2, 3.
I know you miss I in IQ in 2.
The Government versions will be powerful, 1. That's all I'm saying...
You misunderstand 3 too. They're all equally as good, fact.
Iq uq we all Q
Fuck u
shut up nigger you dont know anything about IQ

to "learn" IQ youd need to praffe the entire test which is impossible even if you own the test only psychologists can own it or its illegal
I reckon Jaz, has got IQ
thats obamas fault nigger

a literal nigger made student loan debt bubble happen

they have no choice how else are they going to commit to academia?

are you some 160 FSIQ autodidact? i think you are just a midwit coping that you didnt get into the phd program you wanted like a retarded nigger

nuff said
if a math major goes to a tier 1 school with a 145 FSIQ then they can work at a top shop easily just memeing the interview with prob questions you dont know jack shit

the average math major phd is 128 QR (quantitative reasoning) which is fluid theyre smart enough to know what theyre doing with their loans

most math majors transfer to some actuary field like ML, quant, or swe

also a redneck is prob low average iq welding like a retard with a house mortage and a 3000 car payment and shit credit
Fuck no lol

They test visual 2D geometry pattern recognition, vocabulary knowledge in english a language that doesnt even have a standard dictionary, and short term memory

Its complete garbage not one question tests intelligence
I define intelligence as general problemsolving and logical ability btw
>All wrong.
>its F

>D: columns don't change

And this is another reason why IQ tests are garbage. Theyre just extremely poorly made.

Case and point, this anon >>16364171 found a pattern, that absolutely checks out, his logic is sound and the answer would be D.

But APPARENTLY, the person who designed the test had ANOTHER pattern in mind. That person was too stupid to make a test that only contained a single valid pattern/answer. Same problem with number sequences. You can find a math algorithm that all the numbers given follow, but oh no, you were supposed to find a different algorithm that all numbers also follow. Total incompetence by the people making the tests. Several factually correct reasonings and logics exist, but only the one the person making the test had in mind counts as correct. If you found another logic first youre just out of luck. Garbage tests.

And dont get me started about how 1/3d of the points in IQ tests are a vocabulary tests which measures knowledge not intelligence.... but even worse its done in english, even though there exists no standard agreement on what is or isnt a word in english, different english dictionaries disagree on what is or isnt a word. And yet they give you weird rare or made up words and ask you if its an english word or not, and SOMEHOW thats supposed to measure intelligence. Complete joke.
Have fun trying to design a test where unequal races will score equally
130 IQ is genuinely retard tier stop coping
I dont see anyone below 160 as even human
t. 189
then why does it respect the normal distribution when normed
iq tests arent poorly made you are just blinded by your own kek
I think I got this one.
In grid 1 (top left one), there isn’t one black square. It’s actually two. Then in the second grid, we “push” one square by two places to the right, and the other one to the right only by two places. If a square reaches the end of a row, it moves to the one below it, and if it’s the last row, it moves back to the first row (sort of cyclic). So based on this algorithm I think it’s D.
Correction: replace second two by one
Also verified by second series
If every box has at least 1 ball then the chance of me picking a ball out of box 1 is 100%?
what HRT did you take larp?
just test PRI retard it has a linear g loading on the wais and its culture fair

gk isnt a big deal about crystalized knowledge
you are one stupid mother fucker anon

if they have the same upbringing then theyll score the same thats why the g loading is the same across all samples
He's a 180 IQ, who are to you to doubt his spelling?
He can learn things we can only dream of.
>but even worse its done in english, even though there exists no standard agreement on what is or isnt a word in english, different english dictionaries disagree on what is or isnt a word
This is an attempt to measure your crystallized intelligence by proxy. Also your complaint about matrix reasoning tests is valid and that's why gold standard IQ tests like the WAIS don't rely on them as much and attempt to directly measure things like spatial reasoning, math, verbal reasoning, and memory by interrogating those abilities directly with tasks like rotating shapes, solving math problems mentally, solving word puzzles, and having you rapidly memorize things during the test. IQ tests like the Wonderlic or RAIT merely measure IQ by proxy (this is also why different IQ tests do not correlate to one another with 100% accuracy. Different tests WILL give you different scores, sometimes radically so)

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