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>going back to college (STEM) at age 31
27 here.
It's rough, isn't it? Most people around me are 17 or 18. It feels weird to interact with then.
31 doomer here
I had some school over the summer and my two closest ''buddies'' were two 19-20 year old girls. Obviously would never hang out with them, but the interaction were pretty fun
Don't worry, that perception is all in your head. I don't mind conversing with oldfags--especially since they don't mind me dropping the nigger-word. My only prejudice is in seeing my peers from secondary still attending, not having made much of any progress towards attending a proper uni. Niggas have been doing fuck all all these years.
>my two closest ''buddies'' were two 19-20 year old girls. Obviously would never hang out with them
Why not?
>had a fucked up MK Ultra life
Did they make you play Heads Up Seven Up in primary and feed you pills? I used to be able to move significantly-sized objects with my mind, but those retarding pills severed my connection to the Aether.
>Love math/science but the 10 year hassle to get the same qualifications 25 year olds have is too damn much
For someone like you with an IQ of 6 gorillion it shouldn't take that long. Attend your college's Math colloquium and solve a handful of unsolved problems that haven't had much progress made by these midwit fuckers--trival for you. Afterwards, call the head of the Maths department a faggot and tell him to fuck off as he chases after you, begging that you bless the field of Mathematics' womb with the phallus that is your genius. Welcome back, Paul Erdős.
32 here. In chemistry and happy to report a class with only 2 forms of diversity in canada of all places. I just assumed it would be a curry farm but im basically surrounded by white women and explosives enthusiasts. Im thinking wagmi oldbros
just be old bro, old dudes are cool, soon you'll be a distinguised stem nerd, never hide your soul anon bro anon
>Heads Up Seven Up
that seems normal
23 year old oldqueer here. Just started attending courses at my local JC since last semester. I hate these Zoomer faggots and their niggerlicious ebonics. Put me in a class with a bunch of Christmas cake hags, or give me a non-brainfried freshman Zoomer who imprints on me and does whatever I tell her to do. A harem of either would suffice. Come every exam, these faggots always exclaim "oh bro, I'm cooked. Need'a finna lock in, fr fr". The guys dress like zesty faggots and the girls dress like cheap whores. The chunky lesbians in-between take up a little bit of both with a streak of hair dye. TikTok and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
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I just found out Action Labs's James Orgill has a PhD in Chemical Engineering. What a fucking Chaudtist.
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>He doesn't know
And guess what? Even if you graduate at 36 you still have a solid thirty (30) fucking years of career ahead of you. Oh no, you fucked off in your twenties playing vidya.

Spoiler alert: you will never retire as a STEM professional. You will always have some buddy or colleague call you up and offer you ludicrous money for part time “consulting” work and you won’t turn it down because you do this job till your brain goes out from alcohol induced dementia. Enjoy.
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I'm a 20 year old zoomer doing EE and theres this 28 year old boomer in all of my classes that has this massive superiority complex. Always feels the need to prove how smart he is to everyone else, I fucking hate boomers and you should feel ashamed of yourself for starting so late retarded cunt
I only left for a year to be honest cause I finished one of my grads.
Plan on being here till my 50s.
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>28 year old
imagine caring and then being so tilted you go to the internet to whine about it
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I believe this collection of posts is pertinent to your situation.
26 fag here. Trying to get back to transfer in Spring 2025.
The irony was that it had more to do with me catching onto covid breaking out in Korea mid-December 2019, I shit you not. I took preparation in working in retail and then some to gain experience, getting so much hazard pay of the ass and fixing my life. The only problem was that I was caught between my parents' separation and a potential move.
The only problem was a lack of a proper move, the finances needed to attenuate for it, and also trying to get a job, particularly remote or online, while attending classes. My mother found an offer and we're about to visit the campus this following Sunday.
My only gripe is that aside from knowing what I would need to know for Math up to Calculus, particularly with Rational Trig functions, knowing what path I need for cybersecurity via leetcode, knowing where my writing skills stood in (since everyone fucking *loves* to comment on that irl), and knowing what trade I could undertake in (I am hoping to join the IBEW to do an electrician trade).

It's weird being so young compared to most of you here. But I feel like more of the burden is on me to make things right. If it had been known that I needed to Arrid+Mitchummax to repel niggers, then by all means I would've done so eventually.

You have to also take into account of the Covid vaccine mandates that affected institutions from 2021-2023. If by chance you happened to be enrolled and happen to fill in a form for a religious exemption or not and worst case scenario it gets declined, you would have also been vetoed by the school system (depending on which you enroll and what public/private/state program it falls under) and have been prevented from going back because you failed to take a vaccine, even AFTER you filled in your request for a religious exemption.
*up the ass
Forgive my shitty spelling as I'm just all over the place tonight. I'm actually sending emails to admissions and FAFSA as I speak regarding my transfer.

Granted, it may vary across country and state for /sci/. But here in the states, a lot of variables can vary and sure, you can argue I'm reading too much into it, but I'm waiting until I can call someone's kettle as the pot fucking black until I say otherwise.
>exactly one second between posts
did you screencap a bunch of shitty jokes you samefagged?
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>going back to college (STEM) at age 31
well, I'm going back to college (STEM) at age 49
I could have also said academically dismissed instead of vetoed but the smart-ass in me said otherwise.
Based grandpa
Its ogre for you. On the real though nobody cares as long as youre not going to parties and shit, youre here to learn
Should I go back to college for a bsc or a msc?
Can't choose between physics, math and computer science
I'm 27
just take an iq test and see if you can do your major
take old sat
>computer science
I would not recommend doing computer science in 2024
What shoud I do then? Preferably something with remote jobs
Why'd your parents end up separating?
> do something STEM that leans more into the mathematical side of things - mathematical physics, mathematical bio, cs etc
Its not that bad anon. I never had a job and am finishing up my master at 28 you get a lot of stares and questions just ignore them
currently finishing another engineering bachelor at 32
guess what I'll do next?
thats right another bachelors just haven't decided which one yet
Masters at 28 isn't so bad
Getting a Masters right after a bachelors is fucking nuts, these niggers haven't even learnt anything and are just running after certificates
I'm 32 on third year of math degree.
this good news is you can bully the zoomerfags
just do a masters or phd, i dont get people that do another bachelors unless they couldnt get into graduate school in which case they met their IQ limit
I dont see the downside you now have access to prime pussy? or is 18 underage in muttland?
I am set to graduate with my PhD at 34 or 35. UG as a boomer wasn't so bad as I am a very outgoing person coming from a sales background and just kept my head down and studied generally, so I never butted heads with anyone and made a lot low-level friends.
I went back to school at 26. In my first semester I fucked a 19 year old. Best years of my life, now I cant find a job so its either grad school or become a radiology tech
I'll be graduating with my PhD in mathematics at age 43.
Dude I haven't met any other PhDs at my school who are old like me. Do you go to many conferenced? Need to meet more like us.
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>be math PhD
>finish your degree at 43 after 8 years of gruesome work without any publication cause it's math lmao
>go to math conferences
>none of the women there want to talk to you cause you're too old
how do mathfags even cope
Luckily my PhD is not in math. It is merely math-adjacent, so I run in the same circles as math grad students.
What did you do before?
Also, i hope you don't study physics.
Most physicists are unemployed.
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When did you start? I'm 23 and just started college, and I'm a little demoralized by the fact that it's gonna take a while to transfer to a proper uni, and even longer to complete my education entirely. I'm doing the most I can to get through the major-specific requisites for transferring--like taking courses over the Summer--but it's the general ed filler bullshit I have to complete which rustles my jimmies. There's also the fact that I lost a semester's worth of potential progress thanks to waitlist bullshit--I could've gotten a spot in any of the courses, but a series of poor choices and failure to look ahead and cut my losses lead to me getting fuck all. Now I'm stuck simply taking a few gen ed courses.
Based Zoomer buck breaker.
Do students in the same department actually hang out with each other? I've attended a few meetings of my college's Math colloquium for extra credit--most of it went over my head--and I just lined my pockets with the snacks provided and fucked off. There've also been a few instances where I've been invited to study together (not exclusive to my major), though I politely decline.

Am I missing out? It's certainly beneficial if there's someone there who knows their shit better than you, but I always get asked by the niggas that don't know what the fuck's going on in lecture. I've made friends with at least one Math senpai, but I just wish he was a cute girl (female).
I started at 26 originally. You just need to get through these first couple years of UG with the closest to a 4.0 you can muster and transfer somewhere respected like you said.

Additionally, GRAD students tend to hang out with each other. Being a research bitch like we are involves going to a lot of events and conferences with those in similar programs (forced to interact basically), and you share more or less the same experiences.
We bitch about the UG classes we have to teach, talk about our research, etc.
Going to university for a stem degree with a full time job supporting myself the whole time seems utterly miserable. Good on you anon, best of luck.
Shiet. I remember naively thinking as a high school student that I'd be done with undergrad by the time I was 21, and finish a PhD sometime in my 20's. What a bright-eyed faggot I was--though I suppose everyone is at that age.
Finishing your PhD by your late 20s is more typical. I just had a lot of issues in my late teens and early 20s, so my timeline is shifted back by 7 years or so. Count your blessings and ensure your are going to school for something that will pay the bills.
Literally me. 31 years old and I signed up for a full time semester at the only decent school within driving distance. I haven't had a math class in 12 years yet I decided to take discrete math and stochastic processes.
I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. Stochastics isn't that bad, but discrete math- particularly formal logic and set theory, is absolutely mind numbing. I have no other choices though. I just need to break through.
If you finish PhD before 27 you are too immature to hold it. 20-23 bachelor. 24-25 master. 26-30 doctor.
I do not disagree necessarily, but it is seems to be the norm to enter a PhD program around 23 or so, so the average finish time is 5 years or so, so I was suggesting 28 seems to be a typical finish time. I'm sure we old people drive the mean up though.
Nta but I don't think people should go into graduate school if they don't mean to do research
Stochastic processes sounds like a senior undergraduate course while discrete math is literally a freshman course. How is that possible?
The stochastics professor barely uses the book and does all his lectures with handmade problems and examples. He also lets us see previous tests before we take an exam. The discrete math professor does pretty much the opposite but I have yet to take the first test so I don't know how hard it's going to be. If it's anything like the homework it's going to be tough.
I went back at 34. Finished in 5 years. Now have decent job and place. Was previously living on moms couch for 12 years. Its never too late. Get it done
27 here as well, Not doing undergrad but grad school. However somehow almost everyone here is atleast 4 years younger than me
I went back at 28, was one of the best decisions of my life.
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They didn't have a good relationship and it's a long story to get into.
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This is the hardest I've laughed at 4Chan in wseeks. Thank you, Anon
I'm doing an earth sciences related degree and I won't graduate until 26 best case scenario.
man i'm 50yo
would jump off a bridge before i step inside a school again
I'm going to med school at 28 next year.

Honestly doesn't seem like a big deal to me. Worst case scenario I'm going there to study, don't need to associate with kids. Best case scenario i bang some teens. What's the problem?
how do you even prepare to go back after this much time? I'm certain I forgot most of the stuff I learned so.
With microplastics in human brain tissue, its going to be harder
yeah but younger ones have more since it is generational

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