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If you believe mathematical singularities(math error) are real physical objects that float around in space you belong in a mental asylum.
good bait, enjoy your 150 post thread full of shitflinging and stembabby retardation
Anyone with half a brain cell knows that infinity is not real.
and the schwarzschild radius works because?
and what about penroses proof that it takes a singularity to produce such properties?
and what about big bang if singularities arent real?
If black holes exist due to a singularity point with zero volume but infinite density, why are some black holes bigger than others. Are their zero-volume infinitely dense singularities bigger or something?
>If black holes exist due to a singularity point with zero volume but infinite density, why are some black holes bigger than others. Are their zero-volume infinitely dense singularities bigger or something?
the formation is not based on the singularity itself but on the exceeding of a critical density in neutron stars.
heisenberg counteracts the compression (by reducing the distances between the neutrons, their location is described more precisely, which increases their momentum), but at a particularly high gravity, gravity wins and a black hole is created.
the impression of size is created by schwarzschild radius (event horizon).
>stembabby retardation
/his/ is even worse than this place, and /lit/ isn't that much better
>and what about big bang if singularities arent real?
this one I think would still be valid. The initial size of the universe wasn't a singularity but has been estimated to be somewhere between a the size of a single atom to about 2m diameter
I thought according to inflation theory, it was a quantum fluctuation that has been inflated.
that would be smaller.
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There's a study from 2016 which proves the wavefunction is ontologically real.

And not only is it ""real"", it's also ontologically superior to gross-mattered reality, which can be seamlessly and scientifically proven.

There are no particles. Standing waves are the scaffolding/display screen of physical reality, and active information/conscious energy being explicated from the nondual implicate order is the projection beam.

These are the "shadows" dancing around Plato's cave.

The metaphysical frame rate of this projection (or resolution of the holoplenum display, if you will) is precisely one planck length, and each holosphere lies enfolded at the center of quantum black holes located at the center of everything, everywhere, arranged in a tetrahedral configurations. This is Indra's Web, the Flower Of Life, the akashic field, and so on.

This is also why the water molecule is tetrahedral in nature, it's an antenna (and giving form to an antenna is what makes it able to receive the broadcast in the first place).

Everything is EM. Everying is One. This shit's all sacred and stuff, yo
I like the idea of fuzzballs
>And not only is it ""real"", it's also ontologically superior to gross-mattered reality
This is the final stage of modern physics

Completely going to the schizo side and becoming so enamored with your own made up theories you begin to deny reality itself whenever and wherever it clashes with your made up models

They already reached that scale, right now fundamental (theoretical, schizo) physicists are having debates and publishing papers against "reality" "local realism" and "causality", why? Because it clashes with their theories.

>my equations create a division by 0 which create infinite density.
>could my equations be wrong?
>no, singularities must be real, logical paradoxes are a fact of life, in fact its logic itself that is wrong not einstein!

Fun exercise: try to explain anything a blackhole does while assuming all its mass is at a singularity at the center and assuming all of einstein’s equations are in use
I found 19 paradoxes and impossibilities while trying to do that its a fun exercise
To truly get a scope of how nonsensical einstein’s math is, remember what the distortion metric for the space time BEYOND the event horizon is.... and remember that your magical singularity is supposed to be in there.
Yeah eisntein’s equations dont exactly "work", rather every single nominative statement breaks down into math errors when using einstein’s equtions near black holes. But theyre still totally valid. Totally. Shirley.
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Really now?
Can you describe to me the value of the curvature of space within the event horizon using einstein’s math?
Wrong, math error

There is no curvature beyond the event horizon because the slope is vertical at the event horizon

There cannot be a point beyond it as there is no horizontal componnent
This is why all depictions of black holes stretching space time are sliced at the bottom. According to general relativity black holes are physical tears in space, spheroids where there exists no spacetime, and yet somehow a singularity at the center of that

General relativity cannot describe anything beyond the event horizon if a black hole. It breaks down into math-vomit
sorry chud but infinities arent real because they cannot be proven to exist
any statement that is unprovable is automatically false because it is nonsense
>Are their zero-volume infinitely dense singularities bigger or something?

Their density goes to infinity and beyond.
I don't believe black holes exist outside of being a speculative concept made up by physicists.
Electrons have nonphysical angular momentum too, it just gets packed into spin
>This is also why the water molecule is tetrahedral in nature, it's an antenna (and giving form to an antenna is what makes it able to receive the broadcast in the first place).

really love how when you actually think about it, you could model particles as their own antennae. doesn't change the fact that you're a retard, but never thought about that before so good job i guess
>And what about sneed’s theorem? Give me five billion dollars to come up with more gibberish
>what is a kerr black hole?
This is a solved problem, retards
Darwin was right though
If normies were smart enough to know how stupid all you retards really are they'd strap you to wooden chairs and throw you in the river as witches, rightfully so as well. A bunch of dumb ass faggot witches screeching about imaginary bullshit in some imaginary land no one will ever visit or photograph. No no I don't want to see the bull shit fuzzy fake photo you generated from bullshit sound waves. 30 days of data for a smear of pixels you forced a program into making is not "proof of black holes"

Black holes are all bullshit and even the physicists who study and profit off them are starting to admit it. They've paid off their houses and are at the end of their lives, no need to keep lying.

Big bang never happened and you faggots are all retards to the core, heartfelt.
cool story, /pol/.
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Black hole isn't a singularity, its just a mass with escape velocity greater than light speed..
Singularities have infinite density creating an infinite space-curvature.. Black holes do not have an infinite space-curvature.

ALSO: An infinitely dense singularity is itself equal in potential equivalence to an entire universe.. so yes, the physical laws of this universe would have a problem with a universe existing within this universe.

Where exactly does an entire universe to be conveniently stuffed into an infinitely small point location come from in the first place?

Does getting pissed about imaginary made up objects not comfortably fitting in within the laws governing the real world really keep you up at night?
What is the actual topology of a black hole? The simplest one
Is it just curved spacetime or somehow... disconnected? Topologically different from 4D flat space?
>muh math model stops working because asymptote
>it must be a freakin' time machine goys!
what a retard
everything has angular momentum.
The fact those mathematical curiosities back each other doesn't mean they reflect reality, at most that shows the model is consistent and that is a bare minimum.
Anything requiring stuff to magically pre-exist is nothing more than bailing out when things get too difficult to continue onwards.
cool story, make a more consistent model.
good thing all the other solutions to einstein field equations for rotating black holes also deliver a schwarzschild radius (or whatever you prefer to call it) and match observations.
>If you believe mathematical singularities(math error) are real physical objects
The mathematics of black holes can be used to describe the behaviour of ocean vortices
>because the slope is vertical at the event horizon
No, that's a coordinate artefact. The Finkelstein transformation eliminates it. The true singularity lies at the centre.
>escape velocity greater than c
lmao at not understanding GR and not understanding math or physics, lmao at using a newtonian calculation of escape velocity and then trying to apply it to a relativistic situation and finally lmao at the light being redshifted to the point that it's wavelength is far greater than the schwarzschild radius and escaping anyway
p.s. lmao at not understanding basic concepts in optics
>escape velocity greater than light speed..
There are no velocities greater than light speed in general relativity
no shit sherlock
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>deliberately contentious cunt
lmao, rambling shit not relevant to answering OPs question and pulling his cock while hiding

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