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Virginijus Šikšnys is a Lithuanian biochemist and a professor at Vilnius University. He is a chief scientist at the Vilnius University Institute of Biotechnology.
He developed gene editing method a month before Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier on the bottom, but unlike them Virginijus Šikšnys didn't get nobel Prize for his work.
Because these women had more tight connections with academic sphere and their work was not even reviewed but Šikšnys's work was rejected for no reason

>Since 2007 Šikšnys focused on mechanistic studies of CRISPR-Cas, the newly discovered bacterial antiviral systems, and was among the first to demonstrate programmable DNA cleavage by the Cas9 protein.
>According to Šikšnys, his article was not even considered as serious by the editor board of the academic journal and was not sent to the reviewers, therefore the time needed to be recognized as first was lost.
>Martin Schlak reported that Šikšnys submitted his article describing DNA cleavage by Cas9 to Cell Reports on 18 April 2012. After its rejection without peer review, he sent it to PNAS one month later, and it took several months for review and publication. In the meantime, Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier had published their findings in Science where their findings were reviewed and accepted within two weeks.
Also after some time there was a report that shared some money from nobel prize, It looks like he was paid to keep quiet
Are you a lithuanian by any chance?
The Japanese guy who discovered the CRISPR mechanism in bacteria in the first place also didn't get any recognition.
Honestly, who cares? This is all just soft sciences nonsense. Give the discovery credit to the women, it's Biology nobody cares.
>soft sciences
Well, he did a good job but that was ordinary
Why should he be?
Yeah really?
Who is Michael and why do I care about his biology
Why the fuck do all these boomer women shitlib bourgeois academic types always wear these scarves? They all wear these lightweight neckscarves. It's like how they signal to other woke elites and intellectuals that they're not uneducated, anti-science proletarian subhumans. It's like the analog of club belts for boomer women, so you can signal to your peers and flex on the chuds with you sophisticated, bourgeois sense of style.
Imagine calling your son "Virginijus"
Over from the starte
Did he at least publish a preprint somewhere first?
Look at him, his name is literally virgin and he was bullied by two women. You think he would care about it?
>Did he at least publish a preprint somewhere first?
That fact that his paper was submitted first is not in dispute.
The funny part is that the peer-reviewer at the journal where he sent it happened to be too stupid to understand the paper, so it was rejected. He submitted it as it was to another journal with someone less retarded, but by then it was too late, of course.
So his groundbreaking paper lost because of a peer referee who was probably only on staff to check a quota box.
>wut how do all these jews have so many contributions
None of them are Jewish though
>ground breaking work
Look, I'm team virgin as much as the next guy, mainly because I worked at the same department under the guy. but quantifying a few CAS proteins isint as significant as describing the higgs field or finding out what DNA does. Everyone and their grandmas dog was working on CAS proteins at the time, not to discredit the work, because it was superb and the whole team was and is very competent (and its basically one of the two departments that carry the whole institute) but god damn dude, touch some fucking grass and take some lithium salts.

Are the nobels political, yes they are, did the cunts deserve a nobel, maybe kinda, they did groundbreaking work as well, point is everything in life is shit, except piss, the department burns through honors students by working them to the bone like toilet paper during cholera for example.

Suck it up nigger, also if you are spamming Virginijus, get some psychological help before you go for the high score in LSC.
niekada nesulaukiame pripazinimo kurio esame nusipelne..
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>I don't want to discredit his work and I'm on his team
>Cunts deserve nobel and his work isn't as significant
Evil love style
Seems like op cares more about women part than the Lithuanian part
Everyone believes you.
>the peer-reviewer at the journal where he sent it happened to be too stupid to understand the paper, so it was rejected. He submitted it as it was to another journal with someone less retarded, but by then it was too late, of course.
of course i need you to submit the paper that explains why or how the first reviewers were indeed retarded just to be clear
you are right, that's not soft science but outright gooey.
You dont have any clue about what are you talking about
Jeet detected
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from the thumbnail i thought that was the jeopardy tranny
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>everything in life is shit, except piss
Pure wisdom.
Can i get pussy?
Jewish award, who cares. Jew Kissinger was given nobel peace prize after genociding 3 million men women and children
Yes, that is what academic snobbism is - you can do top-tier work, be first to make the actual discovery and still be overlooked while publishing just because you are from a 3rd tier institution while someone from a high-tier institution can get into a prestigious journal with almost immediately.
Yes, he was snubbed for the Nobel.
No, it is not fair.
Yes, we just have to accept it, as there is no fighting the system and all of its biases that is orders of magnitude more powerful than any individual or even an institution. For everyone who was awarder there are 10 people whose work was just as groundbreaking but they received no recognition due to snobbism and politics.
Yes, I am Lithuanian.
No, I did not work with this guy nor do I know him personally.
You may continue to be mad
*Scandinavian, nordic
can you link what you are quoting?
It's probably his wiki page
Fuck women
Do you wanna kys,
>Virginijus Šikšnys didn't get nobel Prize for his work.
>Because these women had more tight connections with academic sphere

Jews use their connections to nominate and reward their own tribe too. It's why they're so overrepresented among Nobel winners.
Women being women
He is white but kind of swarthy and not chad looking, of course society at large will ignore such a man.
he's a scientist, what do you expect him to look like?
In what world he is considered swarthy? He looks deadpale
Like gay faggot
Indian retard
I believe you. However, what he or you or the woman did wasn't very impressive. I can only imagine leading as easy of lives as all of you have had it and can't relate one bit to your world.
>worthy of a Nobel
>wasn't very impressive
pick one
>programmable DNA cleavage by the Cas9 protein.
Not that impressive. An upper midwit can achieve this provided he has a nice stable job, can eat without worrying about breaking the bank, no major expenses, and having resources and bitchboy helpers like you helps considerably. Time, money, no stress, doing something your interested in, you can achieve a lot. He has it easy.
Imagine how easier it was for women considering the level of their bitchboys in prestigious western facilities whose bitchboy's effort they equalated to girl power
I would like to see you do anything of that scale by yourself. Given by how you speak, I think you are probably some armchair "specialist"
Women moments of history
They should be beaten
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They are old, fat and have double chins and weird wart ridden saggy wrinkled turkey necks to hide.
Yet you have no real defense or counter to the criticism. 'I would like you see you try' is something that low IQ blue collar people would levy (which would have been a more fitting station for you in life). The other, is simply tone policing that you have learned from the prissy scarf women. The only thing you managed to demonstrate with this outburst is that you are not as intelligent as I am. To address it, I lack the background, the time, and the money. If I had sufficient capital, where I would no longer need to work, and was paid, I would call your bluff and within two years would surpass the professor and his malcontents.
>did the cunts deserve a nobel, maybe kinda
What happened to "quantifying a few CAS proteins isint as significant " and why did you ignore it as soon as you had a couple of cunts to appeal to?
>'I would like you see you try' is something that low IQ blue collar people would levy
Only against other even lower IQ blue collar people who say even stupider shit like "Its pretty easy to revolutionize science if you just get a nice stable job, so you don't have to worry about money".
Completely agree.
Not to mention a top-notch lab with all the infrastructure in place along with research assistants who are motivated to help me and are highly qualified in a specialized sub-field.
Yeah, given all that, making substantial contributions to any field is pretty easy.
I guess that is why all those MIT, Stanford and Cambridge PIs leading research groups make these contributions in the first place - not because they are inherently more knowledgeable or skilled (which they MIGHT be), but simply because they are given ALL the means to do so
>I can do anything, just don't have the means
Therefore this dude's contribution is amazing. He did all of it without resources these women have, and made it before them
yes, and he got snubbed for the Nobel for all his hard work, just because he was not from a prestigious institution, even though he was first to make the discovery
when the current establishment falls, his name will be remembered
I doubt that will happen in our lifetime, if ever

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