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And why is it Elon Musk?
Musk has 12 children from 3 different women. 3 of these children belong to the mother Claire Boucher, aka Grimes. These 3 kids stand absolutely no chance in hell in having a good life. They are guaranteed to be some of the most retarded, uneducated, entitled pieces of shit to ever exist.

Imagine paying child support for 12 fucking kids you don't even want.
Well, that just happened
Imagine thinking child support matters to the richest man in the world.

If I had elons money id impregnate as many women as I could and not give a fuck about the trivial pittance the court makes me pay.
this. Elon realized the only thing that matters at the end of the day is how many offspring you have.
If I had Musk's money I'd unironically be funding a secret research campus to genetically fuck with humanity with the intent to perfect a virus designed to turn humans into an apex version of human potential with regard to strength and beauty. I'd release it across the entire planet, instantly throwing the entire world into a brief period of chaos as they cope with the reality of my will. Before they realize it's a good thing and we can finally, finally move on to more pressing issues.
Why have kids if you aren't going to fucking do anything with them or worry about them carrying on your legacy? At best they will be a thorn in his side to the die he dies and judging by who the mothers are they will be massive embarrassments.
Thanks, anon!
Musk actively refuses to pay child support to Grimes children. The man is a massive piece of shit and having multiple children with women you're not married to and refusing to pay child support makes him a literal nigger.

I don't know when being a nigger made you *based* but whatever.
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Blud is seething because Elon isn’t a simp
>kids you don't even want.
Good father or bad, it's quite obvious he is intentionally having many offspring with many women. The children are not accidents.
>doesn't pay child support like he should for all of them
>doesn't do anything with his kids
>doesn't care about their future or his legacy
He simply didn't want to use a condom. That's all there is to it. He's retarded.
>Last month, Jezebel reported that Grimes begged Musk to allow her to see their son in a reply to a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, which Musk owns.
Yeah, typically the parent with primary custody doesn't pay child support to the non-custodial parent. The fact that he currently has custody and she's trying to get a court to give her custody instead means somehow she was earlier denied custody, something pretty much unheard of for a mother unless there's some danger to the children.
Several of the children were from IVF, so sex wasn't even involved.
No, he wants a genetic legacy but without giving a shit about them as humans. He's going for the most baboon nigger brained r-selected breeding strategy possible.
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He took his oldest boys to see the Pope. Can you spot which one ended up trooning out?
Grimes is a little cutie, I'm jealous tbĥ
What would this formula be used for realistically? What's the point?
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>Can you spot which one ended up trooning out?
The One with White robes.
Usually conversions are used to make your life easier when you're deriving stuff.
What's the point of this? What process would this speed up?
Why would I want to turn a derivative into a limit or convert an existing limit into fitting the template of that monstrosity to convert it to a derivative?
if the kids are such fuckups you will never have grandchildren and it was all useless
They have a better life than me because they have money. You sound like someone that's in denial and cope mode because your life is so shit you need to work every day.

I would sign my entire family into slavery if someone gave me $10,000,000 which is nothing compared to the privileges and wealth his children would be able to capitalize on in their lifetime.

Money fixes everything. No money. No freedom. No power. Need to work for other people and waste all your free time. Nothing.
The anon that started this thread and is seething throughout it has been wrong about almost everything he posted. So you're probably correct that he's angry over his own life being shit. Likely gets his facts from reddit and doesn't bother spending a few seconds checking them for accuracy. Feels good to have something to denigrate those with better lives about.
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>Elon Musk
You mean he musked in a cup and the contents were then shot into his wife's/girlfriend's vagina/uterus? For what reason, complications due to nano-cock?
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if you put phd and a blue checkmark in your name and have a twitter account you have low IQ and EQ
>If I had elons money id impregnate as many women as I could and not give a fuck about the trivial pittance the court makes me pay.
it's amazing how men are wired to provide for women. The life of a woman is just spreading her legs, getting some orgasms from the beta cuck, and then sooner or later getting pregnant.
Why does this trigger you so much?
I'm not triggered. Are you projecting? Does my pointing it out trigger you? Do you have a twitter account and consume twitter slop from.blue checkmark phds on a regular basis perhaps?
Why does blue checks, twitter and phds in name live rent free in your head?

You are triggered by it lmao.
Did you not read what I wrote?
Yeah, you castrated yourself and your replies shows.

Face it, you will NEVER be a woman.
>Usually conversions

It's a definition. It defines what the derivative actually is and gives a symbol for that on the left.
He's not wrong. Losers of strategy games regularly claim it's just luck their opponent had some dudes in the right place etc.
Elon is the Genghis Khan of geniuses.
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Yeah, only one of his child is natural

His sperm is weak af
Grimes is a millionare celebrity, why does she need child support?
>Billionaire supporting "anarcho-syndicalism".
>Leftists literally want to take his shit and make him a pleb like the rest of us.
>Wont donate a single fucking cent of his massive wealth, but is still for radical dipshit lefty ideas.

Does he not see the irony? He really is just reddit incarnate, all show but no game.
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I used Othello to teach this to my kids. They think dad is a moron for giving them so many easy flips that let them get well ahead in the count only for them to get crushed late in the game. After a couple of games, I explained the value of edge and corner pieces, at which point all my crazy mistakes no longer looked crazy and they no longer thought I kept winning by luck.
He constantly complains about underpopulation. If you read between the lines and combine that with other complains he's made, he seems alarmed by the low quantity of highly intelligent people but obviously he can't say that directly so he constantly harps on about humanity being doomed if we don't do something about the declining birth rate even though humanity did just fine at far lower population levels.
If you want there to be more geniuses, you might think that the 99 non-geniuses that are born for each genius are worth the cost to society because that one genius produces so much in the way of advancements. If you think that you yourself are a genius, and I'm sure he does, then having many children is one way of producing more highly intelligent people and perhaps even a genius or two.
He probably hasn't even seen the Neuralink executive naked. They're both of allegedly high intelligence so if she has a similar outlook, it makes sense to them to have a couple of children even if they have no romantic interest in each other.
OP and his whining that Musk simply can't control his dick is a typical normie full of envy and hate for someone who isn't a fellow normie. Even passively knowing about Musk from the news would inform anyone that Musk isn't randomly knocking up baby momma's, he's doing this with intention.
This pic is so cringe.
They’re rich as sin and that automatically makes them more educated than average regardless of if their father neglects them. Besides I’ve seen no evidence that Grimes is a bad mother
He doesn’t have custody, she was raising the children then he took them to take them to the Olympics because Grimes tweeted something he didn’t like. They were with Grimes and scheduled to meet her aunt or something then Elon took them out of spite
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>The One with White robes.
He just has a breeding fetish and doesn't want people to talk shit to him for having 10 baby mommas. It isn't that deep.
>concept invented after derivatives used to define derivatives
Cursed image
my science hero is charles spearman

he invented the g factor
Elon Musk's strategy is to paint targets where the arrows landed.
>He just has a breeding fetish
Do you know what a fetish even is? Like the actual definition? Actually it seems like you have a hard time with definitions in general...
>refuses to pay child support to Grimes children
I can't believe his kids are forced to live above a bowling alley and below another bowling alley.
Definitions are based on personal lived experience and can be whatever the speaker needs them to be.
>>Wont donate a single fucking cent of his massive wealth
why would he? philanthropy wouldn't make him any more palatable to leftist freaks and the money would've been wasted anyway.
you must be over 18 to post here
Because she is a woman oppressed by the patriarchy. Read some intersectional theory
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The ultimate egotist's fallacy, that propagating one's lineage mattered more than maintaining the legacy that fostered it to begin with.

Fall of the House of Usher, artists have them to a stereotype and yet they still blunder into their own faggotry trying to "beat the jew".

When really you shouldn't play the games to begin with. Should have followed Uncle Ted and fucked off into the woods until something REAL bothered him.
>why would he? philanthropy wouldn't make him any more palatable to leftist freaks and the money would've been wasted anyway.

You get dickheads like Vaush (who grew up in Beverly hills), Destiny and Hasan (Millionaires) preaching the very same type of shit, yet leftist love them? I knew leftists were brain dead, but I didn't know they were THAT brain dead.
If its that easy, how come everyone dont do it? Is he smarter than everyone else?
The "target painting" strategy only works until people realize you're a fraud.
So you got filtered
Weapons trump money. Think about it, you can only use money as long as you follow the laws enforced by an organized body of armed forces.
It is when you're having kids with random women from your company in vitro you aren't even in a relationship with.
and they're all from IVF
no I'm on my way to billionaire status
I heard he is a party boy all his ideas where stolen He is just a media personality put out their by his handlers.
>most people believe in an all powerful and all knowing magic monster in the clouds for absolutely no reason
>judges Elon's success and intelligence by his ability to convince the same group of people
You must think that the hawk tuah girl is incredibly intelligent and much smarter than most people because of her reach.
I asked chatgpt what we should do with unemployed people replaced by AI, it said we should give them online courses
not everyone is a nepobaby
but a lot are. and it's not like his money is inherited.
>yet leftist love them?
they preach resentment, which always find keen ears among the deformed and losers in general. that their resentment is dressed on marxism instead of another sort of theology is incidental.
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>See a video of Musk
>He appears normal for a tech bro billionaire
>See a tweet from Musk
>Literally the most retarded words strung together even by 4chan standards
Am I receiving cherrypicks from both sides or something?

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