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I’ve been extremely fatigued for about 3 weeks, often napping on average 3 hours a day. It’s very difficult to focus and this has effectively put a halt on my own Bible study.
I got a blood test and it turns out I have a vitamin B12 deficiency despite eating meat 4 times a week so there must be something depleting my levels.
Can anyone relate and how did you fix it if you did?
Had this, I eat a lot of meat, eat lean and healthy. I was even tired in my dreams, had kaleidoscopes in my peripheries when waking. Took over the counter pills for 1 month and blood work came back improved. I’d see your gp.
Eat liver and take a b12 supplement
Fellow Aussie.
I was(and still am) under chronic and faced same issues.
I had b12 and iron deficiency along with poorly functioning kidney and liver which was caused due to protein deficiency in my diet. Taking multivitamin supplements with whey protein and working out fixed it all. It still costs around 20 usd per month for all supplements and my workout plan is just making sure that my heart rate stays around 140 bpm for 15-20 mins every alternate day. Though I still wasn't able to sleep for long duration initially after I started taking supplements, cutting off coffee did the trick. The important thing that I noticed is that maintaining consistency everyday does wonders as it'll adjust body's circadian rhythm accordingly. It took me over a month to feel good with no fatigue till bed time.
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You may be a poor methylator and would then need to supplement with methyl-B12 and methyl-folate
>Bible study
Maybe try not being a weak minded cattle faggot. And you'll finally feel like a man full of energy and drive.

You're basically castrating yourself mentally with that judeoshit. Turn the other cheek faggot and become a tranny already, that's what your Judean masters teach in the Bible anyway.
What holy texts do you read, internet tough guy?
Is there a blood test for this?
Are you vegan/vegetarian? for Vitamin B12 it's easy just to supplement it either with injections or orally.as far as things actively depleting it, most likely candidates are a parasite (if you eat fish) or potentially problems with either acid or maybe even an immune mediated problem. Either way take as much B12 as you can get and don't worry about overdosing.
do you take proton pump inhibitors?
He need sum milk
NTA, no text is holy, but if you're in the market for fiction there are better written and more interesting low-fantasy stories than the bible. And yes, the bible is low-fantasy
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You can do a homocysteine test. Those vitamins are rate-limiting for its conversion (see above diagram) and it needs to be cleared quickly from blood because it's somewhat toxic.
so its MTHFR real?

fuck me sideways
>B12 Deficiency
In case you are not addicted to laughing gas get tested for the following:
-Gluten intolerance and celiac disease
-Intestinal parasitosis
-Also test your living space for mold
-And if you are at risk, get tested for HIV

Your doctor may simply try to get rid of you by prescribing vitamins.
Although helpful, that is not enough.
You must find the cause of your deficiency and fix it, or the problem could become worse.

I assume OP has gone many years without issue, so I find this unlikely, but it may be the case.
OP, have you ever had problems like this one before?
Forgot to ask: would lithium and paliperidone cause this?
I’m not vegetarian as I said in the OP.
Don’t know what that is.
What’s MTHFR?
> -Gluten intolerance and celiac disease
I can eat a lot of bread, but sometimes when I have a whole pizza I get diarrhea.
> -Intestinal parasitosis
I haven’t seen any worms in my poo, yet there’d be no harm in taking a chocolate worming tablet.
> -Also test your living space for mould
I don’t think living space has mould. Moreover, I use to sleep in a moludy room and it just made me stronger.
>-And if you are at risk, get tested for HIV
I’m not at risk.
> OP, have you ever had problems like this one before?
No, never.
OP, if everything else is clean you should test for pernicious anemia. Kinda rare, but might be it.
Meat doesn't contain much B12 anymore, mainly because our soil sucks.
There's a joke among vegans: How do you detect the meat eater among a room full of vegans? By his B12 deficiency.
I've seen several studies showing this. Take your B12, bros.
My mum has an iron deficiency and takes iron infusions, but that could be because of the vaccine.
>I can eat a lot of bread, but sometimes when I have a whole pizza I get diarrhea.
Some people do not realize they have celiac disease or NCGS until their disease is advanced enough.
Please get tested and perhaps read up on celiac disease to understand exactly what it is.
It's extremely common with a frequency of about ~1/100, (but it could be as low as 1/25, we don't know).
It's difficult to diagnose and it's best if you go to a specialist.
Mind you, there is a lack of awareness about it in healthcare and many people aren't diagnosed, or diagnosed far too late.
If you do have it and you continue to eat gluten, you will slowly destroy your health over time.
>I haven’t seen any worms in my poo, yet there’d be no harm in taking a chocolate worming tablet.
You wouldn't see anything in your stool. Many worms disolve when they die and become very hard to sport, in addition very few exit the gut, their eggs usually do, though.
If it was microbial it would be impossible to spot.
>I don’t think living space has mould. Moreover, I use to sleep in a moludy room and it just made me stronger.
Toxic mold is extremely damaging to your health, more so than you might realize.
There is no becoming stronger from exposure.
Anon, what are you talking about?
First of all farm owners supplement animal diets for optimal health - this includes feeding them B12 if necessary, but foods like liver contain something like 3000% your daily requirement of B12 in just one small serving.
Telling meat eaters that they have to supplement B12 is pure cope.
Some bacterial infections can inhibit B12 absorption. Also anything that causes chronic bleeding can cause B12 deficiency too, but I'd assume you'd notice if you were leaking.
People get their vitamins and sheit checked? I dont think thats normal
>Coeliac Disease
My mum was tested. She said it’s hereditary, so I likely don’t have it.
Do you really need a specialist to test it? Can’t a general practitioner/ family doctor do it?
I’ll take Vermox just in case.
I have an unusually high tolerance to low oxygen environments. Maybe living with mould did it. Maybe something else.
>My mum was tested. She said it’s hereditary, so I likely don’t have it.
>Do you really need a specialist to test it? Can’t a general practitioner/ family doctor do it?
You can still have it even if your family does not know of any cases.
A general practitioner can do some of the tests, but do remember that the disease is hard to diagnose, with various presentations and a lack of awareness about it in medicine.
That's why approximately 80% of cases are never diagnosed and why many are only diagnosed after years of mysterious symptoms.
Maybe have yourself refered to a gastroenterologist.
>I’ll take Vermox just in case.
Please do actually discuss it with your doctor before self-medicating.
d3 defficiency caused it for me
Instead of overthinking this like everyone else it's most, as in 99+%, likely you got sick with something and it will pass, or has already and you're in a psychosomatic phase from anxiety.
What kinds of meat do you typically eat?
Anything other than grass fed beef is probably B12 deficient too.
I hope it’s not too much of a process to get tested.
You don’t need a prescription for worming tablets in Australia. Vermox is a brand name.
What diseases would only have the symptoms of fatigue and nothing else?
Ground beef
research gut biome. you may be lacking B12 producing strains
Gut bacteria do not produce any significant quantities of B12.
If you do not eat B12, you won't get any.
You have 2 choices for this:
1. Meat
2. Supplements
That's it.
Any animals that lack B12 due to their diets are supplemented. This is standard practice.
Most of the world's B12 supplements are fed to livestock.
Biome? Like in Minecraft?
vit b complex is good.
leaf actually
Is that why they’re pushing kids to eat cereal they’ve enriched with folate?
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Nutritional yeast is supplemented with b12 and it's tasty, i use it as a seasoning on a lot of stuff.
>stop eating grains
>stop eating vegetable oils (yes even olive oil)
>stop consuming all drugs (duh) especially alcohol and caffeine
>stop waking up with an alarm
>only eat animal foods
>stop exercising
Olives are fruit
B12 is a drug
Likely a result of malabsorption; most commonly this is due to Crohn's Disease or Pernicious Anaemia.

Consider seeing a doctor to get yourself screened for common aetiologies of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Changing your diet will have no effect on your vitamin B12 levels if this is the case.
> Crohn's Disease
But I’m not Jewish!
in the exact same boat, it's the only deficiency found on my blood test despite also eating meat pretty much every day. my doctor recommended methyl-b12 and I do feel a bit more energy after taking it daily, haven't retried the blood test though
How long have you been on them?
>stop exercising
goatis is skinny fat
you don't hunt, you don't chop wood, you don't carry anything
at least do some fucking calisthenics, get a hobby, SOMETHING
Just take an OTC sublingual supplement, a few drops under the tongue is all it takes. There are several possibilities as to why you became B-12 deficient but you need to correct this immediately and worry about that later. Since absorbtion issues occur in the gut the sublingual route bypasses this. After three months of using the supplement my serum levels went from very low ~112ng/l to off the high end scale >2000ng/l so my Dr. said to cut back from 5000mcg to 2000mcg and less often. The tingles in my hands and feet as well as the joint pain and brain fog are gone and I have more energy overall. I recommend doing the same for vitamin D.
What is a goatis?
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A Swedish guy with controversial views about nutrition: https://www.youtube.com/@GoatisReviews/videos
Granted some things he says are true, but he will also tell you retarded garbage, like that exercising is for slaves and that it kills you.
He used to exercise and had a good amount of muscle, but he stopped and now he is becoming skinny fat. Pic rel.
A long time ago I think he was an emo, then a vegan and he almost died from trying to live from the sun and air. But I am not sure.
I thought goatis was some kind of typo.

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